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trolley pole Stromabnehmerstange {f}
trolley rideStraßenbahnfahrt {f}
trolley side cheekFahrwerksschild {n}
trolley stretcher [less common] Fahrtrage {f}
trolley systemFahrleitung {f}
trolley system [Am.] Straßenbahn {f}
trolley tokenEinkaufswagenchip {m} [Ersatz für Münzpfand]
trolley travel Katzfahrt {f}
trolley traveling gears [Am.] Katzfahrwerk {n}
trolley voltageFahrdrahtspannung {f}
trolley wire Oberleitung {f}
trolley wire Fahrdraht {m}
trolleybus Oberleitungsbus {m} <O-Bus>
trolley-busObus {m}
trolleybus Obus {m}
trolley-bus O-Bus {m}
trolleybus O-Bus {m}
trolleybus Trolleybus {m} [bes. schweiz.]
trolleybus Oberleitungsomnibus {m}
trolleybus gleislose Bahn {f} [veraltet] [Oberleitungsbus]
trolleybus driverObusfahrer {m}
trolleybus route Obuslinie {f}
trolleys Karren {pl}
trolleys [Am.] [trolley cars]Straßenbahnen {pl}
trolley-tableServierwagen {m}
trollied [Br.] [coll.] [also: trolleyed] [drunk or drug intoxicated] dicht [ugs.] [besoffen, berauscht]
trollies Wagen {pl}
trolling Schleppangelfischen {n}
trolling Schleppfischen {n}
trolling Schleppangeln {n}
trolling Trolling {n}
trolling [archaic] [singing loudly, freely or in a carefree way] trällernd
trolling motor [affixed to an angler's boat] Trollingmotor {m} [auch: Trolling-Motor] [Außenbordmotor]
Trollinger [grape]Trollinger {m} [Rebsorte]
trollop [dated or hum.]leichtes Mädchen {n}
trollop [dated or hum.] [immoral or promiscuous woman] Schlampe {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [Flittchen]
trollop [dated or hum.] [immoral or promiscuous woman] Flittchen {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
trollop [dated] [hum.]Halbnutte {f} [pej.] [selten]
trollop [untidy woman]Trulle {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [unordentliche weibliche Person]
trollops Schlampen {pl}
trollsTrolle {pl}
trollyWagen {m} [auch Handwagen, Laster]
tromba marina Trumscheit {n}
trombiculiasis Trombikulose {f}
trombiculid (mite) [genus Trombicula, family Trombiculidae] [harvest mite] Trombikulid {m} [Herbstmilbe]
trombiculosis Trombikulose {f}
trombidiasis Erntekrätze {f} [Trombidiose]
trombidiasisHeukrätze {f} [Trombidiose]
trombidiasis [infestation with chiggers; family Trombiculidae]Trombidiose {f} [Ernte-, Heukrätze]
trombidiosis [infestation with chiggers; family Trombiculidae] Trombidiosis {f}
trombidiosis [trombidiasis] [infestation with chiggers; family Trombiculidae] Trombidiose {f} [Ernte-, Heukrätze]
trombone Posaune {f}
trombone [organ reed stop]Busaun {f} [veraltet] [Posaune, bes. Orgelregister]
trombone band Posaunenchor {m}
trombone case Posaunenkoffer {m}
trombone choirPosaunenchor {m}
trombone concertoPosaunenkonzert {n} [Komposition]
trombone ensemblePosaunenensemble {n}
trombone lessons {pl}Posaunenunterricht {m}
trombone mouthpiece Posaunenmundstück {n} [auch: Posaunen-Mundstück]
trombone music Posaunenmusik {f}
trombone neckPosaunenhals {m}
trombone part Posaunenstimme {f}
trombone part Posaunenpart {m}
trombone playerPosaunist {m}
trombone player [female]Posaunistin {f}
trombone repertoire Posaunenrepertoire {n} [auch: Posaunen-Repertoire]
trombone smear [coll.] Posaunenglissando {n}
trombone teacher Posaunenlehrer {m}
trombone trioPosaunentrio {n}
trombonesPosaunen {pl}
trombones of Jericho Posaunen {pl} von Jericho
trombones of Jericho [Stuka sirens] Trompeten {pl} von Jericho [Ju-87-Sirenen]
trombonist Posaunist {m}
trombonist [female]Posaunistin {f}
trombonists Posaunisten {pl}
trometamolTrometamol {n}
tromethamineTrometamin {n}
trommel [rotating sieve or screen] Siebtrommel {f}
tromp Maultrommel {f}
trompe [a water-powered gas compressor] Windtrompete {f} [Wassertrommel]
trompe [a water-powered gas compressor] Wassertrommel {f}
trompe l'oeilIllusionsmalerei {f}
trompe l'oeil Trompe-l'Œil {n} {m}
trompe l'oeil architectureScheinarchitektur {f}
trompillo [Ipomoea hederifolia, syn.: I. angulata, I. coccinea, Quamoclit angulata, Q. coccinea, Q. hederifolia] Efeublättrige Trichterwinde {f}
trompillo [Ipomoea hederifolia, syn.: I. angulata, I. coccinea, Quamoclit angulata, Q. coccinea, Q. hederifolia]Scharlachrote Sternwinde {f}
Tromsø [also: Tromso, Tromsö] Tromsø {n}
Tromsø Bridge [Norwegian: Tromsøbrua] [also: Tromso Bridge, Tromsö Bridge]Tromsø-Brücke {f}
Tromsø palm [Heracleum persicum, syn.: Heracleum tromsoensis] [Persian hogweed] Tromsøpalme {f}
tron [Br.] [public weighing device in medieval Scotland] Wiegebalken {m} [am Marktplatz im mittelalterlichen Schottland]
trona [Na3(CO3)(HCO3)·2H2O] Trona {f}
tronc [in a hotel or restaurant] Tronc {m} [Trinkgeldkasse für Servicepersonal]
tronconTranche {f}
Trondheim Trondheim {n}
troodontids [family Troodontidae] [extinct family of dinosaurs] Troodontiden {pl} [ausgestorbene Dinosaurierfamilie]
Troodos rock lizard [Phoenicolacerta troodica, syn.: Lacerta laevis troodica] Troodos-Eidechse {f}
Troodos rock lizard [Phoenicolacerta troodica, syn.: Lacerta laevis troodica] Zypern-Eidechse {f}
Troodos rock lizard [Phoenicolacerta troodica, syn.: Lacerta laevis troodica] Troodos-Mauereidechse {f}
« triptri-TrittrivtroctrolTrootroptroptroptrot »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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