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tropical easterly wave tropische Welle {f}
tropical ecology Tropenökologie {f}
tropical faunaTropenfauna {f}
tropical fevers tropische Fieberkrankheiten {pl}
tropical finger grass [Digitaria ciliaris]Wimperfingerhirse {f}
tropical finger-grass / finger grass [Digitaria ciliaris] Glattspelzen-Fingerhirse {f}
tropical floraTropenflora {f}
tropical forest Tropenwald {m}
tropical forest tropischer Wald {m}
tropical forest snake [Calamodontophis paucidens]Südliche Waldnatter {f}
tropical frenzyTropenkoller {m}
tropical fruit Tropenfrucht {f}
tropical fruitTropenobst {n}
tropical fruits Südfrüchte {pl}
tropical fruitsTropenfrüchte {pl}
tropical fungi Tropenpilze {pl}
tropical gar [Atractosteus tropicus]Tropischer Knochenhecht {m}
tropical garden Tropengarten {m}
tropical geometry tropische Geometrie {f}
tropical germsTropenkeime {pl}
tropical girdled lizard [Cordylus tropidosternum]Tropischer Gürtelschweif {m}
tropical girdled lizard [Cordylus tropidosternum] Zwerg-Gürtelschweif {m}
tropical girdled lizard [Cordylus tropidosternum] Tansania-Zwerggürtelschweif {m}
tropical gnatcatcher [Polioptila plumbea]Amazonas-Mückenfänger {m}
tropical gnatcatcher [Polioptila plumbea] Tropen-Mückenfänger {m}
tropical green amaranth [Amaranthus viridis]Grüner Amarant {m}
tropical green pea [Cajanus cajan, syn.: C. indicus] Taubenerbse {f} [auch Taubenerbsenbaum]
tropical green pea [Cajanus cajan, syn.: C. indicus] Strauchbohne {f}
tropical green pea [Cajanus cajan, syn.: C. indicus]Katjangstrauch {m}
tropical green pea [Cajanus cajan] Straucherbse {f}
tropical ground squirrel [Notocitellus adocetus, syn.: Spermophilus adocetus]Tropischer Ziesel {m} [österr. meist {n}: Tropisches Ziesel]
tropical hat Tropenhut {m}
tropical heat Tropenhitze {f}
tropical heattropische Hitze {f}
tropical helmetTropenhelm {m}
tropical hornwort [Ceratophyllum submersum]Untergetauchtes Hornblatt {n}
tropical hornwort [Ceratophyllum submersum] Glattes Hornblatt {n}
tropical hornwort [Ceratophyllum submersum]Zartes Hornblatt {n}
tropical house cricket [Gryllodes sigillatus] Kurzflügelgrille {f}
tropical house gecko [Hemidactylus mabouia] Afrikanischer Hausgecko {m}
tropical house mosquito [Culex quinquefasciatus, syn.: C. fatigans, C. pipiens quinquefasciatus, C. pungens] Südliche Hausmücke {f}
tropical hydrangea (tree) [Dombeya wallichii] Hortensienbaum {m}
tropical hygieneTropenhygiene {f}
tropical immersion foot Dschungelfäule {f} [Immersionsfuß]
tropical institute Tropeninstitut {n}
tropical insulation Tropenisolation {f}
tropical islandTropeninsel {f}
tropical jewel hibiscus [Abelmoschus moschatus] Abelmoschus {m}
tropical jewel hibiscus [Abelmoschus moschatus]Indischer Hibiscus {m}
tropical jewel hibiscus [Abelmoschus moschatus] Moschus-Malve {f}
tropical jewel hibiscus [Abelmoschus moschatus]Bisamstrauch {m}
tropical kingbird [Tyrannus melancholicus] Trauertyrann {m}
tropical landscapeTropenlandschaft {f}
tropical landscape tropische Landschaft {f}
tropical landscapeLandschaft {f} in den Tropen
tropical madnessTropenkoller {m}
tropical medicine Tropenmedizin {f}
tropical milkweed [Asclepias curassavica]Seidenblume {f}
tropical milkweed [Asclepias curassavica]Seidenpflanze {f}
tropical milkweed [Asclepias curassavica] Curaçao-Seidenpflanze {f}
tropical milkweed [Asclepias curassavica] Indianer-Seidenpflanze {f}
tropical mockingbird [Mimus gilvus]Tropenspottdrossel {f}
tropical moist broadleaf foresttropischer Regenwald {m}
tropical moist forest(tropischer) Regenwald {m}
tropical night Tropennacht {f}
tropical parula [Parula pitiayumi, syn.: Compsothlypis nigrilora, C. pitiayumi, Setophaga pitiayumi] Elfenwaldsänger {m} [auch: Elfen-Waldsänger]
tropical parula warbler [Parula pitiayumi, syn.: Compsothlypis nigrilora, C. pitiayumi, Setophaga pitiayumi]Elfenwaldsänger {m} [auch: Elfen-Waldsänger]
tropical periwinkle [Planaxis sulcatus, syn.: Buccinum pyramidalis, Planaxis buccinoides, P. undulata] Gerippte Haufenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
tropical pewee [Contopus cinereus]Spixtyrann {m}
tropical phagedena [rare] [Ulcus tropicum] [tropical ulcer] Tropengeschwür {n}
tropical phagedena [Ulcus tropicum] Wüstengeschwür {n}
tropical physician Tropenmediziner {m}
tropical plant Tropenpflanze {f}
tropical plant Tropengewächs {n}
tropical platanna [Xenopus muelleri]Müllers Krallenfrosch {m}
tropical pokeweed [Phytolacca octandra, syn.: P. isocandra] Achtmännige Kermesbeere {f}
tropical poultry mite [Ornithonyssus bursa, syn.: Liponyssus bursa] Tropische Geflügelmilbe {f}
tropical products Tropenprodukte {pl}
tropical racers [genus Drymobius]Renn-Nattern {pl}
tropical rain foresttropischer Regenwald {m}
tropical rainforesttropischer Regenwald {m}
tropical rainforest conservationSchutz {m} des tropischen Regenwaldes
tropical rainstropische Regenfälle {pl}
tropical rat mite [Ornithonyssus bacoti, syn.: Bdellonyssus bacoti, Liponyssus bacoti] Afrikanische Rattenmilbe {f}
tropical rattlesnake [Crotalus durissus] Schauer-Klapperschlange {f}
tropical rattlesnake [Crotalus durissus]Cascabel {f}
tropical red spider mite [Tetranychus cinnabarinus, syn.: Eutetranychus cinnabarinus] Karminspinnmilbe / Karmin-Spinnmilbe {f}
tropical regions Tropen {pl}
tropical rock lobster [Panulirus ornatus] Schmuck-Languste {f}
tropical sage [Salvia coccinea] Scharlachsalbei {m} {f}
tropical sage [Salvia coccinea] Blut-Salbei / Blutsalbei {m} {f}
tropical sage [Salvia coccinea] [Texas sage] Scharlachroter Salbei {m} [auch {f}: Scharlachrote Salbei]
tropical sage [Salvia splendens]Roter Salbei {m} [selten {f}: Rote Salbei]
tropical sage [Salvia splendens]Pracht-Salbei / Prachtsalbei {m} [selten {f}]
tropical sage [Salvia splendens] Glänzender Salbei {m} [selten {f}: Glänzende Salabei]
tropical sage [Salvia splendens] Feuer-Salbei / Feuersalbei {m} [selten {f}]
tropical sawshark [Pristiophorus delicatus]Tropischer Sägehai {m}
tropical screech owl [Megascops choliba] Cholibaeule {f}
tropical screech owl [Megascops choliba]Choliba-Kreischeule {f}
tropical seep snake [Hydromorphus concolor] Gewöhnliche Zentralamerikanische Wassernatter {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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