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truck economy Tauschwirtschaft {f}
truck engine Lastwagenmotor {m}
truck farm [Am.] Gemüsefarm {f}
truck farmer [Am.]Gemüseanbauer {m}
truck farmer [Am.]Gemüsegärtner {m}
truck farming [Am.] Gemüseanbau {m}
truck fire Lastwagenbrand {m}
truck insuranceLastkraftwagenversicherung {f}
truck loaded with explosivesmit Sprengstoff beladener Lastwagen {m}
truck mixer concrete pump Fahrmischer-Betonpumpe {f} [Lkw]
truck mixer concrete pumpFahrmischerbetonpumpe {f} [Lkw]
truck mixer concrete pump [rare]Liefermischerbetonpumpe {f} [selten]
truck mixer concrete pump [rare] Liefermischer-Betonpumpe {f} [selten]
truck racing Truck-Racing {n}
truck scale [Am.]Fahrzeugwaage {f}
truck stop [Am.] Autohof {m} [auch Verkehrszeichen]
truck stop [Am.] [Aus., NZ]Fernfahrerkneipe {f}
truck systemTrucksystem {n}
truck tarpaulin LKW-Plane {f}
truck tractor trainSattelschlepper {m}
truck tractor trainsSattelschlepper {pl}
truck traffic Lkw-Verkehr {m}
truck trips [Am.] Lastwagenfahrten {pl}
truck tyre [Br.]Lkw-Reifen {m}
truck waybill (of lading) <TWB, CMR> [Am.] Lastwagenfrachtbrief {m}
truck-accessible roadlastwagenbefahrbare Straße {f}
truckageTransportkosten {pl}
truckage Wagentransport {m}
truckage Rollgeld {n}
truckage Transport {m} auf offenen Güterwagen
trucker Autospediteur {m}
trucker Fernlastfahrer {m}
trucker Lastwagenfahrer {m}
trucker Trucker {m}
truckerLKW-Fahrer {m}
truckerCamionneur {m} [schweiz.] [Lastwagenfahrer]
trucker [Am.] Brummifahrer {m} [ugs.]
trucker [Am.] [farmer] Gemüsebauer {m}
trucker [Am.] [female]Brummifahrerin {f} [ugs.]
trucker [female] Truckerin {f}
trucker [female]Lastwagenfahrerin {f}
trucker hat [Am.] Truckermütze {f}
truckersTrucker {pl}
trucker's hitch [very similar to the wagoner's hitch]Truckerknoten {m} [dem Fuhrmannsknoten sehr ähnlich]
trucker's tan [coll.] [arm tanning]Truckerbräune {f} [ugs.] [Bräunungsstreifen am Arm]
truckie [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] LKW-Fahrer {m}
trucking Beförderung {f} mit Güterwagen
trucking [Am.] [market gardening]Gemüseanbau {m} [für den Markt]
trucking companyFuhrunternehmen {n}
trucking company Speditionsfirma {f}
trucking company Fuhrunternehmer {m} [Unternehmen]
trucking company [esp. Am.] Spedition {f}
trucking fee [Am.] Transportgebühr {f}
trucking industryFuhrwesen {n} [Gewerbe]
trucking shot Kamerafahrt {f}
truckle [cheese][Käse in Form eines Zylinders, z. B. Cheddar]
truckle bedRollbett {n}
truckle bed [trundle bed]Ausziehbett {n} [auf Rollen]
truckler Kriecher {m}
truckloadWagenladung {f}
truckload Waggonladung {f}
truckload Lastwagenladung {f}
truckloadLkw-Ladung {f}
truck-making business LKW-Sparte {f}
truck-mixed concrete Lieferbeton {m}
truck-mixed concreteTransportbeton {m}
truck-mounted craneAutokran {m}
truck-mounted crane Mobilkran {m}
truck-mounted forklift Mitnehmstapler {m}
trucks Laster {pl} [ugs.]
trucksTrucks {pl}
trucks [Am.]Lastautos {pl}
trucks [Am.] Lastkraftwagen {pl}
trucks [Am.]Lastwagen {pl}
Trucks [Stephen King] Lastwagen
truckstop [Am.] [NZ]Fernfahrerlokal {n}
truck-trailer combination Lastzug {m}
truculenceWildheit {f}
truculence Trotzigkeit {f}
truculenceAufsässigkeit {f}
truculencyRohheit {f}
truculency [cruelty, savageness]Wildheit {f}
truculent wild [aggressiv, aufsässig]
truculent [cruel] grausam
truculent [cruel]grob [grausam]
truculent [deadly, destructive]verheerend
truculent [destructive] vernichtend
truculent [eager or quick to argue] streitsüchtig
truculent [vitriolic]giftig [fig.]
truculently grob
truculently wild [aufsässig]
truculently aufsässig
truculently trotzig
Trudeau's tern [Sterna trudeaui]Weißscheitel-Seeschwalbe {f}
trudellite [Al10(OH)4Cl4SO43•30H2O]Trudellit {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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