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English-German Dictionary

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truer mandrel Abrichtdorn {m}
true-rake angleSpanwinkel {m}
true-running accuracy Rundlaufgenauigkeit {f}
True's beaked whale [Mesoplodon mirus] True-Wal {m}
True's beaked whale [Mesoplodon mirus] True-Zweizahnwal {m}
True's shrew mole [Dymecodon pilirostris, syn.: Urotrichus pilirostris]True-Spitzmull {m}
True's vole [Hyperacrius fertilis, syn.: Microtus aitchisoni, M. brachelix]Kaschmir-Wühlmaus {f}
truest wahrhaftigste
truest wahrste
true-table [obs.] [rare] [gaming table] Spieltisch {m}
true-to-life lebensecht
true-to-life naturgetreu
truewoodKernholz {n}
truffer [obs.] [deceiver, cheat, impostor] Schwindler {m}
truffery [obs.] [rare] Belanglosigkeit {f}
truffle [chocolate truffle] Trüffel {f} [ugs. meist: {m}] [Trüffelpraline]
truffle [genus Tuber] Trüffel {f} {m}
truffle beetle [Leiodes cinnamomea] Trüffelkäfer {m}
truffle butter Trüffelbutter {f}
truffle cheese Trüffelkäse {m}
truffle chocolateTrüffelschokolade {f}
truffle dog Trüffelhund {m}
truffle grater Trüffelreibe {f}
truffle grove [truffière] Trüffelhain {m}
truffle honeyTrüffelhonig {m}
truffle oilTrüffelöl {n}
truffle pig Trüffelschwein {n}
truffle risottoTrüffelrisotto {n} {m}
truffle salami Trüffelsalami {f}
truffle saltTrüffelsalz {n}
truffle slicer Trüffelhobel {m}
truffle vinegar Trüffelessig {m}
truffled vinegargetrüffelter Essig {m}
trufflesTrüffel {pl}
truffles [chocolate truffles] Trüffel {pl} [Trüffelpralinen]
trug [archaic]Prostituierte {f}
trug [esp. Br.]Gartenkorb {m} [aus Holz]
trug [trough] Trog {m}
trugging house [also: trugging-house] [obs.] [brothel]Freudenhaus {n}
truing Ausrichten {n}
truing [e.g. sewing]Begradigen {n} [z. B. Nähen]
truing diamond Abrichtdiamant {m}
truing fixtureAbrichteinrichtung {f}
truing standZentrierständer {m}
truism Binsenwahrheit {f}
truismGemeinplatz {m}
truism Floskel {f}
truism Platitüde {f} [geh.] [alt]
truism Plattitüde {f} [geh.]
truism Platitude {f} [Rsv.] [geh.]
truism Binse {f} [ugs.] [Binsenweisheit]
truism Gemeinspruch {m} [veraltet] [Gemeinplatz]
truism [obvious truth] Binsenweisheit {f}
truisms Binsenwahrheiten {pl}
truismsGemeinplätze {pl}
Truk great white-eye [Rukia ruki] Trukbrillenvogel {m} [auch: Truk-Brillenvogel]
Truk greater white-eye [Rukia ruki] Trukbrillenvogel {m} [auch: Truk-Brillenvogel]
Truk Island ground dove [Gallicolumba kubaryi]Karolinentaube {f}
Truk monarch [Metabolus rugensis] Trukmonarch {m}
trull [archaic] Weib {n} [pej.] [Hure, Schlampe]
trull [archaic] [prostitute]Dirne {f} [Prostituierte]
trull [trio of 3 trull card (trump cards) used in Tarock games, e.g. in Austria, Germany] Trull {f} [3 Trullstücke] [Tarock]
trulliTrulli {pl}
trulloTrullo {m}
truly wahrlich [geh.]
truly wirklich
truly ungelogen [ugs.]
truly wahrhaft
truly ehrlicherweise
truly wahrhaftig
truly tatsächlich
Truly [Mary Balogh]Rebell aus Liebe
truly American uramerikanisch [erzamerikanisch, zutiefst amerikanisch]
Truly Madly Deeply [Anthony Minghella]Wie verrückt und aus tiefstem Herzen
truly refreshing herzerfrischend
Truly, truly I say to you Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch [J. S. Bach, BWV 86]
Truly wonderful the mind of a child is. [Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones] Wahrlich wunderbar die Seele eines Kindes ist.
trumbashTrumbasch {m}
trumeauTrumeau {m} [Mittelpfosten eines Portals]
trumeau Pfeilerspiegel {m}
trumeau [column supporting a tympanum of a doorway at its center]Trumeaupfeiler {m} [mittlerer Steinpfeiler eines Portals]
trumeau statue Trumeaufigur {f}
Trümmerliteratur [literally transl.: rubble literature, i.e. German literature immediately after WW II] Trümmerliteratur {f}
Trümmerliteratur [literally transl.: rubble literature, i.e. German literature immediately after WW II] Kahlschlagliteratur {f}
trump Trumpf {m}
trumpMaultrommel {f}
trumpStichblatt {n}
trump [Br.] [coll.] Furz {m} [ugs.]
trump [coll.] [fine person]feiner Kerl {m}
trump [literary]Trompete {f}
Trump adviser [female]Trump-Beraterin {f}
« trowtructruetruetruetrueTrumtrumtruntruntrus »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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