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true tinder polypore [Fomes fomentarius, formerly: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius] (Echter) Zunderschwamm {m}
true tinder polypore [Fomes fomentarius, syn.: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius] Zunderpilz {m}
true to getreu [+Dat.]
true to form erwartungsgemäß
true to form wie man es von ihm kennt
true to gauge lehrenhaltig
true to lifenaturgetreu
true (to measure)maßgenau
true to my / your / his / her / its / our / your / their namenomen est omen [geh.]
true to originaloriginalgetreu
true to party principles linientreu
true to scale maßstabsgerecht
true to scale maßstabsgetreu
true to scalemaßstabgetreu
true to scale maßstabgerecht
true to scalemaßstabstreu
true to size maßhaltig
true to sizemaßgenau
true to specimenmustergetreu
true to specimen mit dem Muster übereinstimmend
true to specimen laut Muster
true to the motto getreu dem Motto
true to typeerwartungsgemäß
true to type wie man es von ihm kennt
true tulip (snail) [Fasciolaria lignaria, syn.: F. savignyi, F. tarentina, F. tuberculata, Murex lignarius, M. tuberosa, Tarantinaea lignaria] Mittelmeer-Spindelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
true tulip (snail) [Fasciolaria lignaria, syn.: F. savignyi, F. tarentina, F. tuberculata, Murex lignarius, M. tuberosa, Tarantinaea lignaria] Tarentinisches Bündelhorn {n} [Meeresschneckenart]
true tulip (snail) [Fasciolaria tulipa, syn.: F. canaliculata, F. rugosa, Murex tulipa] Echte Tulpenschnecke {f}
true valueEffektivwert {m}
true value [of a quantity] wahrer Wert {m} [tatsächlicher Merkmalswert unter den bei der Ermittlung herrschenden Bedingungen]
true vocal cord [Plica vocalis] echte Stimmlippe {f}
true warblers [family Sylviidae]Grasmückenartige {pl}
true whelks [family Buccinidae] Hornschnecken {pl}
true wind wahrer Wind {m}
true worth wahrer Wert {m}
true woundwort [Stachys germanica]Filziger Ziest {m}
true woundwort [Stachys germanica] Deutscher Ziest {m}
true yieldeffektive Rendite {f}
(true) blewit [Lepista nuda]Violetter Rötelritterling {m}
(true) blewit [Lepista nuda] Nackter Rötelritterling {m}
(true) cobra [genus Naja] Echte Kobra {f}
(true) cobras [genus Naja] (Echte) Kobras {pl}
(true) cobras [genus Naja] Hutschlangen {pl} [Kobras]
(true) conches [family Strombidae]Flügelschnecken {pl} [Meeresschneckenfamilie]
(true) conchs [family Strombidae] Flügelschnecken {pl} [Meeresschneckenfamilie]
(true) dories [family Zeidae]Zeiden {pl}
(true) dories [family Zeidae] Petersfische {pl}
(true) French sorrel [Rumex scutatus, syn.: Acetosa scutata] Schild-Sauerampfer {m} [Schild-Ampfer]
(true) Iceland lichen [Cetraria islandica] Islandflechte {f}
(true) Iceland lichen [Cetraria islandica]Isländisch Moos {n}
(true) Iceland lichen [Cetraria islandica] Isländisches Moos {n}
(true) lilies [genus Lilium, family Liliaceae]Lilien {pl}
(true) limpets [family Patellidae] Patelliden {pl} [Napfschnecken]
(true) oxlip [Primula elatior] Wald-Schlüsselblume {f}
(true) percula clown [Amphiprion percula] Clown-Anemonenfisch {m}
(true) powderpost beetles [family Lyctidae]Splintholzkäfer {pl}
(true) rose of Jericho [Anastatica hierochuntica]Jerichorose {f} [auch: Jericho-Rose]
(true) sedges [genus Carex]Seggen {pl}
(true) service tree [Sorbus domestica, syn.: Cormus domestica, Pyrus domestica]Sperbe {f} [regional] [Speierling]
(true) service tree [Sorbus domestica]Speierling {m}
(true) service tree [Sorbus domestica] Sperberbaum {m}
(true) service tree [Sorbus domestica] Sporapfel {m} [regional] [Speierling]
(true) service tree [Sorbus domestica] Spierapfel {m}
(true) service tree [Sorbus domestica]Spreigel {m} [regional] [Speierling]
(true) service tree / servicetree [Sorbus domestica, syn.: Cormus domestica, Pyrus domestica] Haus-Vogelbeere / Hausvogelbeere {f}
(true) service tree / servicetree [Sorbus domestica, syn.: Cormus domestica, Pyrus domestica]Zahmer Sperberbaum {m} [Speierling]
(true) service tree / servicetree [Sorbus domestica, syn.: Cormus domestica, Pyrus domestica]Speerbirnbaum {m} [Speierling]
(true) soles [family Soleidae] Seezungen {pl}
(true) to scalemaßstäblich
(true) toads [family Bufonidae] (Echte) Kröten {pl}
(true) veiltail (goldfish)(Echter) Schleierschwanz {m}
(true) veiltail (goldfish) Schleierschwanz-Goldfisch {m} [auch: Schleierschwanzgoldfisch]
true-blue echt
true-born echt
true-born gebürtig
true-born [legitimate] rechtmäßig
true-bred echt
true-bred reinrassig
true-color [Am.] farbecht
true-color display [Am.] Echtfarbendarstellung {f}
true-color display [Am.] Truecolor-Darstellung {f} [auch: Truecolordarstellung]
true-colour [Br.] farbecht
true-colour display [Br.] Truecolor-Darstellung {f} [auch: Truecolordarstellung]
true-cost pricing Kostenwahrheit {f}
true-cost pricingVerursachungsgerechtigkeit {f}
true-hearted aufrichtig
true-hearted [also: truehearted]treuherzig
true-heartedness [also: trueheartedness]Treuherzigkeit {f}
trueing Ausrichten {n}
truel [three-way duel] Triell {n} [auf drei Personen erweitertes Duell]
true-life [attr.] aus dem Leben gegriffen
trueloveGeliebter {m}
truelove [female]Geliebte {f}
true-lover's knot [Paris quadrifolia] Vierblättrige Einbeere {f}
true-lover's knot [Paris quadrifolia]Wolfsbeere {f}
true-lover's knot [Paris quadrifolia] Teufelsbeere {f}
true-lover's knot [Paris quadrifolia] Sternkraut {n}
true-lover's knot [Paris quadrifolia] Schwarzblattlkraut {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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