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trumpet royale [Pleurotus eryngii] Ampezzaner-Schwamm {m}
trumpet royale [Pleurotus eryngii] (Brauner) Kräuter-Seitling / Kräuterseitling {m}
trumpet royale [Pleurotus eryngii]Laserkraut-Seitling / Laserkrautseitling {m}
trumpet shell [Planorbarius corneus] Posthornschnecke {f}
trumpet skirtTrompetenrock {m}
trumpet sleeveTrompetenärmel {m}
trumpet snail [Charonia variegata, syn.: C. atlantica, C. nobilis, Tritonium sulcatum] Seesternschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
trumpet snail [Charonia variegata, syn.: C. atlantica, C. nobilis, Tritonium sulcatum]Atlantische Tritonschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
trumpet snail [Charonia variegata, syn.: C. atlantica, C. nobilis, Tritonium sulcatum]Atlantisches Tritonshorn {n} [Meeresschneckenart]
trumpet solo Trompetensolo {n}
trumpet teacher Trompetenlehrer {m}
trumpet teacher [female] Trompetenlehrerin {f}
trumpet tone Trompetenton {m}
trumpet tree [Cecropia peltata]Trompetenbaum {m}
trumpet tree [Cecropia peltata]Karibischer Ameisenbaum {m}
trumpet trio Trompetentrio {n}
trumpet trousers {pl} [one pair] Trompetenhose {f}
trumpet vallonia [Vallonia parvula]Vallonia parvula {f} [Landschneckenart]
trumpet valveTrompetenventil {n}
trumpet vine [Campsis radicans, syn.: Bignonia radicans, Tecoma radicans]Amerikanische Klettertrompete {f}
trumpet worm [Lagis koreni, syn.: Pectinaria koreni, Pectinaria (Lagis) koreni] (Gewöhnlicher) Köcherwurm {m}
trumpet worms [family Pectinariidae] Kammwürmer {pl}
trumpet worms [family Pectinariidae] Kammborstenwürmer {pl}
trumpetcreepers / trumpet-creepers / trumpet creepers [family Bignoniaceae] [trumpet creeper family] Trompetenbaumgewächse {pl}
trumpetcreepers / trumpet-creepers / trumpet creepers [family Bignoniaceae] [trumpet creeper family]Bignoniaceen {pl}
trumpetcreepers / trumpet-creepers / trumpet creepers [family Bignoniaceae] [trumpet creeper family] Bignoniengewächse {pl}
trumpeter Trompeter {m}
trumpeter Trompetenspieler {m}
trumpeter [female] Trompeterin {f}
trumpeter [female] Trompetenspielerin {f}
trumpeter bullfinch / trumpeter-bullfinch [Bucanetes githagineus, syn.: Rhodopechys githaginea] Wüstengimpel {m} [auch: Wüsten-Gimpel]
trumpeter bullfinch / trumpeter-bullfinch [Bucanetes githagineus, syn.: Rhodopechys githaginea] Wüstentrompeter {m}
trumpeter finch / trumpeter-finch [Bucanetes githagineus, syn.: Rhodopechys githaginea] Wüstengimpel {m} [auch: Wüsten-Gimpel]
trumpeter finch / trumpeter-finch [Bucanetes githagineus, syn.: Rhodopechys githaginea]Wüstentrompeter {m}
trumpeter hornbill [Bycanistes bucinator] Trompeterhornvogel {m}
trumpeter (pigeon) Trommeltaube {f}
trumpeter swan [Cygnus buccinator, syn.: Olor buccinator]Trompeterschwan {m}
trumpeters [family Latridae]Trompetenbarsche {pl}
trumpeters [family Psophiidae, genus Psophia] Trompetervögel {pl}
trumpetfish [Aulostomus maculatus]Westatlantischer Trompetenfisch {m}
trumpetfish [Macroramphosus scolopax]Gewöhnlicher Schnepfenfisch {m}
trumpetfishes [family Aulostomidae]Trompetenfische {pl}
trumpetfishes [family Aulostomidae] Aulostomiden {pl}
trumpeting Geblase {n} [pej.]
trumpeting [elephants]Trompeten {n}
trumpet-lily [Zantedeschia aethiopica, syn.: Arodes aethiopicum, Calla aethiopica, Richardia aethiopica] Zimmercalla {f} [Rsv.: Zimmerkalla]
trumpet-lily [Zantedeschia aethiopica, syn.: Arodes aethiopicum, Calla aethiopica, Richardia aethiopica] (Gewöhnliche) Calla {f} [Rsv.: (Gewöhnliche) Kalla]
trumpet-major [rank]Stabstrompeter {m} [Dienstgrad]
trumpet-nosed bat [Musonycteris harrisoni] Bananenfledermaus {f}
trumpetsTrompeten {pl}
trumpetvine family {sg} [family Bignoniaceae]Bignoniengewächse {pl}
trumpetvine family {sg} [family Bignoniaceae]Bignoniaceen {pl}
trumpetvine family {sg} [family Bignoniaceae] Trompetenbaumgewächse {pl}
trumpetvines / trumpet vines [family Bignoniaceae] [trumpetvine family]Bignoniaceen {pl}
trumpetvines / trumpet vines [family Bignoniaceae] [trumpetvine family]Bignoniengewächse {pl}
trumpetvines / trumpet vines [family Bignoniaceae] [trumpetvine family] Trompetenbaumgewächse {pl}
Trumpian trumpisch
trumping trumpfend
Trumpish [Trumpian] trumpisch [Trump-mäßig]
Trumpism Trumpismus {m}
Trumponomics [neologism] [economic nationalism etc. of President Trump][US-Präsident Donald Trumps Wirtschaftspolitik]
trumps Trümpfe {pl} [Trumpfkarten]
truncal trunkal
truncal Stamm-
truncal obesitystammbetonte Adipositas {f}
truncal obesityStammfettsucht {f}
truncal varicose veins Stammvarizen {pl}
truncatable trunkierbar
truncatable prime trunkierbare Primzahl {f}
truncate butterflyfish [Chelmonops curiosus] Südaustralischer Pinzettfisch {m}
truncate coralfish [Chelmonops truncatus] Ostaustralischer Pinzettfisch {m}
truncate softshell (clam) [Mya truncata, syn.: M. ovalis, M. uddevalensis, Sphenia swainsoni] Abgestutzte Klaffmuschel {f}
truncate softshell (clam) [Mya truncata, syn.: M. ovalis, M. uddevalensis, Sphenia swainsoni] Gestutzte Sandklaffmuschel {f}
truncate softshell (clam) [Mya truncata, syn.: M. ovalis, M. uddevalensis, Sphenia swainsoni]Gestutzte Klaffmuschel {f}
truncated angeschnitten
truncated gekürzt
truncated [also truncate] abgestumpft [abgestutzt, gestutzt]
truncated [e.g. data, report]gestutzt [z. B. Daten, Bericht]
truncated column Säulenstumpf {m}
truncated cone Kegelstumpf {m}
truncated cones Kegelstümpfe {pl}
truncated cubeHexaederstumpf {m}
truncated cuboctahedron Kuboktaederstumpf {m}
truncated cuboctahedron großes Rhombenkuboktaeder {n}
truncated data [usually treated as sg.] trunkierte Daten {pl}
truncated data [usually treated as sg.] gestutzte Daten {pl}
truncated dodecahedronDodekaederstumpf {m}
truncated hexahedronHexaederstumpf {m}
truncated icosahedron Ikosaederstumpf {m}
truncated icosahedron Fußballkörper {m} [Ikosaederstumpf]
truncated icosidodecahedrongroßes Rhombenikosidodekaeder {n}
truncated icosidodecahedronIkosidodekaederstumpf {m}
truncated octahedron Oktaederstumpf {m}
truncated pyramid Pyramidenstumpf {m}
truncated sunfish [Ranzania laevis, syn.: Ranzania typus]Kleiner Mondfisch {m}
« trudtruetruetrueTrümtrumtruntruntrustrustrut »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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