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trypanosomal infection Trypanosomeninfektion {f}
trypanosomal thiolasetrypanosomale Thiolase {f}
trypanosome [genus Trypanosoma] Trypanosoma {n}
trypanosomes [genus Trypanosoma]Trypanosomen {pl}
trypanosomiasisTrypanosomiasis {f}
trypanosomosis Trypanosomose {f}
trypanothione reductase Trypanothionreduktase {f}
trypomastigote trypomastigot
trypomastigote Trypomastigot {m}
trypsin Trypsin {n}
trypsin inhibitor Trypsininhibitor {m}
trypsin inhibitorTrypsinhemmer {m}
trypsinogenTrypsinogen {n}
tryptamine Tryptamin {n}
tryptaseTryptase {f}
tryptathionine Tryptathionin {n}
tryptic tryptisch
tryptophan <Trp, W> [C11H12N2O2]Tryptophan {n} <Trp, W>
tryptophan deficiency Tryptophanmangel {m}
tryptophan metabolism Tryptophanstoffwechsel {m}
tryptophan metabolism Tryptophan-Stoffwechsel {m}
tryptophan residueTryptophanrest {m}
tryptych [spv.]Triptychon {n}
tryst [literary] Verabredung {f} [Rendezvous]
tryst [literary] Stelldichein {n} [veraltend]
tryst [literary]Rendezvous {n}
tryst of love [literary] Liebesstelldichein {n} [veraltend]
tryst with destiny [J. Nehru] Verabredung {f} mit dem Schicksal
tryst with destiny [J. Nehru] Rendezvous {n} mit dem Schicksal
trysters [literary] [Liebende, die sich ein Stelldichein geben oder gegeben haben]
trysting placeTreffpunkt {m}
trysts Verabredungen {pl}
try-works [whaling] Tranöfen {pl} [Walfang]
TrzemesznoTremessen {n}
Ts and Cs [terms and conditions] Geschäftsbedingungen {pl}
TS connector [derived from Tip, Sleeve]zweipoliger Klinkenstecker {m}
Tsaddiq Tzaddik {m}
Tsakonian [also: Tsaconian, Tzakonian or Tsakonic]Tsakonisch {n} [auch: Tzakonisch oder Zakonisch]
tsampa Tsampa {n}
tsarZar {m}
Tsar and Carpenter Zar und Zimmermann [Albert Lortzing]
Tsar Bomba [coll.]Zar-Bombe {f} [ugs.]
tsar era Zarenzeit {f}
tsardomZarenreich {n}
tsardomZarentum {n}
Tsardom of Muscovy [1547–1721] Zarentum {n} Russland
Tsardom of Russia [1547–1721] Zarentum {n} Russland
tsaregorodtsevite [|N(CH3)4 [AlSi5O12]] Tsaregorodtsevit {m}
tsarevichZarewitsch {m}
tsarevitch [spv.] Zarewitsch {m}
tsarevna Zarewna {f}
tsarina Zarin {f}
tsarism Zarismus {m}
tsarist Zarist {m}
tsarist zaristisch
tsarist governmentZarenregierung {f}
tsarist rule [also: Tsarist] Zarenherrschaft {f}
Tsaritsyn [now Volgograd] Zarizyn {n} [heute Wolgograd]
tsarsZaren {pl}
tsar's courtZarenhof {m}
tsar's familyZarenfamilie {f}
tschego [Pan troglodytes troglodytes]Zentralafrikanischer Schimpanse {m}
tschego [Pan troglodytes troglodytes]Tschego {m}
tschermakite [Ca2Mg3FeAl [OH|AlSi3O11]2] Tschermakit {m}
tschermigite [(NH4)Al(SO4)2·12H2O] Tschermigit {m}
tschörtnerite [Ca4(K,Ca,Sr,Ba)3Cu3(Si12Al12)O48(OH)8·20H2O] Tschörtnerit {m}
Tschudi's false coral snake [Oxyrhopus melanogenys]Schwarzkopf-Mondnatter {f}
Tschudi's nightjar [Systellura decussata] Kleine Spiegelnachtschwalbe {f} [jetzt: Schmalspiegel-Nachtschwalbe]
Tschudi's nightjar [Systellura decussata]Schmalspiegel-Nachtschwalbe {f}
Tschudi's tapaculo [Scytalopus acutirostris] Grautapaculo {m}
TSE wiringTSE-Beschaltung {f}
T-sectionT-Profil {n}
Tsembaga (Maring) [New Guinea native people] Tsembaga {pl}
tsepinite-Ca [(Ca,K,Na)4(Ti,Nb)4 [(OH,O)2|Si4O12]2·8H2O] Tsepinit-Ca {m}
tsepinite-K [(K,Ba,Na)4(Ti,Nb)4 [(OH,O)2|Si4O12]2·6H2O]Tsepinit-K {m}
tsepinite-Sr [(Sr,Ba,K)(Ti,Nb)2(Si4O12)(OH,O)2·3H2O] Tsepinit-Sr {m}
tsesarevich Zesarewitsch {m}
tsetse [also: tse-tse] [genus Glossina] Tsetsefliege {f} [auch: Tsetse-Fliege]
tsetse [also: tse-tse] [genus Glossina]Tsetse {f} [kurz für: Tsetse-Fliege]
tsetse fly [also: tse-tse fly] [genus Glossina] Tsetsefliege {f} [auch: Tsetse-Fliege]
tsetse plague Tsetseplage {f}
TsezTsesisch {n}
Tsezic languagestsesische Sprachen {pl}
Tsezic languagesdidoische Sprachen {pl}
T-shaped T-förmig
T-shaped tubeT-Form-Paukenröhrchen {n}
T-shaped turning area [at the end of a cul-de-sac]Wendehammer {m}
tshatshke [Yidd.]Schnickschnack {m} [Kinkerlitzchen]
tshaushTschausch {m} [osmanisch-türkischer Leibgardist, Polizist, Amtsvogt oder Unteroffizier]
T-shirtT-Shirt {n}
T-shirt Nicki {n} [ostd.] [veraltend] [T-Shirt]
T-shirt Leiberl {n} [österr.]
T-shirtT-Hemd {n}
T-shirtRuderleibchen {n} [veraltet]
T-shirt bra T-Shirt-BH {m}
t-shirt dress T-Shirt-Kleid {n}
« truntruntrustrustruttrypT-shtubatubetubetube »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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