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« backPage 2011 for words starting with T in the English-German dictionarynext page »
T-shirt for her and him T-Shirt {n} für sie und ihn
T-shirt gunT-Shirt-Kanone {f}
T-shirt (handle) bagHemdchentragetasche {f} [Plastiktasche]
T-shirt manufacturer T-Shirt-Hersteller {m}
t-shirtsT-Shirts {pl}
Tshuapa red colobus [Piliocolobus tholloni, syn.: Procolobus tholloni] Thollon-Stummelaffe {m}
Tshuapa red colobus [Piliocolobus tholloni, syn.: Procolobus tholloni]Tshuapa-Stummelaffe {m}
Tsikirity warbler [Nesillas typica] Tsikiritybuschsänger {m}
Tsikirity warbler [Nesillas typica] Madagaskarbuschsänger {m}
tsilaisite [Na(MnAlFe)3Al6 [(O,OH,F)4|(OH)3|(BO3)3¦Si6O18]]Tsilaisit {m}
Tsinghai rosefinch [Carpodacus roborowskii, syn.: Kozlowia roborowskii]Roborowskigimpel {m} [auch: Roborowski-Gimpel]
Tsingy (wood) rail [Canirallus beankaensis, syn.: Mentocrex beankaensis] Tsingyralle {f}
Tsiombikibo sportive lemur [Lepilemur ahmansonorum, formerly: Lepilemur ahmansoni] Ahmanson-Wieselmaki {m}
Tsk! Tss!
Tskhaltubo Zqaltubo {n}
Tskhinvali Zchinwali {n}
T-slot T-Nut {f}
T-slot dimensionT-Nut-Maß {n}
T-slot gripperT-Nuten-Greifer {m}
tsnigriite [Ag9SbTe3(S,Se)3]Tsnigriit {m}
Tsolov's mouse-like hamster [Calomyscus tsolovi]Tsolov-Maushamster {m}
T-square Reißschiene {f}
T-square [Br.] Stahlwinkel {m}
tsubaTsuba {n} [Stichblatt des japanischen Schwertes]
tsubas [also: tsuba] Tsuben {pl} [Stichblätter der japanischen Schwerter]
Tsugaru StraitTsugaru-Straße {f}
tsugaruite [Pb4As2S7] Tsugaruit {m}
Tsuji-Trost reactionTsuji-Trost-Reaktion {f}
tsukaTsuka {m}
tsumcorite [PbZnFe(AsO4)2·H2O] Tsumcorit {m}
tsumebite [Pb2Cu(PO4)(SO4)(OH)]Tsumebit {m}
tsumgallite [GaO(OH)]Tsumgallit {m}
tsumoite [BiTe] Tsumoit {m}
tsunami Tsunami {m} {f}
tsunami alarm system Tsunami-Alarmsystem {n}
tsunami alert Tsunamialarm {m}
tsunami fish [extinct species of Oplegnathus fasciatus] Tsunamifisch {m} [ausgestorbenes Individuum der Schnabelbarschart]
tsunami fish [Phillipines] [Ranzania laevis, syn.: Ranzania typus] Schlanker Sonnenfisch {m}
tsunami risk Tsunami-Gefahr {f}
tsunami risk Tsunami-Risiko {n}
tsunami siren Tsunami-Sirene {f} [auch: Tsunamisirene]
tsunami waveTsunamiwelle {f}
Tsunami: The Aftermath [Bharat Nalluri]Tsunami – Die Killerwelle
tsunami-liketsunamiartig [auch: Tsunami-artig, tsunami-artig]
T-suppressor cell T-Suppressorzelle {f}
tsuris {sg} [Am.] [coll.] Schwierigkeiten {pl}
Tsushima Island pitviper / pit viper [Gloydius tsushimaensis] Tsushima-Mamushi {f}
Tsushima mamushi [Gloydius tsushimaensis]Tsushima-Mamushi {f}
Tsushima Strait Tsushimastraße {f}
TSV fileTSV-Datei {f}
T-tail T-Leitwerk {n}
T-tube [ventilation / tympanic tube] T-Paukenröhrchen {n}
T-tubuleT-Tubulus {m}
tu quoque [from Latin for "You, too" or "You, also] [argument]Tu quoque {n} [wörtl. "auch Du"] [Argument]
Tuamotu ArchipelagoTuamotu-Archipel {m}
Tuamotu fruit dove [Ptilinopus coralensis]Tuamotufruchttaube {f}
Tuamotu fruit dove [Ptilinopus coralensis] Tahitifruchttaube {f}
Tuamotu kingfisher [Todiramphus gambieri] Tuamotuliest {m}
Tuamotu reed warbler [Acrocephalus atyphus]Tuamoturohrsänger {m}
Tuamotu sandpiper [Prosobonia cancellata] Südseeläufer {m}
TuamotusTuamotus {pl}
tuan [Phascogale tapoatafa]Großer Pinselschwanzbeutler {m}
Tuareg [also: Tamasheq, Tamajaq, Tamahaq] Tuareg {n}
Tuareg [male]Targi {m}
Tuaregs [Saharan Berbers] Tuareg {pl}
tubWanne {f}
tubKufe {f} [regional] [Bottich]
tubButte {f} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.]
tub Bütte {f}
tub Bottich {m}
tub Schaff {n} [österr.] [südd.] [Bottich]
tub Kahn {m}
tub [Am.] [bathtub]Badewanne {f}
tub [bucket]Eimer {m}
tub [coll.]Pott {m} [ugs.] [Schiff]
tub [esp. for washing] Zuber {m} [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst bes. südd.]
tub [of ice-cream, margarine, etc.]Becher {m} [Eis, Margerine etc.]
tub [pail]Kübel {m}
tub boat lift (house) Kahnhebehaus {n}
tub gurnard [Chelidonichthys lucerna, syn.: Chelidonichthys lucernus, Trigla lucerna, Trigla corax]Roter Knurrhahn {m}
tub of ice creamBecher {m} Eis
tub of jam Glas {n} Marmelade
tub plant Kübelpflanze {f}
tub tablet Badetablette {f}
tuba Tuba {f}
tuba mouthpiece Tubamundstück {n} [auch: Tuba-Mundstück]
tuba pieceTubastück {n} [auch: Tuba-Stück]
tuba player Tubist {m}
tuba playerTubaspieler {m}
tuba solo Tuba-Solo {n}
tubaist Tubist {m}
tubal abortion Tubarabort {m}
tubal abortionTubenabort {m} [seltener] [Tubarabort]
tubal cancer Eileiterkrebs {m}
tubal diagnostics tubare Diagnostik {f}
tubal inflammation Eileiterentzündung {f}
tubal ligation <TL> Abbinden {n} der Eileiter [Tubenligatur]
tubal ligation <TL>Tubenligatur {f} <TL>
tubal (ligation) reversal Wiedereröffnen {n} verschlossener Eileiter [Refertilisierung]
tubal occlusion Eileiterunterbindung {f}
« truntrustrustruttrypT-shtubatubetubetubetubo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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