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tuberosity fracture Tuberositasfraktur {f}
tuberosity of tibia [Tuberositas tibiae] Tuberositas tibiae {f} [Knochenvorsprung des Tibiakopfes]
tuberous mit Schwellungen behaftet
tuberous knollig
tuberous breastSchlauchbrust {f} [ugs.] [tuberöse Mammadeformität]
tuberous breasttubuläre Brust {f}
tuberous breast Rüsselbrust {f} [ugs.] [tuberöse Mammadeformität]
tuberous breast deformity tuberöse Mammadeformität {f}
tuberous breasts Rüsselbrüste {pl} [ugs.] [tuberöse Mammadeformität]
tuberous bulrush [Bolboschoenus glaucus] Blaugraue Strandsimse {f}
tuberous collybia [Collybia tuberosa]Braunknolliger Sklerotienrübling / Sklerotien-Rübling {m}
tuberous collybia [Collybia tuberosa]Braunknolliger Zwergrübling {m}
tuberous comfrey [Symphytum tuberosum] Knoten-Beinwell {m}
tuberous comfrey [Symphytum tuberosum] Knotige Wallwurz {f}
tuberous comfrey [Symphytum tuberosum]Knolliger Beinwell {m}
tuberous comfrey [Symphytum x uplandicum, syn.: S. peregrinum, S. uplandicum (S. asperum + S. officinale)] Futter-Beinwell {m}
tuberous comfrey [Symphytum x uplandicum, syn.: S. peregrinum, S. uplandicum (S. asperum + S. officinale)] Bastard-Beinwell {m}
tuberous cranesbill [Geranium tuberosum] Knollen-Storchschnabel {m}
tuberous cranesbill [Geranium tuberosum] Knolliger Storchschnabel {m}
tuberous crowfoot [Adoxa moschatellina](Europäisches) Moschuskraut {n}
tuberous crowfoot [Adoxa moschatellina] Bisamkraut {n}
tuberous grey bush-cricket [Br.] [Platycleis affinis] Südliche Beißschrecke {f}
tuberous Jerusalem sage [Phlomoides tuberosa, syn.: Phlomis tuberosa] Knollen-Brandkraut / Knollenbrandkraut {n}
tuberous pea [Lathyrus tuberosus] Knollen-Platterbse {f} [auch: Knollenplatterbse]
tuberous pea [Lathyrus tuberosus] Knollige Platterbse {f}
tuberous pea [Lathyrus tuberosus]Erdnuss-Platterbse / Erdnussplatterbse {f}
tuberous polypore [Polyporus tuberaster] Sklerotien-Stielporling / Sklerotienstielporling {m}
tuberous polypore [Polyporus tuberaster] Sklerotien-Porling / Sklerotienporling {m}
tuberous polypore [Polyporus tuberaster]Klumpen-Stielporling / Klumpenstielporling {m}
tuberous polypore [Polyporus tuberaster]Klumpen-Porling / Klumpenporling {m}
tuberous prickly pear [Opuntia ficus-indica, syn.: Cactus ficus-indica, C. opuntia] Feigenopuntie {f}
tuberous prickly pear [Opuntia ficus-indica, syn.: Cactus ficus-indica, C. opuntia] Indischer Feigenkaktus {m}
tuberous root Knollenwurzel {f}
tuberous sclerosis <TS>tuberöse Sklerose {f} <TS>
tuberous sweetpea [Lathyrus tuberosus] Erdnuss-Platterbse / Erdnussplatterbse {f}
tuberous sweetpea [Lathyrus tuberosus] Knollige Platterbse {f}
tuberous sweetpea [Lathyrus tuberosus] Knollen-Platterbse / Knollenplatterbse {f}
tuberous thistle [Cirsium tuberosum]Knollige Kratzdistel {f}
tuberous thistle [Cirsium tuberosum]Knollen-Kratzdistel {f}
tuberous vervain [Verbena rigida] Steifes Eisenkraut {n}
tuberous vetch [Lathyrus tuberosus]Erdnuss-Platterbse / Erdnussplatterbse {f}
tuberous vetch [Lathyrus tuberosus] Knollige Platterbse {f}
tuberous vetch [Lathyrus tuberosus]Knollen-Platterbse / Knollenplatterbse {f}
tuberous vetchling [Lathyrus tuberosus] Knollen-Platterbse {f} [auch: Knollenplatterbse]
tuberous vetchling [Lathyrus tuberosus] Knollige Platterbse {f}
tuberous vetchling [Lathyrus tuberosus] Erdnuss-Platterbse / Erdnussplatterbse {f}
(tuberous) begonia [genus Begonia] Schiefblatt {n}
tuberous-rooted chervil [Chaerophyllum bulbosum, syn.: Myrrhis bulboso, Myrrhis bulbosum, Scandix bulbosa]Erdkastanie {f}
tuberous-rooted chervil [Chaerophyllum bulbosum, syn.: Myrrhis bulboso, Myrrhis bulbosum, Scandix bulbosa] Rüben-Kälberkropf {m}
tuberous-rooted chervil [Chaerophyllum bulbosum, syn.: Myrrhis bulboso, Myrrhis bulbosum, Scandix bulbosa]Knolliger Kerbel {m}
tuberous-rooted chervil [Chaerophyllum bulbosum, syn.: Myrrhis bulboso, Myrrhis bulbosum, Scandix bulbosa] Rübenkerbel {m}
tuberous-rooted chervil [Chaerophyllum bulbosum, syn.: Myrrhis bulboso, Myrrhis bulbosum, Scandix bulbosa]Knollenkerbel {m}
tuberous-rooted chervil [Chaerophyllum bulbosum, syn.: Myrrhis bulboso, Myrrhis bulbosum, Scandix bulbosa]Knolliger Kälberkropf {m}
tuberous-rooted chervil [Chaerophyllum bulbosum, syn.: Myrrhis bulboso, Myrrhis bulbosum, Scandix bulbosa]Kerbelrübe {f}
tuberous-rooted dock [dated] [Rumex tuberosus, syn.: R. Rumex tuberosus subsp. creticus]Knolliger Sauerampfer {m}
tuberplastyTuberplastik {f}
tubersKnollen {pl}
tubers Wurzelknollen {pl}
tubers {pl} [tuber vegetables] Knollengemüse {n}
tubes Rohre {pl}
tubesRöhren {pl}
tubes Schläuche {pl}
tubes [coll.] Bronchien {pl}
tubes [coll.] [Fallopian tubes] Eileiter {pl}
tubes / types / brands of toothpasteZahnpasten {pl}
[tubes or channels that convey air from the wind-chest to the pipes not mounted on the chest itself]Conducten {pl} [Orgel]
tube-shaped röhrenförmig
tubesheetRohrplatte {f}
tubesheet [also: tube sheet] Rohrspiegel {m}
tubeshieldRöhrenhaube {f} [Röhrenschutzgehäuse]
tubeshieldRöhrenschutzhaube {f}
tubeshoulders [family Platytroctidae, syn.: Searsiidae] Leuchtheringe {pl}
tubesteak [coll.] [rare] [in-vitro meat]Laborfleisch {n} [ugs.] [In-vitro-Fleisch]
tube-type tyre [Br.] [tyre with inner tube] Reifen {m} mit Schlauch [Fahrradreifen]
tube-type tyre [Br.] [tyre with inner tube]Fahrradreifen {m} mit Schlauch
tubeworm [Serpula vermicularis] [calcareous tubeworm]Bunter Kalkröhrenwurm {m}
tubeworm [Serpula vermicularis] [calcareous tubeworm] Kleiner Kalkröhrenwurm {m}
tubeworm [Serpula vermicularis] [calcareous tubeworm]Roter Kalkröhrenwurm {m}
tubeworm [Serpula vermicularis] [calcareous tubeworm] Deckel-Kalkröhrenwurm {m}
tubeworm [Spirorbis spirorbis] Posthörnchenwurm {m}
tubex pile Tubex-Pfahl {m}
tubing Rohr {n}
tubingVerrohrung {f}
tubingRohrleitung {f}
tubingSchlauchmaterial {n} [Schläuche]
tubing Verschlauchung {f}
tubing [Am.] [Benutzung eines Reifenschlauchs als Floß, Wasserski oder Rodel]
tubing clamp Schlauchklemme {f}
tubing connection Schlauchverbindung {f}
tubing connector Schlauchverbindungsstück {n}
tubing cutter Rohrabschneider {m}
tubing holder [e.g. IV tubing holder]Schlauchhalterung {f}
tubing machineSchneckenpresse {f} [Kunststofftechnik]
tubing plugAbschlussstopfen {m}
tubing tobacco Stopftabak {m} [für Zigaretten]
Tubingen / Tübingen School Tübinger Schule {f}
Tübingen / Tuebingen [attr.] Tübinger [indekl.]
Tübingen implantTübinger Implant {n}
tubist Tubist {m}
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