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tubule systemTubulussystem {n}
tubules Tubuli {pl}
tubulinTubulin {n}
tubulin family Tubulinfamilie {f}
tubulin-tyrosine ligase Tubulin-Tyrosin-Ligase {f}
tubulite [Ag2Pb22Sb20S53] Tubulit {m}
tubulitis Tubulitis {f}
tubuloacinar glandtubuloazinöse Drüse {f}
tubuloalveolar tubuloalveolar
tubuloalveolar tubuloalveolär
tubuloalveolar gland tubuloalveoläre Drüse {f}
tubulogenesis Tubulogenese {f}
tubulointerstitial tubulointerstitiell
tubulointerstitial nephritis <TIN> [also: tubulo-interstitial nephritis] tubulointerstitielle Nephritis {f} <TIN>
tubulointerstitial renal diseasetubulointerstitielle Nierenerkrankung {f} <TIN>
tubulointerstitial sclerosistubulointerstitielle Sklerose {f}
tubulolymphatic tubulolymphatisch
tubulopathy Tubulopathie {f}
tubulo-villous tubulo-villös
Tucana <Tuc> [constellation] Tukan {m} [lat. Tucana] <Tuc> [Sternbild]
tucanite [Al5(OH)13(CO3)·5H2O]Scarbroit {m}
tucekite [Ni9Sb2S8]Tucekit {m}
Tuchel plug / connector [coll.] [Tuchel ®]Tuchelstecker {m} [ugs.] [Tuchel ®]
tuchis [esp. Am.] [Yidd.] [cf. tuchus, tukhus, etc.] [rear end of a person]Toches {m} [jidd.] [heute selten] [Gesäß]
tuchus [chiefly Am.] [Yiddish] Toches {m} [jidd.: Gesäß]
tuckBundfalte {f}
tuck Abnäher {m}
tuck {sg} [coll.] Süßigkeiten {pl}
tuck [for decoration]Biese {f}
tuck [seam] Saum {m}
Tuck Everlasting [Jay Russell]Bis in alle Ewigkeit
tuck jump Hocksprung {m}
tuck position [e.g. in diving, downhill racing]Hocke {f} [Körperhaltung z.B. bei der Skiabfahrt]
tuck shop [Br.]Imbiss {m}
tuckamore (tree) [Newfoundland and Labrador] [krummholz (tree)][krummwüchsiger Baum in Neufundland und Labrador]
tucked (away)verstaut
tucked upzurückgestreift
tucked up [legs, thighs, knees etc.]angezogen [Position der Beine, Knie, Schenkel usw.]
Tückelhausen CharterhouseKloster {n} Tückelhausen
Tückelhausen Charterhouse Kartause {f} Tückelhausen
tucker Brusttuch {n}
tucker [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] Verpflegung {f}
tucker [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] Proviant {m}
tucker [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] Nahrung {f}
tucker bag [Aus.] [coll.]Proviantbeutel {m}
Tucker GlacierTucker-Gletscher {m}
Tucker: The Man and His Dream [Francis Ford Coppola] Tucker
tuckerbag [Aus.] [coll.] Brotbeutel {m}
tuckerbag [Aus.] [coll.] Provianttasche {f}
tuckerbox [Austr.] Proviantkiste {f}
tucket [archaic] Fanfare {f}
tuck-in blouse Einsteckbluse {f}
tuck-in flap boxStecklaschen-Schachtel {f}
tucking zurückstreifend
tucking up zurückstreifend
tuckpointing [masonry mortar joints]Verfugen {n} [Mauerwerksfugen]
tuckpointing [masonry mortar joints] Ausfugen {n} [Mauerwerksfugen]
tuckpointing [masonry mortar joints]Ausfugung {f} [Mauerwerksfugen]
tucks Bundfalten {pl}
tuckshop Laden {m} für Süßigkeiten
tuco-tucos [family Ctenomyidae, genus Ctenomys] Kammratten {pl}
tuco-tucos [family Ctenomyidae, genus Ctenomys] Tukotukos {pl}
Tucson Tucson {n}
Tucsonian Tucsoner {m} [Einwohner von Tucson]
Tucumán amazon [Amazona tucumana]Tucumán-Amazone {f}
Tucumán amazon [Amazona tucumana]Tucumanamazone {f}
Tucumán mountain finch [Poospiza baeri] Baerammerfink {m}
Tucumán smooth snake [Erythrolamprus ceii]Tucumán-Glattnatter {f}
tucuxi [Sotalia fluviatilis, syn.: S. pallida, S. tucuxi, Delphinus fluviatilis]Amazonas-Sotalia {m}
tucuxi [Sotalia fluviatilis] Sotalia {m} [Delphin]
tude [Br.] [sl.] [short for: attitude]Arroganz {f} [arrogantes Verhalten]
Tudor arch Tudorbogen {m}
Tudor arch Vierzentrenbogen {m} [Tudor-Bogen]
Tudor house Tudorhaus {n} [Haus im Tudorstil]
Tudor period Tudorzeit {f}
Tudor rose [symbol] Tudorrose {f}
Tudor styleTudorstil {m}
Tuebingen / Tuebingen-type ventilation tubeTübinger Paukenröhrchen {n}
TuesdayIrta {m} [bayer.] [Dienstag]
Tuesday [attr.] dienstäglich
Tuesday <Tue., Tu.>Dienstag {m} <Di., Die., Dienst.>
Tuesday afternoonDienstagnachmittag {m}
Tuesday at noonDienstagmittag {m}
Tuesday evening Dienstagabend {m}
Tuesday morning Dienstagmorgen {m}
Tuesday morning Dienstagvormittag {m}
Tuesday morningDienstagfrüh [ohne Artikel] [bes. österr.]
Tuesday night Nacht {f} von Dienstag auf Mittwoch
Tuesday nightDienstagnacht {f}
TuesdaysDienstage {pl}
Tuesday's editionDienstagsausgabe {f}
Tuesday's edition Dienstagausgabe {f}
Tuesdays with Morrie [Mitch Albom] Dienstags bei Morrie
tufa Kalktuff {m}
tufaceous tuffartig [sedimentär]
tuffTuff {m}
tuff Tuffstein {m}
tuff [coll.] [cool] cool [ugs.]
tuff layer Tuffschicht {f}
tuff ringTuffring {m}
« tubatubetubetubetubotubutufftufttulitumbtumm »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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