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tumour dissemination [esp. Br.]Tumoraussaat {f}
tumour environment [Br.] Tumorumgebung {f}
tumour form [Br.]Tumorform {f}
tumour formation [Br.] Tumorbildung {f}
tumour genetics [Br.] [treated as sg.] Tumorgenetik {f}
tumour growth [Br.] Tumorwachstum {n}
tumour heterogeneity [esp. Br.] Tumorheterogenität {f}
tumour histology [Br.] Tumorhistologie {f}
tumour hypoxia [Br.] Tumorhypoxie {f}
tumour imaging [Br.]Tumorbildgebung {f}
tumour invasion [Br.]Tumorinvasion {f}
tumour localisation [Br.] Tumorlokalisation {f}
tumour localisation [Br.] Tumorlokalisierung {f}
tumour lysis syndrome [Br.] <TLS> Tumorlysesyndrom {n} <TLS>
tumour lysis syndrome [Br.] <TLS>Tumorlyse-Syndrom {n} <TLS> [auch: Tumor-Lyse-Syndrom]
tumour marker [Br.]Tumormarker {m}
tumour markers [Br.] Tumormarker {pl}
tumour mass [Br.] Tumormasse {f}
tumour microenvironment <TME> [Br.] Tumormikromilieu {n}
tumour microenvironment <TME> [Br.] Tumormikroumgebung {f}
tumour model [Br.] Tumormodell {n}
tumour morphology [Br.]Tumormorphologie {f}
tumour necrosis factor <TNF> [Br.]Tumornekrosefaktor {m} <TNF>
tumour necrosis factor <TNF> [Br.] Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor {m} <TNF>
tumour necrosis factor receptor superfamily <TNFRSF> [Br.] Tumornekrosefaktor-Rezeptor-Superfamilie {f} <TNFRSF>
tumour of dental origin [Br.] Zahntumor {m}
tumour of the bone [Br.] Knochentumor {m}
tumour of the brain [Br.] Gehirntumor {m}
tumour of the brain [Br.]Hirntumor {m}
tumour of the cerebellopontine angle <tumour of the CPA> [Br.] Kleinhirnbrückenwinkeltumor {m} <LBW-Tumor>
tumour of the gallbladder [Br.] Gallenblasentumor {m}
tumour of the nose [Br.] Nasentumor {m}
tumour of the skin [Br.] Hauttumor {m}
tumour of (the) mamma [Br.] Mammatumor {m}
tumour progress [Br.]Tumorprogress {m}
tumour promotion [Br.] Tumorpromotion {f}
tumour prosthesis [Br.] Tumorenprothese {f}
tumour prosthesis [Br.] Tumorprothese {f}
tumour register [Br.] Tumorregister {n}
tumour removal [Br.] Tumorentfernung {f}
tumour scintigraphy [Br.] Tumorszintigrafie {f}
tumour scintigraphy [Br.]Tumorszintigraphie {f}
tumour signature [Br.] Tumorsignatur {f}
tumour size [Br.] Tumorgröße {f}
tumour spheroids [Br.] Tumorsphäroide {pl}
tumour spread [Br.] Tumorausbreitung {f}
tumour stage [Br.] Tumorstadium {n}
tumour status [Br.] Tumorstatus {m}
tumour stem cell <TSC> [Br.]Tumorstammzelle {f} <TSZ>
tumour suppression [Br.] Tumorsuppression {f}
tumour suppressor [Br.]Tumorsuppressor {m}
tumour suppressor gene [esp. Br.] Tumorsuppressorgen {n} [auch: Tumorsuppressor-Gen]
tumour surgery [Br.] Tumorchirurgie {f}
tumour surveillance [Br.]Tumorüberwachung {f}
tumour tissue [Br.]Tumorgewebe {n}
tumour to be irradiated [Br.] zu bestrahlender Tumor {m}
tumour treatment [Br.]Tumortherapie {f}
tumour type [Br.]Tumorart {f}
tumour vascularization [Br.] Tumorvaskularisation {f}
tumour (volume) doubling time <TDT, TVDT> [Br.]Tumorverdopplungszeit {f}
tumour-associated [Br.]tumorassoziiert
tumour-associated antigen <TAA> [Br.] tumorassoziiertes Antigen {n} <TAA>
tumour-bearing [Br.] [e.g. rats, mice] tumortragend [z. B. Ratten, Mäuse]
tumourigenesis [Br.] Tumorigenese {f}
tumourigenic [Br.] krebserzeugend
tumour-inducing [Br.] tumorinduzierend
tumour-inducing plasmid [Br.] <Ti plasmid> Tumor-induzierendes Plasmid {n} <Ti-Plasmid>
tumour-like [Br.]tumorähnlich
tumour-specific [Br.] tumorspezifisch
tumour-specific antigen <TSA> [Br.] tumorspezifisches Antigen {n} <TSA>
tumour-suppressive [Br.]tumorsuppressiv
tump [Br.] kleiner runder Hügel {m}
tumshie [Scot.] [coll.] [pej.] [idiot] Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
tum-tum [coll.]Bäuchlein {n}
tumuliHügelgräber {pl}
tumuliGrabhügel {pl}
tumuliTumuli {pl} [Grabhügel, Hügelgräber]
tumuli cemetery Hügelgräberfeld {n}
tumult Unruhe {f} [Bewegung]
tumult Aufruhr {m}
tumult Tumult {m}
tumultGetümmel {n}
tumultwildes Durcheinander {n}
tumult of the battleKampfgetümmel {n}
tumultuary tumultuarisch [geh.]
tumultuous lärmend
tumultuous stürmisch
tumultuous ungestüm
tumultuous tosend
tumultuous tumultuarisch [geh.]
tumultuous tumultuös [geh.]
tumultuous [confused, e.g. a dream] wirr [Traum etc.]
[tumultuous] tumultös [FALSCH für: tumultuös]
tumultuously lärmend
tumultuously stürmisch
tumultuously tumultuarisch [geh.]
tumultuousness Erregtheit {f}
« tuftTukeTumbtumbtumotumotumutunetungtunitunn »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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