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two-hour [attr.] zweistündig <2-stündig>
two-hour-long [attr.] [lasting for two hours] zweistündig <2-stündig> [zwei Stunden dauernd]
two-hourly zweistündlich
two-humped zweihöckrig
two-humped camel [Camelus ferus, syn.: Camelus bactrianus]Trampeltier {n}
two-humped camel [Camelus ferus, syn.: Camelus bactrianus] Zweihöckriges Kamel {n}
two-humped pirate spider [Ero furcata] Zweihöcker-Spinnenfresser {m} [Spinne]
two-hybrid screeningZwei-Hybrid-Screening {n}
two-hybrid system <2-hybrid system, 2-HS>Zwei-Hybrid-System {n} <2-Hybridsystem, 2-HS>
two-income family Familie {f} mit Doppeleinkommen
two-income family Doppelverdienerfamilie {f}
two-jaw gripper <2-jaw gripper>Zweibackengreifer {m} <2-Backengreifer>
two-kingdoms / two kingdoms doctrine Zwei-Reiche-Lehre {f}
two-lane [attr.]zweispurig
two-lane [attr.]2-streifig [2-spurig]
two-lane [attr.] zweistreifig [zweispurig]
two-lane [attr.] zweibahnig [Straße]
two-lane [attr.] [high-rise rack]zweigassig [Kleinteilelager, Hochregallager usw.]
Two-Lane Blacktop [Monte Hellman] Asphaltrennen
two-lane carriageway [Br.]zweispurige Fahrbahn {f}
two-lane road zweispurige Fahrbahn {f}
two-layer [attr.] zweilagig
two-layer [attr.] Zweischicht-
two-layer [attr.] zweischichtig
two-layer capacitorZweischichtkondensator {m}
two-layer membraneZweischichtfolie {f}
two-layer tabletZweischichttablette {f}
two-layered <2-layered>zweilagig <2-lagig> [zweischichtig]
two-leaf false Solomon's seal [Maianthemum bifolium, syn.: Convallaria bifolia] Zweiblatt {n}
two-leaf false Solomon's seal [Maianthemum bifolium, syn.: Convallaria bifolia]Zweiblättrige Schattenblume {f}
two-leaf false Solomon's seal [Maianthemum bifolium, syn.: Convallaria bifolia] Zweiblättriges Schattenblümchen {n}
two-leaf fimbristylis [Fimbristylis dichotoma] Gabelige Fransenbinse {f}
two-leaf fimbristylis [Fimbristylis dichotoma] Einjährige Fransenbinse {f}
two-leaf fimbristylis [Fimbristylis dichotoma] Gabel-Fransenbinse / Gabelfransenbinse {f}
two-leaf pinyon [Pinus edulis]Colorado-Pinyon-Kiefer {f}
two-leaf squill [Scilla bifolia, syn.: S. drunensis, S. vindobonensis, Ornithogalum bifolium] Gewöhnlicher Blaustern {m} [österr.]
two-leaf squill [Scilla bifolia] Zweiblättriger Blaustern {m}
two-leaf squill [Scilla bifolia]Sternhyazinthe {f}
two-leaf squill [Scilla bifolia] Zweiblättrige Meerzwiebel {f}
two-leaf squill [Scilla bifolia]Deutsche Sternhyazinthe {f}
two-leaved false Solomon's seal [Maianthemum bifolium, syn.: Convallaria bifolia] Zweiblatt {n}
two-leaved false Solomon's seal [Maianthemum bifolium, syn.: Convallaria bifolia]Zweiblättrige Schattenblume {f}
two-leaved false Solomon's seal [Maianthemum bifolium, syn.: Convallaria bifolia]Zweiblättriges Schattenblümchen {n}
two-leaved lady's slipper [Cypripedium acaule] Stängelloser Frauenschuh {m}
two-leaved lady's slipper [Cypripedium acaule] Rosablütiger Frauenschuh {m}
two-leaved lady's-slipper / lady's slipper [Cypripedium acaule, syn.: C. hirsutum, C. humile, Calceolus hirsutus, Fissipes acaulis]Kurzstängeliger Frauenschuh {m}
two-leaved squill [Scilla bifolia, syn.: S. drunensis, S. vindobonensis, Ornithogalum bifolium]Gewöhnlicher Blaustern {m} [österr.]
two-leaved squill [Scilla bifolia, syn.: S. drunensis, S. vindobonensis]Zweiblättriger Blaustern {m}
two-leaved squill [Scilla bifolia, syn.: S. drunensis, S. vindobonensis] Zweiblättrige Meerzwiebel {f}
two-leaved squill [Scilla bifolia, syn.: S. drunensis, S. vindobonensis] (Deutsche) Sternhyazinthe {f}
two-leg Zweibeiner {m}
two-legged zweibeinig
two-legged eel [Siren intermedia] Kleiner Armmolch {m}
two-level [attr.]auf zwei Ebenen [nachgestellt]
two-level [attr.]zweistufig
two-light fixturezweiflammige Leuchte {f}
two-light windowZwillingsfenster {n}
two-line [attr.] zweizeilig
two-line display zweizeilige Anzeige {f}
two-line octave zweigestrichene Oktave {f}
two-lined black earth snake [Melanophidium bilineatum]Gelbstreifen-Schildschwanz {m}
two-lined collared snake [Phalotris bilineatus] Zweistreifige Diademnatter {f}
two-lined diadem snake [Phalotris bilineatus] Zweistreifige Diademnatter {f}
two-lined ground snake [Atractus biseriatus] Zweistreifige Spindelnatter {f}
two-lined Mexican earth snake [Conopsis biserialis]Zweistreifige Mexikanische Erdnatter {f}
two-lined monocle bream [Scolopsis bilineata]Schärpen-Scheinschnapper {m}
two-lined pencilfish [Nannostomus bifasciatus]Zweiband-Ziersalmler {m}
two-lined pencilfish [Nannostomus bifasciatus]Zweibinden-Ziersalmler {m}
two-lined pencilfish [Nannostomus bifasciatus] Zweistreifen-Ziersalmler {m}
two-lined spindle snake [Atractus biseriatus] Zweistreifige Spindelnatter {f}
two-lipped door snail [Balea biplicata, syn.: Alinda biplicata, Laciniaria biplicata, Turbo biplicata]Gemeine Schließmundschnecke {f}
two-man [attr.] Zweimann- [z. B. Zweimannzelt, Zweimannboot]
two-man bobsled [Am.] Zweierbob {m}
two-man bobsleigh [Br.] Zweierbob {m}
two-man crosscut saw Zweimann-Schrotsäge {f}
two-man patrol [police etc.] Zweierstreife {f}
two-man plane Zweimannhobel {m} [auch: Zwei-Mann-Hobel]
two-man plane Ketschhobel {m}
two-man plane [smoothing / shaping tool] Zwiemandl {n} [bes. österr.] [regional auch {m}] [Zweimannhobel]
two-man rule [four-eyes principle]Vier-Augen-Prinzip {n} [4-Augen-Prinzip] [Beteiligung od. Kontrolle durch zwei Instanzen (Personen, Prüfeinrichtungen)]
two-man rule [four-eyes principle]Vier-Augen-Kontrolle {f} <4-Augen-Kontrolle> [Vier-Augen-Prinzip]
two-man saw Schrotsäge {f} [Trummsäge]
two-man saw Trummsäge {f} [Zugsäge]
two-man saw Zugsäge {f} [Trummsäge]
two-man sawZweimannsäge {f} [Trummsäge]
two-man sawzweimännige Säge {f} [selten] [Zweimannsäge, Zweimannssäge]
two-man sawBaumsäge {f} [Trummsäge]
two-man saw Waldsäge {f} [Trummsäge]
two-man sawÖhrsäge {f} [selten] [Trummsäge]
two-man scull <2x> Doppelzweier {m} [Rudern]
two-manual harpsichord zweimanualiges Cembalo {n}
two-mark pieceZwickel {m} [bes. südd.] [ugs.] [Zweimarkstück]
two-masted schooner Zweimastschoner {m}
two-master Zweimaster {m}
Twombley Glacier Twombley-Gletscher {m}
two-minded [opinion] zweigeteilt [Meinung]
two-minute [attr.] zweiminütig
two-minute expulsion period [futsal] Zweiminutenstrafe {f} [Futsal]
« twistwitTwortwo-two-two-two-two-two-two-two- »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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