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two-pronged attack Zweiklauen-Angriff {m}
two-pronged bristletail [order Diplura] Doppelschwanz {m}
two-pronged policyZwei-Säulen-Politik {f}
two-pulse [attr.] <2-pulse> Zweipuls- <2-Puls->
two-pulse generator Zweipulsgenerator {m}
two-pulse X-ray generator Zweipulsröntgengenerator {m}
two-pulse X-ray generatorZweipuls-Röntgengenerator {m}
two-ranked sedge [Carex disticha, syn.: C. intermedia] Kammsegge {f}
two-ranked sedge [Carex disticha] Zweizeilige Segge {f}
two-ring binder Zweiringordner {m} [Mappe für Blätter mit Zweierlochung]
two-room apartment Zweizimmerwohnung {f}
two-room flat [esp. Br.]Zweizimmerwohnung {f}
two-roomed flat [esp. Br.] Zweizimmerwohnung {f}
two-root tooth Zweiwurzler {m}
two-root toothZahn {m} mit zwei Wurzeln
two-rooted tooth Zahn {m} mit zwei Wurzeln
two-round systemStichwahl {f}
two-row rock shell [Stramonita haemastoma, syn.: Stramonita haemastoma haemastoma, Buccinum cingulatum, Purpura oceanica, Thais (Thais) forbesii, Thais (Thalessa) langi] Rotmund-Leistenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
two-row rock shell [Stramonita haemastoma, syn.: Stramonita haemastoma haemastoma, Buccinum cingulatum, Purpura oceanica, Thais (Thais) forbesii, Thais (Thalessa) langi] Rotmund-Maulbeere {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
two-row stonecrop [Phedimus spurius, syn.: Sedum spurium]Unechte Fetthenne {f}
two-row stonecrop [Phedimus spurius, syn.: Sedum spurium]Kaukasus-Fetthenne {f}
two-row stonecrop [Phedimus spurius, syn.: Sedum spurium]Kaukasus-Asienfetthenne {f}
two-rowed barley [Hordeum vulgare f. distichon] Zweizeilige Gerste {f}
two-rowed watercress / water-cress / water cress [Nasturtium officinale, syn.: N. aquaticum, Radicula nasturtium, R. nasturtium-aquaticum, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Sisymbrium nasturtium] (Echte) Brunnenkresse {f}
two-rowed watercress / water-cress / water cress [Nasturtium officinale, syn.: N. aquaticum, Radicula nasturtium, R. nasturtium-aquaticum, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Sisymbrium nasturtium] Gemeine Brunnenkresse {f}
two-rowed watercress / water-cress / water cress [Nasturtium officinale, syn.: N. aquaticum, Radicula nasturtium, R. nasturtium-aquaticum, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Sisymbrium nasturtium] Bachbitterkraut {n}
two-rowed watercress / water-cress / water cress [Nasturtium officinale, syn.: N. aquaticum, Radicula nasturtium, R. nasturtium-aquaticum, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Sisymbrium nasturtium]Bachkresse {f}
two-rowed watercress / water-cress / water cress [Nasturtium officinale, syn.: N. aquaticum, Radicula nasturtium, R. nasturtium-aquaticum, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Sisymbrium nasturtium]Bitterkresse {f}
two-rowed watercress / water-cress / water cress [Nasturtium officinale, syn.: N. aquaticum, Radicula nasturtium, R. nasturtium-aquaticum, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Sisymbrium nasturtium] Bittersalat {m}
two-rowed watercress / water-cress / water cress [Nasturtium officinale, syn.: N. aquaticum, Radicula nasturtium, R. nasturtium-aquaticum, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Sisymbrium nasturtium] Kersche {f} [Brunnenkresse]
two-rowed watercress / water-cress / water cress [Nasturtium officinale, syn.: N. aquaticum, Radicula nasturtium, R. nasturtium-aquaticum, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Sisymbrium nasturtium]Wassersenf {m} [Brunnenkresse]
two-rowed watercress / water-cress / water cress [Nasturtium officinale, syn.: N. aquaticum, Radicula nasturtium, R. nasturtium-aquaticum, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Sisymbrium nasturtium] Weiße Kresse {f}
two-rowed watercress / water-cress / water cress [Nasturtium officinale, syn.: N. aquaticum, Radicula nasturtium, R. nasturtium-aquaticum, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Sisymbrium nasturtium] Bornkresse {f}
two-rowed watercress / water-cress / water cress [Nasturtium officinale, syn.: N. aquaticum, Radicula nasturtium, R. nasturtium-aquaticum, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Sisymbrium nasturtium]Grabenkresse {f}
twos [children aged two] Zweijährige {pl} <2-Jährige>
twos [the digits / figures] Zweien {pl} [die Ziffern]
Two's company, three's a crowd. Drei sind einer zu viel.
Two's company, three's a crowd.Ein Dritter stört nur.
two's complement Binärkomplement {n}
two's complement Zweikomplement {n} <2-Komplement>
two's complement [also: twos complement]Zweierkomplement {n} <2er-Komplement>
two-sample testZweistichprobentest {m}
two-seat sofaZweiersofa {n}
two-seated zweisitzig
two-seaterDoppelsitzer {m}
twoseaterZweisitzer {m}
two-seater [attr.] zweisitzig
two-seater couchZweisitzersofa {n}
two-seater couchZweiersofa {n}
two-seater sofaZweiersofa {n}
two-second [attr.]zweisekündig <2-sekündig>
two-section [attr.] zweiteilig
two-seeded orache [triplex micrantha] Verschiedensamige Melde {f}
two-seeded sedge [Carex disperma]Zarte Segge {f}
two-semester [attr.]zweisemestrig
two-semester coursezweisemestriger Kurs {m}
two-semester programme [Br.]zweisemestriges Programm {n}
two-sheet hyperboloidzweischaliges Hyperboloid {n}
two-shift operation Zweischichtbetrieb {m}
two-ship [attr.]Rotten- [bei zwei Luftfahrzeugen]
two-ship formation [tactical element of two aircraft] Rotte {f} [Formation aus zwei Luftfahrzeugen] [Luftwaffe]
two-shoe brake Zweibackenbremse {f}
two-sided doppelseitig
two-sided zweiseitig
two-sided beidseitig
two-sided [having two cutting edges] zweikantig
two-sided idealzweiseitiges Ideal {n}
two-sided inequalityzweiseitige Ungleichung {f}
two-sided primebeidseitig trunkierbare Primzahl {f}
two-sided primebitrunkierbare Primzahl {f}
twosome Liebespaar {n}
twosome Paar {n}
twosome Zweier {m} [Golf]
twosome Pärchen {n}
twosomePaartanz {m}
twosome zweisam [selten]
twosomeness Zweisamkeit {f}
twosomesPaare {pl}
two-source theory / hypothesis [Synoptic problem] Zweiquellentheorie {f} [synoptische Frage]
two-span [attr.] zweischiffig [Rahmenhalle]
two-span beam Zweifeldträger {m}
two-speed Europe Europa {n} der zwei Geschwindigkeiten
two-spine acaena [Acaena ovalifolia] Eiblättriges Stachelnüsschen {n}
two-spined angelfish [Centropyge bispinosa]Streifen-Zwergkaiserfisch {m}
two-spot / two-spotted ladybird [Adalia bipunctata] Zweipunktmarienkäfer {m}
two-spot banded snapper [Ind.] [Lutjanus bohar] [two-spot red snapper]Zweifleckenschnapper {m} [Doppel-Schnapper, Doppelfleckschnapper]
two-spot barb [Puntius bimaculatus]Zweifleckbarbe {f}
twospot barb [Puntius ticto] Zweipunktbarbe {f}
twospot coralfish [Coradion melanopus] Zweiaugen-Coradion {m}
two-spot goby [Signigobius biocellatus] Krabbenaugengrundel {f} [auch {m}]
twospot hogfish [Bodianus bimaculatus] Zweifleck-Schweinslippfisch {m}
two-spot keyhole limpet [Fissurellidea bimaculata, syn.: Megatebennus bimaculatus] Fissurellidea bimaculata {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
two-spot ladybird [Adalia bipunctata] Zweipunkt {m} [Marienkäfer]
two-spot ladybird <2-spot ladybird> [Adalia bipunctata]Zweipunkt-Marienkäfer {m} <2-Punkt-Marienkäfer>
twospot livebearer [Heterandria bimaculata] Zweifleckkärpfling {m}
twospot rasbora [Rasbora elegans]Schmuckbärbling {m}
two-spot red snapper [Lutjanus bohar]Doppelfleck-Schnapper {m} [auch: Doppelfleckschnapper]
two-spot red snapper [Lutjanus bohar]Doppel-Schnapper / Doppelschnapper {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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