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two-spot red snapper [Lutjanus bohar] Schnapper / Snapper {m} [Doppel-Schnapper, Doppelfleckschnapper]
two-spot red snapper [Lutjanus bohar] Zweifleckenschnapper {m} [Doppel-Schnapper, Doppelfleckschnapper]
twospot surgeonfish [Ctenochaetus binotatus]Blauaugen-Borstenzahndoktorfisch {m}
twospot turkeyfish [Dendrochirus biocellatus]Pfauenaugen-Zwergfeuerfisch {m}
(two-spot) coralfish [Chaetodon plebeius] Blaupunkt-Falterfisch {m}
two-spotted carpet beetle [Attagenus pellio]Gefleckter Pelzkäfer {m}
two-spotted carpet beetle [Attagenus pellio] Gemeiner Pelzkäfer {m}
two-spotted carrion beetle [Nitidula bipunctata] Zweipunktiger Glanzkäfer {m}
two-spotted cricket [Gryllus bimaculatus]Mittelmeer-Feldgrille / Mittelmeerfeldgrille {f}
two-spotted cricket [Gryllus bimaculatus]Mittelmeergrille {f}
two-spotted cricket [Gryllus bimaculatus] Zweifleckgrille {f}
two-spotted dragonfly [Epitheca bimaculata] Zweifleck {m} [Libellenart]
two-spotted earwig [Anechura bipunctata] Zweipunkt-Ohrwurm {m}
two-spotted field-cricket [Gryllus bimaculatus] Zweifleckgrille {f}
two-spotted field-cricket [Gryllus bimaculatus]Mittelmeer-Feldgrille {f}
two-spotted goby [Gobiusculus flavescens]Zweifleckengrundel {f}
two-spotted goby [Gobiusculus flavescens]Schwimmgrundel {f}
two-spotted goby [Gobiusculus flavescens] Schnappkühling {m}
two-spotted goby [Gobiusculus flavescens] Schnappgrundel {f}
two-spotted goby [Gobiusculus flavescens] Fleckgrundel {f} [auch {m}]
two-spotted groundhopper [Tetrix bipunctata]Zweipunkt-Dornschrecke / Zweipunktdornschrecke {f}
two-spotted groundhopper [Tetrix bipunctata] Zweipunktige Dornschrecke {f}
two-spotted groundhopper [Tetrix bipunctata]Zweifleck-Dornschrecke {f}
two-spotted keyhole limpet [Fissurellidea bimaculata, syn.: Megatebennus bimaculatus]Fissurellidea bimaculata {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
two-spotted lady beetle [Adalia bipunctata] Zweipunkt {m}
two-spotted lady beetle <2-spotted lady beetle> [Adalia bipunctata]Zweipunkt-Marienkäfer {m} <2-Punkt-Marienkäfer>
two-spotted ladybird [Adalia bipunctata]Zweipunkt-Marienkäfer {m}
two-spotted ladybird [Adalia bipunctata]Zweipunkt {m}
two-spotted ladybug [Adalia bipunctata] [Am.] Zweipunkt-Marienkäfer {m}
two-spotted ladybug [Adalia bipunctata] [Am.]Zweipunkt {m} [Marienkäfer]
two-spotted palm civet [Nandinia binotata] Pardelroller {m}
two-spotted red spider mite [Tetranychus cinnabarinus, syn.: Eutetranychus cinnabarinus]Karminspinnmilbe / Karmin-Spinnmilbe {f}
two-spotted snake [Coniophanes bipunctatus]Zweifleckige Schwarzstreifennatter {f}
two-spotted (spider) mite [Tetranychus urticae, syn.: T. althaeae, T. bimaculatus, T. telarius] Blattspinnmilbe {f}
two-spotted (spider) mite [Tetranychus urticae, syn.: T. althaeae, T. bimaculatus, T. telarius] Gemeine Spinnmilbe {f}
two-spotted (spider) mite [Tetranychus urticae, syn.: T. althaeae, T. bimaculatus, T. telarius] Bohnenspinnmilbe / Bohnen-Spinnmilbe {f}
two-spotted (spider) mite [Tetranychus urticae, syn.: T. althaeae, T. bimaculatus, T. telarius]Eibischspinnmilbe / Eibisch-Spinnmilbe {f}
two-spotted (spider) mite [Tetranychus urticae, syn.: T. althaeae, T. bimaculatus, T. telarius]Lindenspinnmilbe / Linden-Spinnmilbe {f}
two-spotted (spider) mite [Tetranychus urticae, syn.: T. althaeae, T. bimaculatus, T. telarius] Rote Spinne {f} [Gemeine Spinnmilbe]
(two-spotted) citrus psyllid [Trioza erytreae, syn.: T. merwei, Spanioza erythreae, S. merwei]Ostafrikanischer Citrusblattfloh / Zitrusblattfloh {m}
(two-spotted) citrus psyllid [Trioza erytreae, syn.: T. merwei, Spanioza erythreae, S. merwei]Afrikanischer Zitrusblattfloh {m}
two-square cipher Doppelkastenschlüssel {m}
two-square cipher Doppelkassettenschlüssel {m}
two-stage [attr.] zweistufig
two-stage [attr.]zweiphasig
two-stage [e.g. operation] zweizeitig [in zwei voneinander getrennten zeitlichen Phasen ablaufend]
two-stage missile Zweistufenrakete {f}
two-stage missile zweistufige Rakete {f}
two-stage missile Zweistufen-Rakete {f}
two-stage missile Zweistufenflugkörper {m}
two-stage plan Zweistufenplan {m}
two-stage procedure zweizeitiges Vorgehen {n}
two-stage process Zwei-Phasen-Prozess {m}
two-stage process Zweistufenprozess {m}
two-stage rocketZweistufenrakete {f}
two-stage rocket zweistufige Rakete {f}
two-stage rocketZweistufen-Rakete {f}
two-stage-trigger [Am.] Druckpunktabzug {m}
two-star [attr.]Zweisterne-
two-star general <2-star general> Zwei-Sterne-General {m} <2-Sterne-General>
two-star hotel Zweisternehotel {n}
two-star petrol [Br.] [dated for: regular petrol] Normalbenzin {n}
two-start [attr.] [e.g. thread, worm] zweigängig [z. B. Gewinde, Schnecke]
two-start [attr.] [e.g. thread, worm] doppelgängig [z. B. Gewinde, Schnecke]
two-start worm zweigängige Schnecke {f}
two-state [attr.] mit zwei Zuständen [nachgestellt]
two-state [having two stable states] bistabil
two-state solutionZweistaatenlösung {f} <2-Staaten-Lösung> [auch: Zweistaaten-Lösung, Zwei-Staaten-Lösung]
two-state solutionZwei-Staaten-Lösung {f}
two-state solutionZweistaatlichkeit {f} [Zweistaatenlösung]
two-state system Zweizustandssystem {n}
two-stepTwostepp {m} [Paartanz]
two-stepWechselschritt {m}
two-stepZweischritt {m} [Paartanz]
two-step [attr.]in zwei Stufen [nachgestellt]
two-step [attr.]zweischrittig
two-step actuation Zweischrittbetätigung {f}
two-step foot switch 2-Stufen-Fußschalter {m}
two-step immigrationzweischrittige Einwanderung {f}
two-step test Zweistufentest {m}
two-stick stingfish [Inimicus filamentosus]Filament-Teufelsfisch {m}
two-storey [attr.] [Br.] zweigeschossig
two-storey [attr.] [Br.]doppelstöckig
two-storey [attr.] [Br.] zweistöckig
two-storey [attr.] [Br.] zweigeschoßig [österr.] [südd.]
two-storey frame [Br.]Zweigeschossrahmen {m}
two-storey frame [Br.] zweistöckiger Rahmen {m}
two-storey house [Br.] einstöckiges Haus {n}
two-storey house [Br.]Stockhaus {n} [österr.] [zweigeschoßig]
two-storeyed [Br.] zweistöckig
two-storeyed [Br.] zweigeschossig
two-storied [Am.] zweistöckig
two-storied [Am.]zweigeschossig
two-story [attr.] [Am.]doppelstöckig
two-story [attr.] [Am.]doppelgeschossig
two-story [attr.] [Am.]zweigeschossig
two-story [attr.] [Am.] zweistöckig
two-story building [Am.] zweistöckiges Haus {n}
two-story frame [Am.] Zweigeschossrahmen {m}
two-story frame [Am.]zweistöckiger Rahmen {m}
« two-two-two-two-two-two-two-two-tycotymptype »
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