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type host Typuswirt {m}
type I errorFehler {m} erster Art <Fehler 1. Art>
type I fibers [Am.] [slow-twitch / ST fibers]Typ-I-Fasern {pl}
type I fibres [Br.] [slow-twitch / ST fibres]Typ-I-Fasern {pl}
type I hypersensitivity [also: type 1 hypersensitivity] Typ-I-Allergie {f} [auch: Typ-1-Allergie]
type I osteoporosis [postmenopausal osteoporosis] Typ-I-Osteoporose {f}
type II error Fehler {m} zweiter Art <Fehler 2. Art>
type II fibres [Br.] [fast-twitch / FT fibres] Typ-II-Fasern {pl}
type II hypersensitivity [also: type 2 hypersensitivity]Typ-II-Allergie {f} [auch: Typ-2-Allergie]
type II osteoporosis [age-related osteoporosis, senile osteoporosis] Typ-II-Osteoporose {f}
type IIa (muscle) fibers [Am.]Typ-IIa-Fasern {pl}
type IIa (muscle) fibres [Br.]Typ-IIa-Fasern {pl}
type IIx (muscle) fibers [Am.] [fast-glycotic fibers]Typ-IIx-Fasern {pl}
type IIx (muscle) fibres [Br.] [fast-glycotic fibres] Typ-IIx-Fasern {pl}
type inference Typinferenz {f}
type label Typenschild {n}
type label Typschild {n} [Typenschild]
type localityTyplokalität {f}
type locality Typuslokalität {f}
type material Typusmaterial {n}
type name Typenbezeichnung {f}
type numberTypennummer {f}
type numberArtikelnummer {f}
type ofArt {f} von
type of a security Art {f} der Sicherheit
type of a security Wertpapierart {f}
type of accidentUnfallart {f}
type of accommodation Unterkunftsart {f}
type of accommodationUnterkunftstyp {m}
type of account Kontenart {f}
type of actionWirktyp {m}
type of actionHandlungstyp {m}
type of actionHandlungsform {f}
type of action Handlungstypus {m}
type of action Aktionsart {f}
type of activity Art {f} der Tätigkeit
type of activityAktivitätstyp {m}
type of actuation [actuation type]Art {f} der Betätigung [Betätigungsart]
type of agreement Art {f} der Vereinbarung
type of aircraftFlugzeugtyp {m}
type of aircraft Flugzeugmuster {n}
type of analysisAnalysetyp {m}
type of anchorageVerankerungstyp {m}
type of appliance Gerätetyp {m}
type of application Anwendungsart {f}
type of assurance Art {f} der Lebensversicherung
type of bank transfer Form {f} der Banküberweisung
type of batteryBatterietyp {m}
type of behavior [Am.] Verhaltenstyp {m}
type of behaviour [Br.] Verhaltenstyp {m}
type of birdVogelart {f}
type of bomb release Bombenwurfart {f} [Fliegerbombe]
type of bookBuchgattung {f}
type of buildingGebäudetyp {m}
type of building coverage Bauweise {f}
type of businessArt {f} des Geschäfts
type of business Betriebsform {f}
type of calculationRechnungsart {f}
type of calculationBerechnungsart {f}
type of cancerKrebsart {f}
type of capsuleKapseltyp {m}
type of car Fahrzeugart {f}
type of care Versorgungsform {f}
type of care [in hospitals etc.]Pflegeart {f} [in Kliniken etc.]
type of cellZelltyp {m}
type of cement Zementsorte {f}
type of characterCharaktertyp {m}
type of cheeseKäsesorte {f}
type of cnidocyte Nesselzelltyp {m}
type of coastlineKüstenform {f}
type of collagenKollagentyp {m}
type of colony Kolonietyp {m}
type of company Gesellschaftsform {f}
type of computerRechnertyp {m}
type of concreteBetonart {f}
type of connectionAnschlusstyp {m}
type of connectorAnschlusstyp {m}
type of construction Baumuster {n}
type of constructionBautyp {m}
type of construction Bauform {f}
type of contract Art {f} des Vertrags
type of coolingAbkühlungsart {f}
type of corn Getreideart {f}
type of costKostenart {f}
type of costs Kostenart {f}
type of countersinkVersenkausführung {f}
type of currentStromart {f}
type of customer Kundentyp {m}
type of damageSchadenart {f}
type of deciduous forest Laubwaldtyp {m}
type of delivery Lieferart {f}
type of desertWüstenart {f} [Wüstentyp]
type of disease Art {f} der Erkrankung
type of disease Art {f} der Krankheit
type of documentDokumentenart {f}
type of drive Antriebsart {f}
type of earningsEinkunftsart {f}
type of economy [economic system]Wirtschaftsform {f}
type of enterprise Art {f} des Unternehmens
type of enterprise Unternehmensform {f}
« two-two-two-tycotymptypetypetypetypetypetypi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers