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English-German Dictionary

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type of error Fehlerart {f}
type of eruption Eruptionstyp {m}
type of eventArt {f} der Veranstaltung
type of eventVeranstaltungsart {f}
type of feed Futtersorte {f}
type of fever Fiebertyp {m}
type of fiber [Am.] Faserart {f}
type of fibre [Br.]Faserart {f}
type of fibulaFibeltyp {m}
type of financingFinanzierungsart {f}
type of food Art {f} der Nahrung
type of forest Waldtyp {m}
type of forestWaldart {f}
type of fractureFrakturtyp {m}
type of fruitObstsorte {f}
type of fruitFruchttyp {m}
type of gasGasbeschaffenheit {f}
type of glass Glasart {f}
type of glazing Verglasungsart {f}
type of goods Warengattung {f}
type of grain Getreideart {f}
type of grainGetreidesorte {f}
type of grape Rebsorte {f}
type of growth Wachstumstyp {m}
type of growthWuchstyp {m}
type of habitat Habitattyp {m}
type of hearing aidHörgerätetyp {m}
type of heating Heizungsart {f}
type of ice creamEisart {f}
type of incident [e.g. of a fire]Art {f} des Vorfalls [z. B. eines Brandes]
type of income Einkunftsart {f}
type of ink Tintentyp {m}
type of installationAufstellungsart {f} [Installationsart]
type of insuranceVersicherungsart {f}
type of insurance required Art {f} der verlangten Versicherung
type of investmentAnlageform {f}
type of jobArt {f} der Tätigkeit
type of knife Messerart {f}
type of larvaLarventyp {m}
type of lead Ableitungsart {f}
type of learner Lerntyp {m}
type of library Bibliothekstyp {m}
type of load Lastart {f}
type of load Belastungsart {f}
type of locomotion Fortbewegungsart {f}
type of loss Art {f} des Schadens
type of man Männertyp {m}
type of material Materialart {f}
type of mediaMedientyp {m}
type of merchandise Warengattung {f}
type of mineMinentyp {m}
type of mineral water Mineralwassersorte {f}
type of motionBewegungstyp {m} [Art der Bewegung, bes. im phys. Sinn]
type of movement Fortbewegungsart {f}
type of movementBewegungstyp {m} [Art der Bewegung]
type of museumMuseumstyp {m}
type of mutationMutationstyp {m}
type of object Objekttyp {m}
type of oreErztyp {m}
type of organisation [Br.]Organisationstyp {m}
type of organizationOrganisationsart {f}
type of organization Organisationstyp {m}
type of oscillation [oscillation type] Schwingungstyp {m}
type of oscillation [oscillation type] Schwingungsart {f} [Art der Schwingung]
type of ovary Ovartyp {m}
type of packaging Verpackungsart {f}
type of particle Teilchenart {f}
type of pastaPastasorte {f}
type of peristomePeristomtyp {m}
type of person Menschentypus {m}
type of personMenschentyp {m}
type of placeOrtstyp {m}
type of player Spielertyp {m}
type of pollen Pollentyp {m}
type of pollutionVerschmutzungsart {f}
type of premiumPrämienart {f}
type of product Art {f} des Artikels
type of productProduktart {f}
type of product Produkttyp {m}
type of productionArt {f} der Fertigung
type of property Eigentumsart {f}
type of protection [IP code] Schutzart {f} [Code-Buchstabe IP]
type of publication Publikationsform {f}
type of pump Pumpenbauart {f}
type of pump Pumpentyp {m}
type of radula Radulatyp {m}
type of reactionReaktionstyp {m}
type of reaction Reaktionsart {f}
type of reactor Reaktortyp {m}
type of recordArt {f} des Nachweises
type of response Reaktionstyp {m}
type of riskGefahrenart {f}
type of rock Gesteinstyp {m}
type of rock Gesteinsart {f}
type of rockFelsart {f}
type of rubberGummiart {f}
type of rule Herrschaftsform {f}
type of sauna Saunaart {f}
type of scale Skalenart {f}
type of school Schulart {f}
« two-two-tycotymptypetypetypetypetypetypitypo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers