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English-German Dictionary

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type of sediment Sedimenttyp {m}
type of settingHärtungsart {f}
type of settlementSiedlungstyp {m}
type of settlement Abrechnungsart {f}
type of shark [genus] Haigattung {f}
type of shark [species] Haiart {f}
type of ship Schiffstyp {m}
type of ship Schiffsart {f}
type of skinHauttyp {m}
type of society Gesellschaftsform {f}
type of society Gesellschaftstypus {m}
type of societyGesellschaftstyp {m}
type of soil Bodentyp {m}
type of soil Bodenart {f}
type of spaceRaumtypus {m}
type of statueStatuentyp {m}
type of statue Statuentypus {m}
type of steel Stahltyp {m}
type of strategy Strategieart {f}
type of stress Beanspruchungsart {f}
type of stud hole Bolzenlochausführung {f}
type of surveyErhebungsart {f}
type of tea Teesorte {f}
type of testPrüfart {f}
type of text Textsorte {f}
type of text Texttyp {m}
type of thallus Thallustyp {m}
type of the deposited securitiesArt {f} der Wertpapiere
type of (the) tortureArt {f} der Folter
type of tool Gerätetyp {m}
type of trainZuggattung {f}
type of trainZugtyp {m}
type of transfer Art {f} der Übertragung
type of transportTransportart {f}
type of treatmentBehandlungsart {f}
type of tree Baumart {f}
type of tumor [Am.] Tumorart {f}
type of tumour [Br.] Tumorart {f}
type of use Art {f} der Nutzung
type of useNutzungsart {f}
type of use [of gadget]Einsatzart {f} [von Gerät]
type of vegetableGemüsesorte {f}
type of vegetationVegetationstyp {m}
type of vegetation Vegetationstypus {m}
type of vehicle Fahrzeugart {f}
type of vehicle Fahrzeuggattung {f}
type of vessel Gefäßtyp {m}
type of vibration Vibrationsart {f}
type of vineRebsorte {f}
type of volcanoVulkantyp {m}
type of voltageSpannungsart {f}
type of waste Abfallart {f}
type of wine Weinsorte {f}
type of wine Weinart {f}
type of wine Weintyp {m}
type of woman Frauentyp {m}
type of wood Holzart {f}
type of wood Holzsorte {f}
type of work Art {f} der Tätigkeit
(type of) grapeTraubensorte {f}
(type of) team sport Mannschaftssportart {f}
type operatorTypoperator {m}
type partRollenfach {n}
type plateTypenschild {n}
type plate Markenschild {n}
type promotion Typerweiterung {f}
type ratingMusterberechtigung {f}
type safety [ability of a compiler to discourage or prevent type errors]Typsicherheit {f}
type seriesTypusserie {f}
type series Typenserie {f}
type setter Schriftsetzer {m}
type setter [female]Schriftsetzerin {f}
type setters Schriftsetzer {pl}
type site namengebende Fundstelle {f}
type siteeponyme Fundstelle {f}
type sizeSchriftgrad {m}
type sizeSchriftgröße {f}
type speciesTypusart {f}
type species Typusspezies {f}
type species [treated as sg.] Typspezies {f}
type specimen Typusexemplar {n}
type specimen Typusbeleg {m}
type system Typsystem {n}
type testTypprüfung {f}
type test report Typprüfbericht {m}
type testing Bauartprüfung {f}
type testing Typprüfung {f}
type theoryTypentheorie {f}
type V endoleak Endoleckage {f} vom Typ V
type V endoleak Typ-V-Endoleckage {f}
type writer Schreibmaschine {f}
type writers Schreibmaschinen {pl}
[type of Bavarian or Austrian folk dance performed by couples] Dreher {m} [bayerischer oder österreichischer volkstümlicher Paartanz]
[type of cough sweet] Blockmalz {n}
[type of crossword puzzle in which certain individual letters make up a phrase or saying] Rösselsprung {m} [südd.]
[ type of German beer which is typically not clarified or pasteurised]Kellerbier {n}
[type of German beer which is typically not clarified or pasteurised] Zwickelbier {n}
[type of German officialese; often military style and mechanical to the point of distaste]Kasernendeutsch {n} [pej.]
[type of meat loaf found in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland]Leberkäse {m}
[type of pneumoconiosis found in fluorspar miners' lungs]Flussspatlunge {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers