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typesettingSchriftsetzen {n}
typesetting Textsatz {m}
typesetting Satz {m}
typesetting in italics [italicization, cursive typesetting] Kursivschreibung {f}
typesetting machine Setzmaschine {f}
typesetting machine Zeilensetzmaschine {f}
typesetting machines Setzmaschinen {pl}
typesetting studio Satzstudio {n}
type-specific typenspezifisch
type-specific typspezifisch
typewriter Schreibmaschine {f}
typewriterMaschine {f} [Schreibmaschine]
typewriter desk Schreibmaschinentisch {m}
typewriter font Schreibmaschinenschrift {f}
typewriter key Schreibmaschinentaste {f}
typewriter keyboard Schreibmaschinentastatur {f}
typewriter platen (roller) Schreibmaschinenwalze {f}
typewriter ribbonSchreibmaschinenfarbband {n}
typewriter ribbonSchreibmaschinen-Farbband {n}
typewriter ribbon cartridgeSchreibmaschinen-Farbbandkassette {f}
typewriter ribbon cassetteSchreibmaschinen-Farbbandkassette {f}
typewriter table Schreibmaschinentisch {m}
(typewriter) platen Schreibmaschinenwalze {f}
typewriters Schreibmaschinen {pl}
typewriter's cramp Sehnenscheidenentzündung {f}
typewriting Abtippen {n}
typewritingMaschinenschreiben {n}
typewriting deskMaschinenschreibtisch {m}
typewriting table Maschinenschreibtisch {m}
typewritten abgetippt
typewritten in Maschinenschrift [nachgestellt]
typewritten maschinegeschrieben
typewrittenmit (der) Maschine geschrieben
typewritten carbon copy Schreibmaschinendurchschlag {m}
typewritten letterauf der Maschine geschriebener Brief {m}
type-X gypsum board [Am.] Feuerschutzplatte {f}
typhlitisTyphlitis {f}
typhlitis [inflammation of the cecum] Blinddarmentzündung {f} [Typhlitis]
typhlon [rare] [blind gut] Typhlon {n} [selten] [Blinddarm]
typhlophilia Typhlophilie {f}
typhlosole Typhlosolis {f}
typhoid fever Parentialfieber {n} [selten] [Typhus]
typhoid fever <TF>typhoides Fieber {n}
typhoid (fever) Nervenfieber {n} [veraltet] [Typhus]
typhoid (fever) [caused by Salmonella typhi]Typhus {m}
Typhoid Mary [Am.] [fig.] [female] [someone who you avoid]Aussätzige {f} [fig.] [jd., den man meidet]
Typhoid Mary [Am.] [fig.] [male] [someone who you avoid] Aussätziger {m} [fig.] [jd., den man meidet]
Typhoid Mary [Mary Mallon, identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen associated with typhoid fever] Typhus-Mary {f} [Dauerausscheiderin von Typhus-Erregern]
typhoid patient Typhuskranker {m}
typhoid salmonella [Salmonella typhi] [also: typhoidal salmonella]Typhuserreger {m} [auch: Typhus-Erreger]
typhoid salmonellae [Salmonella typhi] [also: typhoidal salmonellae, typhoidal salmonellas] Erreger {pl} von Typhus
typhoidal typhös
typhomania Typhomanie {f}
TyphonTyphon {m}
typhon [signal horn]Typhon {n} [Schiffssirene]
Typhon spindle snake [Atractus typhon] Typhon-Spindelnatter {f}
typhoon Taifun {m}
typhoonTyphon {m} [veraltet]
typhoon seasonTaifunsaison {f}
typhoonsTaifune {pl}
typhus [transmitted by lice harbouring Rickettsia] Typhus {m} [veraltet] [ugs.] [Fleckfieber]
typhus [transmitted by lice harbouring Rickettsia] Fleckfieber {n}
typhus epidemic Typhusepidemie {f}
typic typisch
typicalklassisch [typisch]
typical [of] charakteristisch [für]
typical accounting program [Am.]typisches Buchhaltungsprogramm {n}
typical Bavarian echter Bayer {m}
typical blind snakes [family Typhlopidae] Blindschlangen {pl}
typical bulk transactions typische Massengeschäfte {pl}
typical continental weather typisches Kontinentalklima {n}
typical covertypische Deckung {f}
typical design of a cabletypischer Aufbau {m} eines Kabels
typical exampleFallbeispiel {n}
typical example typisches Beispiel {n}
Typical female! Typisch Frau!
typical field typisches Feld {n}
typical finance program [Am.]typisches Finanzprogramm {n}
typical for the contract [esp. damages]vertragstypisch [bes. Schaden]
typical for the location [postpos.]standorttypisch
typical for the site [physical location] standorttypisch
typical girdled lizard [Cordylus cataphractus]Panzergürtelschweif {m}
typical industrial district typischer Industriebezirk {m}
typical issuers typische Emittenten {pl}
typical lemniscomys [Lemniscomys striatus, syn.: Arvicanthis fasciatus, A. pulcher, Golunda pulchella, Mus massaicus] Tüpfelgrasmaus {f}
typical lemniscomys [Lemniscomys striatus, syn.: Arvicanthis fasciatus, A. pulcher, Golunda pulchella, Mus massaicus]Gestreifte Grasmaus {f}
typical lemniscomys [Lemniscomys striatus, syn.: Arvicanthis fasciatus, A. pulcher, Golunda pulchella, Mus massaicus]Echte Steifengrasmaus {f}
typical local ortstypisch
typical loss risks typische Verlustrisiken {pl}
typical of autumn [postpos.] herbsttypisch
typical of fall [Am.] [postpos.]herbsttypisch
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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