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typical (of sb./sth.)typisch (für jdn./etw.)
typical (of sb./sth.) bezeichnend (für jdn./etw.)
typical (of sb./sth.) repräsentativ (für jdn./etw.)
typical of the region [postpos.] regionaltypisch
typical of the time [postpos.]zeittypisch
typical owls [family Strigidae] Eigentliche Eulen {pl}
typical relationshipStandardverhältnis {n}
typical resistance change typische Widerstandsänderung {f}
typical safeguardingtypische Absicherung {f}
typical sampletypisches Beispiel {n}
typical smelts [family Osmeridae]Stinte {pl}
typical striped grass mouse [Lemniscomys striatus, syn.: Arvicanthis fasciatus, A. pulcher, Golunda pulchella, Mus massaicus] Echte Streifengrasmaus {f}
typical striped grass mouse [Lemniscomys striatus, syn.: Arvicanthis fasciatus, A. pulcher, Golunda pulchella, Mus massaicus]Gestreifte Grasmaus {f}
typical striped grass mouse [Lemniscomys striatus, syn.: Arvicanthis fasciatus, A. pulcher, Golunda pulchella, Mus massaicus] Tüpfelgrasmaus {f}
typical symptoms typische Symptome {pl}
typical woman typische Frau {f}
[typical assemblage of scents of a church]Kirchengeruch {m}
[typical representatives of an ethnic group in traditional costumes; popular motif on old postcards]Volkstypen {pl}
(typical) agamas [genus Agama]Echte Agamen {pl}
(typical) click beetles [family Elateridae]Schnellkäfer {pl}
(typical) crakes [genus Porzana]Sumpfhühner {pl} [Gattung der Rallen]
(typical) French gallisch
(typical) lizardfishes [family Synodontidae]Eidechsenfische {pl}
(typical) treehopper [family Membracidae] Buckelzirpe {f}
(typical) treehopper [family Membracidae]Buckelzikade {f}
(typical) warbler [genus Sylvia]Grasmücke {f}
typicalityTypikalität {f}
typicality Typizität {f}
typically üblicherweise
typically normalerweise
typically barren chalk hillstypisch kahle Karsthügel {pl}
typically British urbritisch
typically Danishurdänisch
typically encountered indoors typischerweise in Innenräumen anzutreffen
typically enough bezeichnenderweise
typically female typisch weiblich
typically Germanurdeutsch
typically maletypisch männlich
Typically male!Typisch Mann!
typically Viennese typisch wienerisch
[typically or deeply German, from a German point of view] treudeutsch [heute meist pej.]
typicity Typizität {f}
typicon [Orthodox manual of liturgical instructions] Typikon {n}
typification Vorbildung {f}
typifications Vorbildungen {pl}
typified versinnbildlicht
typifying verkörpernd
typifying versinnbildlichend
typing Tippen {n} [Schreiben]
typing tippend
typingSchreibmaschinenschreiben {n}
typing Typisierung {f}
typing Getippe {n} [ugs.]
typing Maschinenschreiben {n}
typing errorTippfehler {m}
typing error Schreibfehler {m} [Tippfehler]
typing errors Tippfehler {pl}
typing mistake Tippfehler {m}
typing paper Durchschlagpapier {n}
typing pool Schreibraum {m}
typing pool Schreibstube {f}
typing pool Schreibzimmer {n}
typing pool Schreibzentrale {f}
typing room Schreibstube {f}
typing skillsMaschinenschreibkenntnisse {pl}
typing tutor Tipptrainer {m} [Software]
typistMaschinenschreiber {m}
typistSchreiber {m} [Stenotypist]
typist Schreibkraft {f}
typist [female] Maschinenschreiberin {f}
typist [female]Schreibdame {f}
typist [female]Stenotypistin {f}
typist [female] Tippse {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
typist [female]Tippfräulein {n} [veraltend]
typist [female]Tippmamsell {f} [veraltet]
typist [female] Tippmädchen {n} [veraltend]
typists Maschinenschreiber {pl}
typists Schreibkräfte {pl}
typist's chair Schreibmaschinenstuhl {m}
typists' chair Schreibmaschinenstuhl {m}
typist's cramp Sehnenscheidenentzündung {f}
typist's neuritis Sehnenscheidenentzündung {f}
typo [coll.] Druckfehler {m}
typo [coll.] Tippfehler {m}
typo [coll.] Vertipper {m} [ugs.] [Tippfehler]
typo correction [coll.] Tippfehlerkorrektur {f}
typogenesisTypogenese {f}
typograph Setzmaschine {f}
typographerTypograph {m}
typographerTypograf {m}
typographer [female]Typographin {f}
typographer [female]Typografin {f}
typographer [Ips typhographus] Buchdrucker {m} [Fichtenborkenkäfer]
typographer beetle [Ips typographus, syn.: I. japonicus, Bostrichus octodentatus, Dermestes typographus]Buchdrucker {m}
typographer beetle [Ips typographus, syn.: I. japonicus, Bostrichus octodentatus, Dermestes typographus] Ajanfichtenborkenkäfer {m}
typographer beetle [Ips typographus, syn.: I. japonicus, Bostrichus octodentatus, Dermestes typographus] Ajanfichtenbuchdrucker {m}
« typetypetypetypetypetypitypotyreTyritzarU[Br »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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