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Taleggio cheese [also: taleggio cheese] Taleggiokäse {m}
talemonger Klatschbase {f}
talent Anlage {f} [Veranlagung]
talentBegabung {f}
talentGabe {f} [Begabung]
talent {sg} Hauptdarsteller {pl} [kollektiv]
talent {sg} [group of people]Talente {pl} [als Gruppe]
talent [also talented person]Talent {n} [Begabung, auch talentierte Person]
talent [Br.] [coll.] [sexually attractive person] Schnittchen {n} [ugs.] [auch: Sahneschnittchen] [sexuell attraktive Person]
talent [coin, weight]Talent {n}
talent [promising candidate] vielversprechender Berufsanwärter {m}
talent as a dancer tänzerische Begabung {f}
talent as a speakerRedetalent {n} [Begabung]
talent competition Talentwettbewerb {m}
talent contest Talentwettbewerb {m}
talent development Talententwicklung {f}
talent factory [fig.] Talentschmiede {f} [fig.]
talent forBefähigung {f}
talent for climbing Klettertalent {n}
talent for drawing Zeichentalent {n}
talent for improvisation Improvisationstalent {n}
talent for languages Sprachbegabung {f}
talent for languages Sprachtalent {n} [Fähigkeit]
talent for observation Beobachtungsgabe {f}
talent identificationTalentfindung {f}
talent incubator [fig.]Talentschmiede {f} [fig.]
talent managementMitarbeiterentwicklung {f}
talent management Talentmanagement {n}
talent pool Talentschmiede {f}
talent scout Talentsucher {m}
talent scout Talentscout {m}
talent scoutTalentspäher {m}
talent scout [female] Talentsucherin {f}
talent scouts Talentsucher {pl}
talent show Talentwettbewerb {m}
talent show Castingshow {f}
talent showTalentschau {f}
talent spotterTalentsucher {m}
talented as a dancer tänzerisch begabt
talented linguist Sprachtalent {n} [Person]
talented speakerRedetalent {n} [Redner]
talented young actor Nachwuchsdarsteller {m}
talented young actressNachwuchsdarstellerin {f}
talented young mantalentierter junger Mann {m}
(talented) young actor Nachwuchsschauspieler {m}
(talented) young actressNachwuchsschauspielerin {f}
talentless talentlos
talentsBegabungen {pl}
talesFabeln {pl}
tales Geschichten {pl}
Tales from Moominvalley [Tove Jansson]Geschichten aus dem Mumintal
Tales from the Crypt Geschichten aus der Gruft
Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight [Gilbert Adler, Ernest R. Dickerson] Ritter der Dämonen
Tales from the Vienna Wood Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald [Ödön von Horváth]
Tales of Manhattan [Julien Duvivier]Sechs Schicksale
Tales of the Gold Monkey Die Himmelhunde von Boragora
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque [Edgar Allan Poe] Phantastische Erzählungen
Tales of the King's Blades [Dave Duncan]Des Königs Klingen 1-3
Tales of the Paddock [Grimm Brothers]Märchen von der Unke [Brüder Grimm]
talesman Ersatzgeschworener {m}
TaleSpinKäpt'n Balu und seine tollkühne Crew
tale-teller Geschichtenerzähler {m}
taleteller [Am.] Petzer {m}
taleteller [female]Erzählerin {f}
taleteller [narrator] Erzähler {m}
tale-telling Petzerei {f} [ugs.]
taletelling [Am.] Petzerei {f} [ugs.]
Talfan diseaseTalfan-Erkrankung {f}
talh [Acacia seyal] Seyal-Akazie {f}
Talheim Death Pit Massaker {n} von Talheim
taliTali {pl}
tali {pl}Sprungbeine {pl}
Taliabu (masked) owl [Tyto nigrobrunnea] Taliabueule {f}
Taliabu (masked) owl [Tyto nigrobrunnea]Taliabu-Schleiereule {f}
talib Talib {m} [islam. Religionsschüler]
Taliban Talib {m}
Taliban {pl} Taliban {pl}
Taliban chiefTaliban-Chef {m}
Taliban commanderTalibanführer {m}
Taliban commanderTalibananführer {m}
Taliban commandersTalibananführer {pl}
Taliban commanders Talibanführer {pl}
Taliban fighterTaliban-Kämpfer {m}
Taliban leaderTaliban-Führer {m} [Talibanführer]
Taliban positions Taliban-Stellungen {pl}
Taliban soldierTaliban-Kämpfer {m}
Taliban soldier Talibankämpfer {m}
Taliban spokesman Taliban-Sprecher {m}
talibanesque [pej.] talibanesk [pej.]
TalibanizationTalibanisierung {f}
talibsTaliban {pl} [islam. Religionsschüler]
talikTalik {m}
talin Talin {n}
talion principle [also: talionic principle]Talionsprinzip {n}
talipedKlumpfüßiger {m}
« TaketaketaketakitakiTaletalitalktalltallTalm »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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