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[the third party who benefits from a division between two others] [male]der lachende Dritte {m}
[the totality of all DIN standards] Deutsches Normenwerk {n} [die Gesamtheit der DIN-Normen]
[the twelve nights after Christmas] Raunächte {pl} [österr.] [südd.]
[the two thieves who were crucified with Jesus]Schächer {pl}
[the valuation of economic units for property for purposes of taxation] steuerliche Einheitsbewertung {f}
[the way sb. feels / is] jds. Ergehen {n}
[the way something or somebody is standing]Standart {f} [Art, wie etwas oder jemand steht]
[the Wolf, esp. in fables and fairy tales]Meister Graubein {m} [Wolf, bes. in der Fabel und im Märchen]
[the] household Haushaltsangelegenheiten {pl}
[the] householdHauswesen {n}
[the] incorrectness[das] Verkehrte {n}
[the] most noted [der/die/das] bekannteste
[the] mysteriousness [das] Geheimnisvolle {n}
[the] Night of Broken Glass[die] Kristallnacht {f}
[the] novel [the new][das] Neue {n} [das Neuartige]
[the] real [das] Echte {n}
[the] secrecy[das] Geheimnisvolle {n}
[the] unfamiliar[das] Neue {n}
[the] wrongness [das] Verkehrte {n}
(the) above Obiges {n} [Grundform: obig]
(the) above-mentioned (das) Obenerwähnte {n} [ein voriger Textpassus in Urkunden]
(the) accused Bezichtigter {m} [selten] [Beschuldigter]
(the) afterworld(das) Jenseits {n}
(the) aitch der Buchstabe {m} h [auch: der Buchstabe H]
(the) Algarve (die) Algarve {f}
(the) alien (das) Fremde {n}
(the) Avenue des Champs-Élysées [Paris] (die) Avenue {f} des Champs-Élysées [Paris]
(The) Basic Problems of Phenomenology Grundprobleme der Phänomenologie [M. Heidegger; E. Husserl]
(The) Battle of Hamburger Hill [1969] (Die) Schlacht {f} am Hamburger Hill
(the) beautiful Schönes {n}
(the) Berlin Ensemble [Bertolt Brecht's theatre company](das) Berliner Ensemble {n}
(the) beyondJenseits {n}
(the) big money [coll.] das große Geld {n} [ugs.]
(the) big screenKinoleinwand {f}
(the) Bill [Br.] [sl.] Polizei {f}
(the) Black Death [European pandemic (plague) in 14th c.]der schwarze Tod {m} [europäische Pandemie (Pest) im 14. Jh.]
(the) Black Death [European pandemic (plague) in 14th c.]der Schwarze Tod {m} [europäische Pandemie (Pest) im 14. Jh.]
(the) blame game {sg} [coll.] gegenseitige Schuldzuweisungen {pl}
(the) blocking of a roadAbriegelung {f} einer Straße
(the) body's core temperatureKörperkerntemperatur {f}
(the) boys [Am.] [coll.] [euphemism for testicles] Hoden {pl}
(the) brick [Agrochola circellaris] [moth] Ulmen-Herbsteule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
(the) brick [Agrochola circellaris] [moth]Rötlichgelbe Herbsteule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
(the) brick [Agrochola circellaris] [moth] Pappelhain-Herbsteule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
(The) Broken Wings [novel: Khalil Gibran] Gebrochene Flügel
(the) Burren (der) Burren {m} [selten: (das) Burren {n}]
(The) Buxtehude Bull [an award for youth literature] (Der) Buxtehuder Bulle {m} [ein Preis für Jugendliteratur]
(the) campion [Hadena rivularis, syn.: Sideridis rivularis] [moth] Violettbraune Kapseleule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
(the) campion [Hadena rivularis, syn.: Sideridis rivularis] [moth] Bacheule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies] [selten]
(the) city of his birth seine Geburtsstadt {f}
(the) City of Squares [nickname for Mannheim, Germany] (die) Quadratestadt {f} [ugs.] [Mannheim]
(the) Clock Tower [coll. or dated for: Elizabeth Tower]Big Ben {m} [Elizabeth Tower seit 2012 (Glockenturm)]
(the) common cutworm [Agrotis segetum, syn.: Noctua segetum, Scotia segetum] Erdraupe {f} [Raupe der Saateule]
(the) common cutworm [Agrotis segetum, syn.: Noctua segetum, Scotia segetum]Raupe {f} der Saateule
(the) common touch [idiom] Volksnähe {f}
(the) concept of the hereafterIdee {f} des Jenseits
(the) conformist [Lithophane furcifera, syn.: Phalaena furcifera, Graptholitha furcifera, Xylina furcifera] Braungraue Holzeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
(the) conformist [Lithophane furcifera, syn.: Phalaena furcifera, Graptholitha furcifera, Xylina furcifera]Dunkelgraue Erlen-Rindeneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
(the) conformist [Lithophane furcifera, syn.: Phalaena furcifera, Graptholitha furcifera, Xylina furcifera] Erlenauen-Holzeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies] [selten]
(The) consumption of alcohol is forbidden. Der Genuss von Alkohol ist verboten.
(the) Dead Sea Totes Meer {n}
(The) deadlines must be observed. (Die) Fristen sind einzuhalten.
(the) dernier cri der letzte Schrei {m} [ugs.]
(the) dernier cri [the very latest fashion] (der) Dernier Cri {m} [allerletzte Neuheit (besonders in der Mode)]
(the) Devil's apparitionTeufelserscheinung {f}
(The) Disappearance [William Beaudine] Lassie verschwindet
(The) Dying Cato Sterbender Cato [Johann Christoph Gottsched]
(the) Eagle of SaladinSaladinadler {m}
(the) earth's orbit ["(the) Earth's orbit" in context with other celestial bodies]die Umlaufbahn {f} der Erde
(The) Emperor's Hymn [(Franz) Joseph Haydn] Kaiserhymne {f} [Joseph Haydn]
(the) emptinessdas Leere {n}
(the) entitydas Seiende {n}
(the) evildas Böse {n}
(the) experts {pl} [collectively] die Fachwelt {f}
(the) fine print [Am.](das) Kleingedruckte {n}
(the) first man [also: First Man]der erste Mensch {m}
(the) flower emperor [coll.] [Francis I, the first Emperor of Austria] (der) Blumenkaiser {m} [ugs.] [Franz I., Kaiser von Österreich]
(the) foreign (das) Fremde {n}
(The) Fourteen Points [Woodrow Wilson, 1918] (Die) Vierzehn Punkte {pl}
(The) Fourth Estate [working class]Vierter Stand {m} [Lohnarbeiter, Proleatariat]
(the) fundamentals in the fields of literature and music Wesentliches {n} auf den Gebieten der Literatur und der Musik
(the) futureZukünftiges {n}
(the) future generations die nach uns Kommenden {pl} [Nachfahren]
(the) generals [as a body] Generalität {f}
(the) genuine (das) Echte {n}
(The) German Lesson Deutschstunde [Roman: Siegfried Lenz]
(the) girls {pl} [Am.] [coll.] [euphemism for breasts]Busen {m}
(the) Godhead [God in Christian theology]der dreieinige Gott {m} [Trinität]
(the) gooddas Gute {n}
(the) Good Book (die) Bibel {f}
(the) goodness of sth. [its material qualities or workmanship] (die) (hohe) Qualität {f} von etw.
(the) Green Citadel [of Magdeburg] (die) Grüne Zitadelle {f} [von Magdeburg]
(the) grey [Br.] [Hadena caesia] Graue Nelkeneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
(the) grey [Br.] [Hadena caesia] Blaugraue Kapseleule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
(the) Grisons AlpsBündner Alpen {pl}
(The) Guiding Light / GLSpringfield Story
(the) Hamburg Preliminaries (die) Hamburger Präliminarien {pl}
(the) Hawaiian Islands (die) Hawaii-Inseln {pl}
(The) Holy Kin(Die) Heilige Sippe
(the) hopeful onesHoffende {pl}
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