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then unknown village damals unbekanntes Dorf {n}
Then we'll take it from there. [coll.] Dann sehen wir weiter. [ugs.]
then why ...? warum dann ...?
Then women to hyenas growing // Do make with horror jester's art. [trans. Marianna Wertz] Da werden Weiber zu Hyänen // Und treiben mit Entsetzen Scherz. [Friedrich Schiller, Das Lied von der Glocke]
Then you and I have something in common. Dann haben wir beide etwas gemeinsam.
Then you and I have something in common.Dann haben wir beide ja etwas gemeinsam.
Then you have nothing to worry about. Dann müssen Sie sich ja keine Sorgen machen.
Then you'd better start now! Dann solltest du lieber gleich damit anfangen!
Then you'll have me to contend with. Dann bekommst du es mit mir zu tun.
(Then) one has ... [in equations] Es gilt (dann) ... [bei Gleichungen]
(then) subsequently daran anschließend [danach]
thenar atrophyDaumenballenatrophie {f}
thenar (prominence / eminence) [Thenar] Daumenballen {m}
thenardite [Na2SO4] Thénardit {m}
then-boyfriend damaliger Freund {m} [Liebesbeziehung]
thence daraus
thence [formal] [from the place previously mentioned] von dort
thence [therefrom] deshalb
thenceforth [archaic or literary] von da an
thenceforth [archaic or literary]fortan [geh.]
thenceforth [archaic or literary] [from that time onward]von Stund an [geh.] [veraltend]
thenceforth [archaic or literary] [from that time onward]seitdem
thenceforward von da an
thenceforward [archaic or literary] [from that time onward] seit jener Zeit [geh.]
then-girlfriend damalige Freundin {f} [Liebesbeziehung]
then-husband damaliger Mann {m} [Ehemann]
then-wifedamalige Frau {f} [Ehefrau]
Theobald's toad-headed agama [Phrynocephalus theobaldi] Himalaja-Krötenkopf {m} [Agame]
theobromine [C7H8N4O2] [also: xantheose] Theobromin {n}
Theobule Theobule {f}
theocracy Theokratie {f}
theocracy [theocratic rule]Gottesherrschaft {f}
theocracy [theocratic state] Gottesstaat {m}
theocrasies Theokratien {pl}
theocrasy Theokrasie {f}
theocratTheokrat {m}
theocratic theokratisch
theocratic stateTheokratie {f} [Gottesstaat]
theocratic state Gottesstaat {m}
theocratical state [less common] Gottesstaat {m}
theocratically theokratisch
theocratism Theokratismus {m}
Theocritus [ancient Greek poet] Theokrit {m}
Theodelinda [queen of the Lombards] Theodelinde {f} [Königin der Langobarden]
Theoderic (the Great) Theoderich {m} (der Große)
theodicy Theodizee {f}
theodicy problem Theodizeeproblem {n}
theodoliteTheodolit {m}
Theodoret of Cyrrhus Theodoret {m} von Cyrus
Theodoric the GreatTheoderich {m} der Große
Theodosian Walls {pl} Theodosianische Mauer {f}
TheodotiansTheodotianer {pl}
Theodotus the banker [Adoptionist theologian]Theodot {m} der Wechsler
Theodotus the tanner [Gnostic] Theodot {m} der Gerber
Theodoxus danubialis stragulatus [terrestrial snail in the family Milacidae]Kantige Donau-Kahnschnecke {f}
theodrenaline [C17H21N5O5] Theodrenalin {n}
theogamy Theogamie {f}
theogonic theogonisch
theogony Theogonie {f}
Theogony [Hesiod]Theogonie [Hesiod]
theologaster [pej.] Theologaster {m} [pej.] [schwacher Theologe]
theologianTheologe {m}
theologianGottesgelehrter {m}
theologian [dogmatician] Dogmatiker {m}
theologian [female] Theologin {f}
theologians Theologen {pl}
theologiansTheologen und Theologinnen {pl}
theological theologisch
theological challenges from the Third Worldtheologische Anstöße {pl} aus der Dritten Welt
theological collegetheologische Ausbildungsstätte {f}
theological college theologische Hochschule {f}
Theological College of BethelTheologische Hochschule {f} Bethel
theological educationtheologische Ausbildung {f}
theological education institutiontheologische Ausbildungsstätte {f}
theological exegesis Sachexegese {f}
theological formationtheologische Ausbildung {f}
theological knowledgetheologische Erkenntnis {f}
theological seminary theologische Ausbildungsstätte {f}
theological seminarykirchliche Hochschule {f}
theological student Theologiestudent {m}
theological studies {pl}Theologiestudium {n}
theological virtues [faith, hope, charity (or love)] theologale Tugenden {pl} [Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe]
theological voluntarism theologischer Voluntarismus {m}
[theological graduate who has not yet been given a pastorate]Collaborator {m} [kirchlicher Dienst]
(theological) controversialistKontroverstheologe {m}
(theological) seminarytheologische Hochschule {f}
(theological) seminary [Protestant] Predigerseminar {n}
theologically theologisch
theologico-political theologisch-politisch
theologics [generally treated as sg.] Theologik {f}
theologiesTheologien {pl}
theologisation [Br.]Theologisierung {f}
theologist Theologe {m}
theologizationTheologisierung {f}
theologized theologisiert
« the)theatheatheithemthentheotheotheotheotheo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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