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theory of motivationMotivationstheorie {f}
theory of music Musiktheorie {f}
theory of musical equilibration Strebetendenz-Theorie {f}
theory of myth Mythostheorie {f}
theory of myths Mythentheorie {f}
theory of natural lawNaturrechtslehre {f}
theory of natural selectionTheorie {f} der natürlichen Auslese
theory of nature Naturlehre {f}
theory of nature Naturtheorie {f}
theory of numbers Zahlentheorie {f}
theory of numbersTheorie {f} der Zahlen
theory of objective valueintrinsische Bewertungsmethode {f}
theory of organization Organisationstheorie {f}
theory of painSchmerztheorie {f}
theory of pangenesis Pangenesistheorie {f}
theory of parties Parteienlehre {f}
theory of partitions Theorie {f} der Partitionen
theory of perceptionSehtheorie {f}
theory of perception Wahrnehmungslehre {f}
theory of personality Persönlichkeitstheorie {f}
theory of personality Theorie {f} der Persönlichkeit
theory of plasticity Plastizitätstheorie {f}
theory of plates Plattentheorie {f}
theory of poetryDichtungstheorie {f}
theory of power Machttheorie {f}
theory of pricesPreistheorie {f}
theory of principles Prinzipienlehre {f}
theory of probabilityWahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung {f}
theory of probability Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie {f}
theory of probability Wahrscheinlichkeitslehre {f}
theory of production costTheorie {f} der Produktionskosten
theory of property Eigentumstheorie {f}
theory of proportionProportionstheorie {f}
theory of prudenceKlugheitslehre {f}
theory of quantities Größenlehre {f}
theory of radiation Strahlungstheorie {f}
theory of realityRealitätstheorie {f}
theory of recapitulation Rekapitulationstheorie {f}
theory of reflectionWiderspiegelungstheorie {f}
theory of relativity <TR>Relativitätstheorie {f} <RT>
theory of religion Religionslehre {f} [Religionstheorie]
theory of religion Religionstheorie {f}
theory of resistance [to government] Widerstandslehre {f} [der Obrigkeit]
theory of sampling Stichprobentheorie {f}
theory of science Wissenschaftstheorie {f}
theory of science Wissenschaftslehre {f}
theory of science Wissenschaftsforschung {f}
theory of secularization Säkularisierungsthese {f}
theory of self-determination <TSD> Selbstbestimmungstheorie {f}
theory of sexualitySexualtheorie {f}
theory of signs Zeichentheorie {f}
theory of signsZeichenlehre {f}
theory of social balance Theorie {f} des sozialen Gleichgewichts
theory of socialization Sozialisationstheorie {f}
theory of societyGesellschaftslehre {f}
theory of society Gesellschaftstheorie {f}
theory of solidsFestkörpertheorie {f}
theory of sovereignty Souveränitätstheorie {f}
theory of spinors Spinortheorie {f}
theory of stages Stufentheorie {f}
theory of stasis [Hermagoras of Temnos] Stasislehre {f}
theory of status Statuslehre {f}
theory of structurationStrukturationstheorie {f}
theory of structure Strukturtheorie {f}
theory of structures Baustatik {f}
theory of suicide Theorie {f} des Suizids
theory of supply Theorie {f} des Angebots
theory of supplyVersorgungstheorie {f}
theory of syntaxSyntaxtheorie {f}
theory of the drivesTrieblehre {f}
theory of the firmTheorie {f} der Unternehmung
theory of the firm <ToF, TOF>Theorie {f} der Firma
theory of the four humors [Am.] Vier-Säfte-Lehre {f} [Humoralpathologie]
theory of the four humours [Br.] Vier-Säfte-Lehre {f}
theory of the novel Romantheorie {f} [Theorie des Romans]
theory of the novella [also: theory of the Novelle]Novellentheorie {f}
theory of the stateStaatstheorie {f}
theory of the stateStaatslehre {f}
theory of the two cultures [Snow]Theorie {f} der zwei Kulturen
theory of (the) dramaDramentheorie {f}
theory of (the) drama Theorie {f} des Dramas [selten auch: Theorie des Drama]
theory of (the) intellectIntellektlehre {f}
theory of thinking Denktheorie {f}
theory of traditionTraditionstheorie {f} [Traditions-Theorie]
theory of translationÜbersetzungstheorie {f}
theory of truth Wahrheitstheorie {f}
theory of turbulenceTurbulenztheorie {f}
theory of typesTypentheorie {f}
theory of universals Universalientheorie {f}
theory of value Wertlehre {f}
theory of value Werttheorie {f}
theory of values Theorie {f} der Werte
theory of victimisation [Br.] Viktimisierungstheorie {f}
theory of virtue Tugendlehre {f}
theory of will Theorie {f} des Willens
(theory of) design Konstruktionslehre {f}
(theory of) harmony Harmonielehre {f}
(theory of) harmony Harmonienlehre {f}
(theory of) semioticsZeichentheorie {f}
theory testTheorieprüfung {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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