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thermogravimetric thermogravimetrisch
thermogravimetric analysis <TGA> thermogravimetrische Analyse {f} <TGA>
thermogravimetry <TG> Thermogravimetrie {f} <TG>
thermohaline circulation <THC> thermohaline Zirkulation {f}
thermo-hardening hitzehärtend
thermohygrogram Thermohygrogramm {n}
thermo-hygrographThermohygrograph {m}
thermohypaesthesia [Br.] Thermohypästhesie {f}
thermohypesthesia [Am.]Thermohypästhesie {f}
thermokarstThermokarst {m}
thermokarst lakeThermokarstsee {m} [auch: Thermokarst-See]
thermolampe Thermolampe {f}
thermologyThermologie {f}
thermo-luminescence Thermolumineszenz {f}
thermoluminescence Thermolumineszenz {f}
thermoluminescent detector Thermolumineszenzdetektor {m}
thermoluminescent dosimeter <TLD>Thermolumineszenzdosimeter {n} <TLD>
thermolysin Thermolysin {n}
thermolysis Thermolyse {f}
thermomagnetic convection thermomagnetische Konvektion {f}
thermomechanical thermomechanisch
thermo-mechanical thermo-mechanisch
thermomechanical effectthermomechanischer Effekt {m}
thermomechanically coupledthermomechanisch gekoppelt
thermomediterranean thermomediterran
thermometerThermometer {n} [österr., schweiz. auch {m}]
thermometer Fiebermesser {m} [ugs.]
thermometer columnThermometersäule {f}
thermometer columnsThermometersäulen {pl}
thermometer cricket [Oecanthus fultoni] Thermometergrille {f}
thermometer function Thermometerfunktion {f}
thermometer reading Thermometerstand {m}
thermometer readings Thermometerstände {pl}
thermometer (temperature) readingFieberthermometeranzeige {f}
thermometersThermometer {pl}
thermometrically thermometrisch
thermometryThermometrie {f}
thermometry Temperaturmessung {f}
thermometryWärmemessung {f}
ThermomixThermomix® {m}
thermonastyThermonastie {f}
thermonatrite [Na2CO3·H2O] Thermonatrit {m}
thermoneck Halskrause {f} [für Motorradfahrer]
thermonemoral thermonemoral
thermoneutral zonethermoneutrale Zone {f}
thermonuclear thermokernförmig
thermonuclear thermonuklear
thermonuclear bombthermonukleare Bombe {f} [Wasserstoffbombe]
thermonuclear fusion thermonukleare Fusion {f}
thermonuclear processKernprozess {m}
thermonuclear reaction thermonukleare Reaktion {f}
thermonuclear war thermonuklearer Krieg {m}
Thermopane ® [insulated glazing] Thermopane ® {n} [aus zwei oder mehreren Scheiben bestehendes Fensterglas; Synonym für Mehrscheiben-Isolierglas]
[Thermopane ® (insulated glazing)]Thermopen {n} [FALSCH für: Thermopane (Mehrscheiben-Isolierglas)]
thermopaper Thermopapier {n}
thermopause Thermopause {f}
thermoperiodism Thermoperiodismus {m}
thermophilous thermophil
thermophobia Thermophobie {f}
thermophone Thermophon {n}
thermophoresis Thermophorese {f}
thermopile Thermosäule {f}
thermoplasticThermoplast {m}
thermoplastic elastomer <TPE> thermoplastisches Elastomer {n} <TPE>
thermoplastic glue Schmelzkleber {m}
thermoplastic (material)Plastomer {m}
thermoplastic piping system {sg} Thermoplastik-Schläuche {pl}
thermoplastic polymerthermoplastisches Polymer {n}
thermoplastic vulcanizate <TPV>thermoplastisches Vulkanisat {n} <TPV>
thermoplasticity Thermoplastizität {f}
thermoplastics Thermoplasten {pl}
thermopoliumThermopolium {n}
thermopreferendum Thermopräferendum {n}
thermoprinter Thermodrucker {m}
thermo-probe Thermosonde {f}
ThermopylaeThermopylen {pl}
thermoreceptionThermorezeption {f}
thermoreceptorThermorezeptor {m}
thermoregulationThermoregulation {f}
thermoregulationWärmeregulierung {f}
thermoregulation Wärmeregulation {f}
thermoregulatory thermoregulatorisch
thermoregulatory center [Am.]thermoregulatorisches Zentrum {n}
thermoregulatory centre [Br.]thermoregulatorisches Zentrum {n}
thermorelay Thermorelais {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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