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thick-nerved apple-moss [Philonotis calcarea] Kalk-Quellmoos {n}
thickness Dichte {f}
thicknessDichtheit {f}
thickness Dicke {f}
thicknessSchichtdicke {f}
thicknessStärke {f} [Dicke]
thickness Mächtigkeit {f}
thickness Dickte {f} [Dicke]
thickness [of a soup, sauce etc.] Sämigkeit {f}
thickness decrease Dickenabnahme {f}
thickness differenceDickenunterschied {m}
thickness distribution Dickenverteilung {f}
thickness gauge Dickenlehre {f}
thickness gaugeFühlerlehre {f} [mit Metallblättchen]
thickness measurement Dickenmaß {n}
thickness measurementDickenmessung {f}
thickness of (a / the) bookBuchdicke {f}
thickness of the earth's crust Erdkrustendicke {f} [meistens: Dicke der Erdkruste]
thickness of the fatty tissueDicke {f} des Fettgewebes
thickness of the sclerenchyma Sklerenchymdicke {f}
thickness reductionDickenabnahme {f}
thickness reduction prism <TRP> Dickenreduktionsprisma {n}
thickness testerDickenmesser {m}
thickness toleranceDickentoleranz {f}
thickness value Dickenwert {m}
thickness variationDickenvariation {f}
thickness variation Dickenänderung {f}
thickness variation Dickenabweichung {f}
thicknesses Stärken {pl}
thicknesses Dicken {pl}
thick-rimmed glasses {pl}dick umrandete Brille {f}
thick-rimmed specs {pl} [coll.]dick umrandete Brille {f}
thick-rimmed spectacles {pl} [one pair] [esp. Br.] dick umrandete Brille {f}
thickroot buttercup [Ranunculus fascicularis] Prärie-Butterblume {f}
thickset [body]untersetzt
thickset [body] stämmig
thickset [body] gedrungen
thickset [densely planted or placed]dicht
thickset [e.g. hedge] dicht gepflanzt [Hecke etc.]
thick-set [person]untersetzt
thickshell pondsnail [Radix ampla] Weitmündige Schlammschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
thick-shelled river mussel [Unio crassus] Bachmuschel {f}
thick-shelled river mussel [Unio crassus]Gemeine Flussmuschel {f}
thick-shelled river mussel [Unio crassus] Kleine Flussmuschel {f}
thickskin shark [Carcharhinus plumbeus]Sandbankhai {m}
thickskin shark [Carcharhinus plumbeus]Großflossenhai {m}
thickskin shark [Carcharhinus plumbeus]Atlantischer Braunhai {m}
thick-skinned [also: thick skinned] [sclerodermatous] harthäutig [Sklerodermie]
thick-skinned [fig.]dickfellig [ugs.] [fig.]
thick-skinned [fig.] bräsig [bes. nordd.] [dickfellig]
thick-skinned person Dickhäuter {m} [Mensch]
thick-skinned sea star [Echinaster callosus] Beulen-Seestern / Beulenseestern {m}
thick-skinned sea star [Echinaster callosus]Knotiger Seestern {m}
thick-skull Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
thick-skulled [coll.]dummköpfig
thick-slice MPR [slab MPR]Dickschicht-MPR {f} [Slab MPR]
thick-soled dicksohlig
thick-spined porcupine [Hystrix (Thecurus) crassispinis] Borneo-Stachelschwein {n} [auch: Borneostachelschwein]
thick-stalkeddickstengelig [alt]
thick-stalked dickstängelig
thick-stalked dickstänglig
thick-stemmed dickstämmig
thicktail / thick-tail / thick tail (day) gecko [Phelsuma mutabilis, syn.: P. androyense, P micropholis] Veränderlicher Taggecko {m}
thick-tailed bushbabies [genus Otolemur] Riesengalagos {pl}
thick-tailed bushbaby [Otolemur crassicaudatus] Großohr-Riesengalago {m}
thick-tailed geckos [genus Afroedura]Felsengeckos {pl}
thick-tailed glass-tailed snake [Urotheca pachyura] Dickschwänzige Glasschwanznatter {f}
thick-tailed greater galago [Otolemur crassicaudatus]Großohr-Riesengalago {m}
thick-tailed opossum [Lutreolina crassicaudata]Dickschwanzbeutelratte {f}
thick-tailed pangolin [Manis crassicaudata, syn.: Pholidotus indicus] Vorderindisches Schuppentier {n}
thick-tailed pangolin [Manis crassicaudata, syn.: Pholidotus indicus] Indien-Schuppentier {n}
thick-tailed pygmy jerboa [Salpingotus crassicauda] Dickschwanz-Dreizehenzwergspringmaus {f}
thick-tailed rats [Aus.] [genus Zyzomys]Australische Dickschwanzratten {pl}
thick-tailed spindle snake [Atractus crassicaudatus]Rauhschwanz-Spindelnatter {f}
thick-tailed three-toed jerboa [Stylodipus telum, syn.: Dipus halticus, D. proximus] Westliche Dickschwanzspringmaus {f}
thick-thumbed myotis [Myotis rosseti, syn.: Glischropus rosseti]Kambodschanische Langfußfledermaus {f}
thick-thumbed myotis [Myotis rosseti, syn.: Glischropus rosseti]Dickdäumige Langfußfledermaus {f}
thick-thumbed myotis [Myotis rosseti, syn.: Glischropus rosseti]Dickdaumen-Mausohr {n}
thick-tooth sunflower [Helianthus grosseserratus] Grobzähnige Sonnenblume {f}
thick-tooth sunflower [Helianthus grosseserratus] Sägezahnblättrige Sonnenblume {f}
thick-twiggedpachycaul [fachspr.]
thick-veineddickaderig / dickadrig
thick-walled dickwandig
thick-walleddickmaurig [selten] [auch: dickmauerig]
thick-wittednessBegriffsstutzigkeit {f}
thiefDieb {m}
thief Fladerer {m} [österr., südtirol.]
thiefKlauer {m} [ugs.]
thief [female] Diebin {f}
Thief [US] / Violent Streets [UK] [Michael Mann] Der Einzelgänger
thief knot Diebesknoten {m}
Thief of Dreams [Mary Balogh] Diebstahl des Herzens
Thief of Time [Terry Pratchett]Der Zeitdieb
[thief who breaks into vending machines] Automatenknacker {m} [ugs.]
Thief: The Dark Project Dark Project: Der Meisterdieb
Thiele/Small parameter <TSP> [loudspeaker] Thiele-Small-Parameter {m} <TSP> [Lautsprecher]
Thielle's anemonefish [Amphiprion thiellei] Thielles Anemonenfisch {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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