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third-party conformity assessment activityKonformitätsbewertung {f} durch eine dritte Seite
third-party contractorFremdunternehmer {m}
third-party contractorDrittunternehmer {m} [Subunternehmer]
third-party cookies Cookies {pl} von Drittanbietern
third-party costs Fremdkosten {pl}
third-party debtor Dritt-Schuldner {m}
third-party device Fremdgerät {n}
third-party effect of fundamental rightsDrittwirkung {f} von Grundrechten
third-party funded researchDrittmittelforschung {f}
third-party fundsFremdgelder {f}
third-party goods {pl} Drittgut {n} [z. B. Spedition und Logistik]
third-party insurance Haftpflichtversicherung {f}
third-party insuranceUnfallhaftpflichtversicherung {f}
third-party involvement Beteiligung {f} Dritter
third-party liability Haftung {f} gegen Dritten
third-party liability insurance Haftpflichtversicherung {f}
third-party liability risk Haftpflichtrisiko {n}
third-party logistics provider <3PL, TPL>3PL-Dienstleister {m}
third-party logistics provider <3PL>Anbieter {m} von Kontraktlogistik
third-party logistics provider <3PL>Logistikdienstleister {m} [firmenexterner]
third-party lubricant Fremdschmierstoff {m}
third-party manufacturer Fremdhersteller {m}
third-party manufacturer Dritthersteller {m}
third-party medical historyFremdanamnese {f} <FA>
third-party motion to vacate Drittwiderspruchsklage {f}
third-party notice Streitverkündung {f}
third-party productFremdprodukt {n}
third-party product Fremdfabrikat {n} [i.S.v. Fremdprodukt]
third-party responsibilityFremdverschulden {n}
third-party rights Rechte {pl} Dritter
third-party rights Fremdrechte {pl}
third-party serviceFremdservice {m}
third-party service provider Zulieferer {m}
third-party servicesDienstleistungen {pl} Dritter
third-party softwareFremdsoftware {f}
third-party supplierFremdanbieter {m}
third-party supplier Drittanbieter {m}
third-party vehicle insurance Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung {f} <Kfz- / KFZ-Haftpflichtversicherung>
third-person narrator [female]Sie-Erzählerin {f}
third-person narrator [male]Er-Erzähler {m}
third-place finisherDrittplatzierter {m}
third-place play-offSpiel {n} um Platz drei
third-place play-off kleines Finale {n} [ugs.] [Spiel um den dritten Platz, um die Bronzemedaille]
third-placed drittplaziert [alt]
third-rail dreischienig
third-rate minderwertig [fig.]
third-rate [pej.] drittklassig [pej.]
third-ratenessDrittrangigkeit {f}
third-ratenessMinderwertigkeit {f}
thirds Drittel {pl}
thirds Witwengut {n}
thirds Terzen {pl}
thirds {pl}dritte Wahl {f} [Ware]
thirds [three equal parts that together make a whole] Dritt-Teile {pl} [auch: Drittteile] [veraltet]
third-string [pej.] drittklassig [pej.]
third-tier [third-layer, third-rank] drittrangig [dritten Ranges, unwichtig]
third-world store Dritte-Welt-Laden {m}
third-year grammar student [Br.] Quartaner {m}
third-year student Student {m} im dritten Jahr
Thirioux's grey parrot [Br.] [Psittacula bensoni] [extinct]Mauritius-Grausittich {m} [ausgestorben]
Thirring model Thirring-Modell {n}
thirstDurst {m}
Thirst [Ingmar Bergman] Durst
thirst feverDurstfieber {n}
thirst for actionTatendrang {m}
thirst for adventure Abenteuerlust {f}
thirst for bloodBlutdurst {m}
thirst for education Bildungshunger {m}
thirst for fame Ruhmbegierde {f}
thirst for glory Ruhmsucht {f}
thirst for knowledge Wissensdrang {m}
thirst for knowledge Wissbegier {f}
thirst for knowledge Wissensdurst {m}
thirst for knowledge Lernbegierde {f}
thirst for knowledgeErkenntnisdrang {m}
thirst for knowledgeWissbegierde {f}
thirst for knowledge Wissensbegierde {f}
thirst for land Landhunger {m}
thirst for power Machthunger {m}
thirst for power Machtgier {f}
thirst for power Machtstreben {n}
thirst for revengeRachgier {f} [geh.]
thirst for revenge Rachedurst {m} [geh.]
thirst for revenge Rachsucht {f} [geh.]
thirst for revenge Rachlust {f}
thirst for sth. [also fig.]Durst {f} nach etw. [Dat.] [auch fig.]
thirst for vengeanceRachedurst {m} [geh.]
thirst quencherDurstlöscher {m}
thirst snakes [genus Dipsas] Dickkopfnattern {pl}
thirst snakes [genus Dipsas](Amerikanische) Schneckennattern {pl}
thirsted gedürstet
thirstier durstiger
thirstily durstig
thirstily [fig.] begierig
thirstinessDurstigkeit {f}
thirsting after fame [postpos.] ruhmsüchtig
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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