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English-German Dictionary

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thoracic organsThoraxorgane {pl}
thoracic outlet syndrome <TOS> Thoracic-outlet-Syndrom {n} <TOS>
thoracic outlet syndrome <TOS>Schultergürtel-Kompressionssyndrom {n}
thoracic outlet syndrome <TOS> Engpasssyndrom {n} der oberen Thoraxapertur
thoracic outlet test Thoracic-outlet-Test {m} [Adson-Test]
thoracic radiography Thorax-Röntgen {n}
thoracic radiographyBrustkorb-Röntgen {n}
thoracic regionBrustbereich {m}
thoracic respirationFlankenatmung {f}
thoracic respirationThorakalatmung {f}
thoracic segmentThoraxsegment {n}
thoracic segment Brustsegment {n}
thoracic setationThoraxbeborstung {f}
thoracic side Thoraxseite {f}
thoracic somite Thorakalsomit {m}
thoracic space [Cavum thoracis]Thoraxhöhle {f}
thoracic spine Brustwirbelsäule {f} <BWS>
thoracic spondylosisthorakale Spondylose {f}
thoracic sternite Thorakalsternit {n}
thoracic sternite Thoracalsternit {n}
thoracic sternumThorakalsternum {n}
thoracic supportNackenstütze {f}
thoracic support Thoraxstütze {f}
thoracic surgery Thoraxchirurgie {f}
thoracic tergiteThorakaltergit {n}
thoracic tumor [Am.] thorakaler Tumor {m}
thoracic tumour [Br.] thorakaler Tumor {m}
thoracic vertebraBrustwirbel {m}
thoracic vertebra Thorakalwirbel {m}
thoracic vertebrae [Vertebrae thoracicae, Vertebrae thoracales]Brustwirbel {pl}
thoracic (vertebral) fracture Brustwirbelfraktur {f}
thoracic wall Brustwand {f}
thoracic wall <TW> Thoraxwand {f} <TW>
thoracic wall herniaBrustwandhernie {f}
thoracic X-ray Thoraxaufnahme {f} [Röntgen]
thoracic X-ray Röntgenthoraxaufnahme {f}
(thoracic) diaphragm [Diaphragma] Zwerchfell {n}
thoracical thorakal
thoracically thorakal
thoracoabdominal thorakoabdominal
thoraco-abdominal syndrome <TAS> [also: thoracoabdominal syndrome] [pentalogy of Cantrell] thorakoabdominales Syndrom {n} <TAS>
thoraco-abdominoschisisThorakoabdominoschisis {f}
thoracoacromial artery [Arteria thoracoacromialis] Brust-Schulter-Arterie {f}
thoracoacromial artery [Arteria thoracoacromialis] Brustkorb-Gräteneck-Arterie {f}
thoracocentesis Pleurapunktion {f}
thoracodorsal artery [Arteria thoracodorsalis] Arteria thoracodorsalis {f} [Brustkorb-Rücken-Schlagader]
thoracodynia {sg} [pain in the chest]Schmerzen {pl} in der Brust
thoracodynia [pain in the chest]Thorakodynie {f} [Brustschmerz, Thoraxschmerz]
thoracodynia [pain in the chest]thorakaler Schmerz {m}
thoracodynia [pain in the chest] Thoraxschmerz {m}
thoracolumbar thorakolumbal
thoracolumbar fascia [Fascia thoracolumbalis] thorakolumbale Faszie {f}
thoracolumbosacral orthosis <TLSO> Thorakal-Lumbal-Sakral-Orthese {f} <TLSO>
thoracomere Thoracomer {n}
thoracomere Thorakomer {n}
thoracometer Thorakometer {n}
thoracopagus Thorakopagus {m}
thoracoplastyThorakoplastik {f}
thoracopods Thorakopoden {pl}
thoracoscope Thorakoskop {n}
thoracoscopy Thorakoskopie {f}
thoracoscopySpiegelung {f} der Pleurahöhle
thoracostomy [surgical opening of the chest (as for drainage)]Thorakostomie {f}
thoracotomyThorakotomie {f}
thoraxBrustkorb {m}
thoraxThorax {m}
thorax bones [Ossa thoracis] Thoraxknochen {pl}
thorax bones [Ossa thoracis] Brustkorbknochen {pl}
thorax breadth Brustbreite {f}
thorax disease Thoraxerkrankung {f}
thorax radiographyThoraxradiographie {f}
thorax radiography Thoraxradiografie {f}
thorax shapeThoraxform {f}
thorax support in the beach-chair positionThoraxabstützung {f} bei Beach-Chair-Lagerung
thorax traumaThoraxtrauma {n}
thorax widthBrustbreite {f}
thoraxes Brustkörbe {pl}
thorbastnäsite [Th(Ca,Ce)(CO3)2F2·3H2O]Thorbastnäsit {m}
thoreaulite [SnTa2O6]Thoreaulith {m}
thoria [thorium dioxide] Thoria {n} [Thoriumdioxid]
thorianite [ThO2]Thorianit {m}
thoriated thoriert
thorikosite [Pb3(Sb,As)O3(OH)Cl2]Thorikosit {m}
thorin [C16H11AsN2Na2O10S2]Thorin {n}
Thorin Oakenshield [J. R. R. Tolkien] Thorin Eichenschild {m}
thorina [old name for thorium dioxide [ThO2]]Thoriumdioxid {n}
thorite [(Th,U)SiO4] Thorit {m}
thorium <Th> Thorium {n} <Th>
thorium atom Thoriumatom {n}
thorium compoundThoriumverbindung {f}
thorium contentThoriumgehalt {m}
thorium dioxide [ThO2]Thoriumdioxid {n}
thorium fluoride Thoriumfluorid {n}
thorium isotope Thoriumisotop {n} [auch Thorium-Isotop]
thorium nitrate [Th(NO3)4]Thoriumnitrat {n}
thorium oxide Thoriumoxid {n}
thorium oxide Thoriumdioxid {n}
thorium tetrabromide [ThBr4]Thoriumtetrabromid {n}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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