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thought bubble Denkblase {f}
thought collective [esp. Ludwik Fleck]Denkkollektiv {n} [bes. Ludwik Fleck]
thought content Gedankeninhalt {m}
thought content gedanklicher Inhalt {m}
thought content {sg}Gedankeninhalte {pl}
thought content {sg} Denkinhalte {pl}
thought controlGedankenkontrolle {f}
thought criminal Gedankenverbrecher {m}
thought diffusion Gedankenausbreitung {f}
thought disorderDenkstörung {f}
thought disorders like thought block, poverty of thinking, circumstantiality, rigidityDenkstörungen {pl} wie Denkhemmung, Verarmung der Denkinhalte, Umständlichkeit der Denkvorgänge, Rigidität
thought experimentGedankenexperiment {n}
thought experiment Gedankenversuch {m}
thought formDenkform {f}
thought forms Denkformen {pl}
Thought has been given to ... Es wurde berücksichtigt ...
thought insertion Gedankeneingebung {f}
Thought is free. [William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night]Gedanken sind zollfrei. [Übers. Frank Günther]
thought leader Vordenker {m}
thought managementGedankenmanagement {n}
thought model Denkmodell {n}
thought model Gedankenmodell {n}
thought of gedacht
thought outreflektiert
thought overüberdacht
thought pattern Denkmuster {n}
thought pattern Gedankenmuster {n}
thought pattern Denkschema {n}
thought pattern Denkstruktur {f}
thought patterns Gedankenmuster {pl}
thought patternsDenkmuster {pl}
thought policeGedankenpolizei {f}
thought processGedankenprozess {m}
thought process Denkprozess {m}
thought process Denkvorgang {m}
thought stop technique Gedankenstopp {m}
thought structure Denkstruktur {f}
Thought to be extinct, until ... Galt als ausgestorben, bis ...
thought transference Gedankenübertragung {f}
thought transmission [telepathy] Gedankenübertragung {f}
thought type Denktypus {m}
thought withdrawal Gedankenentzug {m}
thoughtcrime Gedankenverbrechen {n}
thoughtful gedankenvoll
thoughtful wohl überlegt [Rsv.]
thoughtful bedachtsam
thoughtful sinnig [nachdenklich]
thoughtful [attentive] aufmerksam
thoughtful [caring] fürsorglich
thoughtful [considerate] rücksichtsvoll
thoughtful [prudent] umsichtig
thoughtful [argument, etc.] wohldurchdacht [geh.]
thoughtful [careful] sorgfältig
thoughtful [pensive] nachdenklich
thoughtful personnachdenkliche Person {f}
thoughtful person [considerate] rücksichtsvolle Person {f}
thoughtful person [tactful, discreet] taktvolle Person {f}
thoughtfully gedankenvoll
thoughtfully nachdenklich
thoughtfully bedächtig
thoughtfully [caringly]fürsorglich
thoughtfully [carefully] sorgfältig
thoughtfulness Tiefgang {m} [von Gedanken]
thoughtfulness Nachdenklichkeit {f}
thoughtfulnessBedachtsamkeit {f}
thoughtfulness Bedächtigkeit {f}
thoughtfulness Besonnenheit {f}
thoughtfulness Fürsorglichkeit {f}
thoughtfulness [attentive kindness]Aufmerksamkeit {f}
thoughtfulness [pensiveness]Tiefsinn {m} [Nachdenklichkeit]
thoughtfulness [politeness] Zuvorkommenheit {f}
thoughtfulness [regarding other people etc.] Rücksichtnahme {f}
thoughtless gedankenlos
thoughtless unbedacht
thoughtless leichtfertig
thoughtless unbesonnen
thoughtless unachtsam
thoughtless achtlos
thoughtless [inconsiderate] rücksichtslos
thoughtless action Gedankenlosigkeit {f}
thoughtless action Unbekümmertheit {f}
thoughtless of the danger ungeachtet der Gefahr
thoughtless person gedankenlose Person {f}
thoughtless personsorglose Person {f}
thoughtless person gedankenloser Mensch {m}
thoughtless personsorgloser Mensch {m}
thoughtless person [inconsiderate]rücksichtslose Person {f}
thoughtlessly achtlos
thoughtlessly leichtfertigerweise
thoughtlessly [inconsiderately] rücksichtslos
thoughtlessly [unthinkingly] gedankenlos
thoughtlessly [unthinkingly]unüberlegt
thoughtlessnessGedankenlosigkeit {f}
thoughtlessness Mangel {m} an Rücksicht
« thorthorthorthorthosthouthouthrathrethrethre »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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