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Three Colors: Blue [US] / Three Colours: Blue [UK] [Krzysztof Kieślowski]Drei Farben: Blau
Three Comrades Drei Kameraden [Erich Maria Remarque]
three consecutive days drei aufeinander folgende Tage {pl} [alt]
three consecutive daysdrei aufeinanderfolgende Tage {pl}
three corner tear [right-angled tear/hole in piece of clothing or cloth often caused by a snag]Dreiangel {m} {f} {n} [regional] [Triangel]
three days ago vorvorgestern
three days' grace dreitägige Gnadenfrist {f}
three days of grace drei Tage Zahlungsfrist {f}
Three Days of the Condor [Sydney Pollack] Die drei Tage des Condor
three days running drei Tage nacheinander
three different [attr.] dreierlei [indekl.]
three different versions drei unterschiedliche Varianten {pl}
three down from sb./sth. von jdm./etw. aus der dritte
Three Emperors' League Dreikaiserbund {m}
Three Essays on the Theory of SexualityDrei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie [Sigmund Freud]
three estates doctrineDreiständelehre {f}
three faces in a hood [Viola arvensis, syn.: V. tricolor L. subsp. arvensis] (Wildes) Stiefmütterchen {n}
Three Fantasies after Friedrich Hölderlin [sixteen-part mixed choir a cappella] [György Ligeti] Drei Phantasien nach Friedrich Hölderlin [16stimmiger gemischter Chor a cappella]
three fasting days drei Fastentage {pl}
three finger salute [coll.] [key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del] Krallengriff {m} [ugs.] [Tastenkombination Strg + Alt + Entf]
three flights up drei Treppen hoch
three flights upim dritten Stock
Three Forks FormationThree-Forks-Formation {f}
three fruit / three fruits Dreifrucht-
Three Fugitives [Francis Veber] Das Bankentrio
three generation family Dreigenerationenfamilie {f} [auch: Drei-Generationen-Familie]
three glasses of grappa drei Grappa {pl} [drei Gläser mit Grappa]
Three Godfathers [John Ford]Spuren im Sand
Three Gorges Dam [China]Drei-Schluchten-Staudamm {m}
Three Gorges Dam [China]Drei-Schluchten-Damm {m}
Three guesses. Dreimal darfst du raten.
three handfuls drei Hand {f} voll
three hundred dreihundert
three hundred (and) fifty dreihundertfünfzig
three hundred thousanddreihunderttausend
Three JewelsDrei Juwelen {pl}
three kinds / sorts of dreierlei [indekl.]
Three Kingdoms Period [China]Zeit {f} der drei Reiche
three kings cake Dreikönigskuchen {m}
Three Kings DayDreikönigstag {m}
Three Kings Day [Epiphany] [also: 3 Kings Day]Dreikönigsfest {n}
Three Knights Game [chess opening]Dreispringerspiel {n} [Schacheröffnung]
three lanes in each directiondrei Richtungsfahrspuren {pl}
three leaders and two wheelers Fünfergespann {n}
three level teaspoonfuls drei gestrichene Teelöffel {pl}
three level teaspoons drei gestrichene Teelöffel {pl}
three level teaspoonsful [spv. for: teaspoonfuls] drei gestrichene Teelöffel {pl}
three level terminal blockDreistockklemme {f}
Three Lions[Spitzname der englischen Fußball-Nationalmannschaft]
Three Little Pigs [Disney] Drei Kleine Schweinchen
Three Little Words [Richard Thorpe]Drei kleine Worte
Three lives were lost.Drei Menschen kamen ums Leben.
three lobed broochKleeblattfibel {f}
three main branches [Nervus trigeminus]drei Hauptäste {pl}
three masted shipDreimaster {m} [Schiff]
three match officials {pl} Schiedsrichter-Dreiergespann {n} [selten für: Schiedsrichtertrio]
three match officials {pl}Schiedsrichtertrio {n}
three measuring fields [dominants] drei Messfelder {pl} [Dominanten]
Three Men and a Cradle [Coline Serreau]Drei Männer und ein Baby
Three Men from Texas [Lesley Selander] Drei Männer aus Texas
three mile zone Dreimeilenzone {f}
three months {pl} [period]Vierteljahr {n}
three months' acceptance Dreimonatsakzept {n}
three months after datein drei Monaten
three months' billDreimonatswechsel {m}
three months' credit drei Monate Ziel {n}
three months' creditDreimonatskredit {m}
three months' creditdreimonatiger Kredit {m}
three months' deposit Dreimonatseinlage {f}
three months' draft Dreimonatstratte {f}
three months' horizon Drei-Monats-Horizont {m}
three months' interest rate Zinssatz {m} für Dreimonatsgeld
three months latemit dreimonatiger Verspätung
three months' net salarydrei Nettomonatsgehälter {pl}
three months' rateDreimonatekurs {m}
Three Musicians [Pablo Picasso] Drei Musikanten
Three Nudes in the WoodsDrei Akte im Wald [Ernst Ludwig Kirchner]
three of a kind Drilling {m} [Kartenspiel]
three of a kind [dice]Dreierpasch {m}
three of themselbdritt [veraltet] [zu dritt]
three out of fourdrei Viertel {pl}
three pairs of scissors drei Scheren {pl}
three point endorsement [Br.] [drei Punkte (in Flensburg)]
three point turn Wenden {n} in drei Zügen
Three positions [competition standard by the International Shooting Sports Federation] Dreistellungskampf {m} [eine Disziplin im Sportschießen]
three prime end (of DNA) <3' end>3'-Ende {n} (der DNS/DNA) [gesprochen: Drei-Strich-Ende]
Three Prisoners ProblemGefangenenparadoxon {n}
three quarter bed französisches Bett {n} [größer als Einzelbett, kleiner als Doppelbett]
three quarters drei Viertel {pl}
three quarters of a millionDreiviertelmillion {f}
three recently rehearsed works drei zuletzt einstudierte Werke {pl}
Three Rooms in Manhattan [Marcel Carné] Drei Zimmer in Manhattan
three score [archaic] [sixty]sechzig
three score and ten [archaic] [seventy]siebzig
three seaterDreisitzer {m}
three sheets to the wind [idiom] stark betrunken
three shells and a pea (game) Hütchenspiel {n}
Three Sisters [Anton Chekhov] Drei Schwestern [Anton Tschechow]
three square meals a daydrei Hauptmahlzeiten {pl} täglich
three squares a day [coll.]drei Mahlzeiten {pl} am Tag
« thouthrathrethrethreThreThrethrethrethrethre »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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