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three-day courseDreitageskurs {m} [auch: Dreitagekurs]
three-day feverdreitägiges Fieber {n}
three-day fever [Am.] [coll.] [Spanish flu]Drei-Tage-Fieber {n} [ugs.] [Spanische Grippe, Grippe-Pandemie von 1918]
three-day fever [Febris pappataci]Sandmückenfieber {n} [Phlebotomusfieber]
three-day fever [Febris pappataci] Drei-Tage-Fieber {n}
three-day fever [Febris pappataci] Drittetagsfieber {n} [auch: Drittetags-Fieber]
three-day measles [rubella] Röteln {pl}
three-day retreatdreitägige Klausurtagung {f}
three-day state mourning dreitägige Staatstrauer {f}
three-day stubbleDreitagebart {m}
three-day visa Drei-Tage-Visum {n} [auch: Dreitagevisum]
three-day visa Drei-Tages-Visum {n} [auch: Dreitagesvisum]
three-day weekDreitagewoche {f} [auch: Drei-Tage-Woche] [Woche mit drei Arbeitstagen]
three-decker Dreidecker {m}
three-digit [attr.] dreistellig
three-digit [attr.]dreiziffrig
three-dimensionalräumlich [dreidimensional]
three-dimensional [e.g. statue] vollplastisch [z. B. Standbild]
three-dimensional <3 D> plastisch [dreidimensional]
three-dimensional <3D> dreidimensional <3D>
three-dimensional C-arm system 3D-C-Bogensystem {n}
three-dimensional computed tomography imaging3D-CT-Bildgebung {f}
three-dimensional data sets dreidimensionale Datensätze {pl}
three-dimensional display <3D display> [e.g. of surfaces] dreidimensionale Darstellung {f} <3D-Darstellung> [z. B. von Oberflächen]
three-dimensional Euclidean space dreidimensionaler euklidischer Raum {m}
three-dimensional manifold <3-dimensional manifold, 3-manifold> dreidimensionale Mannigfaltigkeit {f} <3-dimensionale Mannigfaltigkeit, 3-Mannigfaltigkeit>
three-dimensional rendition dreidimensionale Wiedergabe {f}
three-dimensional representationplastische Darstellung {f}
three-dimensional representation <3D representation> dreidimensionale Darstellung {f} <3D-Darstellung>
three-dimensional rotational angiography <3D-RA, 3D RA, 3DRA> dreidimensionale Rotationsangiographie {f} <3D-RA, 3D RA, 3DRA>
three-dimensional structure <3D structure> dreidimensionale Struktur {f} <3D-Struktur>
three-dimensional (trade) markFormmarke {f}
three-dimensional tumor model <3D tumor model> [Am.] dreidimensionales Tumormodell {n} <3D-Tumormodell>
three-dimensional tumor spheroids [Am.] dreidimensionale Tumorsphäroide {pl}
three-dimensional tumour model <3D tumour model> [Br.]dreidimensionales Tumormodell {n} <3D-Tumormodell>
three-dimensional tumour spheroids [Br.]dreidimensionale Tumorsphäroide {pl}
three-dimensional ultrasonic image <3D ultrasonic image>3D-Ultraschallbild {n}
three-dimensional visualizationräumliche Darstellung {f} [3D]
three-dimensionalism Dreidimensionalismus {m}
three-dimensionalityRäumlichkeit {f} [des Sehens, einer Darstellung]
three-dimensionality Dreidimensionalität {f}
three-dimensionally dreidimensional
three-dimensionally cross-linked dreidimensional vernetzt
three-dollar (gold) pieceDrei-Dollar-Münze {f}
three-door [attr.] dreitürig
three-door <3rd> Dreitürer {m} <3-Türer>
three-drawer dresser [Am.] <3-drawer dresser>Dreierkommode {f} <3er-Kommode> [Kommode mit drei Schubladen]
three-eight time Dreiachteltakt {m}
three-eighths drei Achtel {pl}
three-environments model Drei-Umwelten-Modell {n} <3-Umwelten-Modell>
three-eyelet tie Schnürschuh {m} mit drei Ösenpaaren
three-field chamber Dreifelderkammer {f}
three-field (crop) rotationDreifelderwirtschaft {f}
three-field ionization chamber Dreifeldermesskammer {f}
three-field system Dreifeldersystem {n}
three-field system Dreifelderwirtschaft {f}
three-field template Dreifelderschablone {f}
three-figure [attr.]dreistellig
threefin blennies [family Tripterygiidae]Dreiflossen-Schleimfische {pl}
threefin blennies [family Tripterygiidae] Spitzkopf-Schleimfische {pl}
three-finger centric gripper [3-finger centric gripper] Drei-Finger-Zentrischgreifer {m} [3-Finger-Zentrischgreifer]
three-finger salute [a hand gesture that is used in central Europe when swearing an oath] Schwurhand {f}
three-finger salute [coll.] [key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del]Affengriff {m} [ugs.] [Tastenkombination Strg + Alt + Entf]
three-finger salute [coll.] [key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del] Klammergriff {m} [ugs.] [Tastenkombination Strg + Alt + Entf]
three-finger salute [scout sign and salute] Pfadfindergruß {m}
three-fingered [attr.] [also: three-finger]Dreifinger-
three-flap [attr.] [used in plastic surgery] dreizipfelig / dreizipflig
three-floor [attr.] dreistöckig
three-floor building dreistöckiges Gebäude {n}
three-flower maple [Acer triflorum] Dreiblütiger Ahorn {m}
three-flower rush [Juncus triglumis]Dreiblütige Binse {f}
three-flowered avens [Geum triflorum]Prärie-Nelkenwurz {f}
three-flowered avens [Geum triflorum] Dreiblütige Nelkenwurz {f}
three-flowered maple [Acer triflorum]Dreiblütiger Ahorn {m}
three-flute (end) millDreischneider {m}
three-foiled cusped archKleeblattbogen {m}
threefold dreifach
threefold division Dreiteilung {f}
threefold ministry Ämtertrias {f}
threefold purchase dreifacher Kauf {m}
threefold relation [also: three-fold relation] dreistellige Relation {f}
threefold repetition [chess] dreifache Stellungswiederholung {f} [Schach]
threefolding [social theory originated by Rudolf Steiner]Dreigliedrigkeit {f} [soziologische Theorie entwickelt von Rudolf Steiner]
threefoldly dreifach
threefoldness [of God] Dreifaltigkeit {f}
three-foot rule Ein-Meter-Regel {f}
three-forked dreizackig
three-form entry school dreiklassige Grundschule {f}
three-four time Dreivierteltakt {m}
three-fourths Dreiviertel {n}
three-frequency hearing lossHörverlust {m} bei drei Frequenzen
three-furrow trailed plough [Br.]dreifurchiger Anhängepflug {m}
three-generation house Drei-Generationen-Haus {n}
three-generation householdDrei-Generationen-Haushalt {m}
three-grain bread <3-grain bread>Dreikornbrot {n} <3-Korn-Brot, 3-Kornbrot>
three-headed [monster, dragon, etc.] dreiköpfig [Monster, Drache etc.]
« threthrethrethrethrethrethrethrethrethrethre »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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