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three-lobed T-bar nudibranch [Ceratosoma trilobatum, syn.: C. berghi, C. caledonisum, C. corallinum, C. cornigerum, C. gibbosum, C. lixi, Doris trifida, D. trilobata, Polycera cornigera] Große Hammerschnecke {f}
three-lobed T-bar nudibranch [Ceratosoma trilobatum, syn.: C. berghi, C. caledonisum, C. corallinum, C. cornigerum, C. gibbosum, C. lixi, Doris trifida, D. trilobata, Polycera cornigera] Langschwanz-Prachtsternschnecke {f}
three-lobed water-crowfoot [Ranunculus tripartitus]Dreiteiliger Wasserhahnenfuß {m}
three-manifold <3-manifold>3-Mannigfaltigkeit {f} [selten: Drei-Mannigfaltigkeit, Dreimannigfaltigkeit]
three-masted barque Dreimastbark {f}
three-masted schooner Dreimastschoner {m}
three-master [sailing ship]Dreimaster {m} [Segelschiff]
three-member familydreiköpfige Familie {f}
three-meter springboard [Am.] Dreimeterbrett {n}
three-metre springboard [Br.] Dreimeterbrett {n}
three-mile limit [three-mile zone]Dreimeilenzone {f}
three-minute [attr.]dreiminütig
three-minute eggDrei-Minuten-Ei {n}
three-month [attr.] dreimonatig <3-monatig> [z. B. Aufenthalt, Kurs etc.]
three-month coursedreimonatiger Kurs {m}
three-month coursedreimonatiger Lehrgang {m}
three-month cycle Dreimonatszyklus {m}
three-month cycle Drei-Monats-Zyklus {m}
three-month deputyship Vertretung {f} für 3 Monate
three-month high Dreimonatshoch {n}
three-month injection <3-month injection>Dreimonatsspritze {f}
three-month loan Dreimonatsgeld {n}
three-monthly dreimonatig
three-monthly vierteljährlich
three-month-old [attr.]vierteljährig
three-month-old baby drei Monate altes Baby {n}
three-month-old baby drei Monate alter Säugling {m}
three-months colic [condition within the first three months of life] Dreimonatskolik {f} [exzessives Schreien von Säuglingen während der ersten drei Lebensmonate]
three-movement [attr.] dreisätzig
three-movement formdreisätzige Form {f}
three-movement sonatadreisätzige Sonate {f}
three-nation tour Dreiländerreise {f}
three-nave [attr.] dreischiffig
three-naved basilica dreischiffige Basilika {f}
three-neck electric guitar <3-neck electric guitar> 3-halsige E-Gitarre {f}
three-neck flask Dreihalskolben {m}
three-neck round-bottom flaskDreihalsrundkolben {m} [auch Dreihals-Rundkolben]
three-necked flaskDreihalskolben {m} [Labor]
three-nerved sandwort [Moehringia trinervia] Dreinervige Nabelmiere {f}
three-nerved sandwort [Moehringia trinervia]Wald-Nabelmiere / Waldnabelmiere {f}
threeness Dreiheit {f}
three-night stay Aufenthalt {m} von 3 Nächten
three-on-two situation Drei-gegen-zwei-Situation {f}
three-page [attr.] [letter, article, etc.] dreiseitig [Brief, Artikel etc.]
three-page articledreiseitiger Artikel {m}
three-page letterdreiseitiger Brief {m}
three-page listdreiseitige Liste {f}
three-pane window Isolierfenster {n} mit Dreifachverglasung
threepart dreiteilig
three-part [attr.]dreiteilig
three-part [attr.]dreigliedrig
three-part [attr.]dreistimmig
threepart / three-part beggarticks / beggar-ticks [treated as sg.] [Bidens tripartita, syn.: B. comosa] Acker-Zweizahn {m}
three-part beggarticks [Bidens tripartita]Dreiteiliger Zweizahn {m}
three-part division Dreiteilung {f}
three-part song formdreiteilige Liedform {f}
three-partner lichen [Ramalina farinacea] Mehlige Astflechte {f}
three-partner lichen [Ramalina farinacea]Sorediöse Astflechte {f}
three-party call Dreierkonferenz {f}
three-party coalition Dreierkoalition {f}
three-party contractDreiparteienvertrag {m}
three-peat [also: threepeat] [Am.] [coll.]Three-Peat {m} [auch: Threepeat] [dreimaliger Sieg in Folge bei einer Meisterschaft]
three-peat [Am.] Triple {n}
threepenny bit Dreipennystück {n}
three-person [attr.]dreiköpfig [z. B. Familie]
three-person family dreiköpfige Familie {f}
three-person householdDrei-Personen-Haushalt {m}
three-person household Dreipersonenhaushalt {m}
three-petaled [Am.]dreiblättrig [Blüte]
three-petalled [Br.] dreiblättrig [Blüte]
three-phase Dreiphasen-
three-phase Dreistufen-
three-phase dreiphasisch
three-phase AC Drehstrom {m}
three-phase ACDreiphasenwechselstrom {m}
three-phase a.c. motor Drehstrommotor {m}
three-phase alternating current Drehstrom {m}
three-phase alternating current Dreiphasenwechselstrom {m}
three-phase alternator Drehstromgenerator {m}
three-phase armatureDrehstromanker {m}
three-phase asynchronous generator Drehstromasynchrongenerator {m}
three-phase circuit <3-phase circuit> Dreiphasenschaltung {f} <3-Phasen-Schaltung>
three-phase currentDrehstrom {m}
three-phase current Dreiphasenwechselstrom {m}
three-phase current geared motor Drehstromgetriebemotor {m}
three-phase drive <3-phase drive>Drehstromantrieb {m}
three-phase electric powerDreiphasenwechselstrom {m}
three-phase electric powerDrehstrom {m}
three-phase electric power Kraftstrom {m} [ugs.] [Dreiphasenwechselstrom]
three-phase electric power Starkstrom {m} [ugs.] [Dreiphasenwechselstrom]
three-phase electric power [alternating voltage]Dreiphasenwechselspannung {f}
three-phase four-wire system <3-phase four-wire system, 3-phase 4-wire system> Drehstrom-Vierleitersystem {n} [auch: Drehstromvierleitersystem]
three-phase generator Drehstromgenerator {m}
three-phase generator <3-phase generator>Dreiphasengenerator {m} <3-Phasen-Generator, 3-Phasengenerator>
three-phase induction machine Drehstrom-Asynchronmaschine {f}
three-phase induction machine <3-phase induction machine> Drehstrom-Induktionsmaschine {f}
three-phase induction machine <3-phase induction machine>Drehstrominduktionsmaschine {f}
« threthrethrethrethrethrethrethrethrethrethre »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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