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three-party call Dreierkonferenz {f}
three-party coalition Dreierkoalition {f}
three-party contract Dreiparteienvertrag {m}
three-peat [also: threepeat] [Am.] [coll.]Three-Peat {m} [auch: Threepeat] [dreimaliger Sieg in Folge bei einer Meisterschaft]
three-peat [Am.] Triple {n}
threepenny bit Dreipennystück {n}
three-person [attr.]dreiköpfig [z. B. Familie]
three-person family dreiköpfige Familie {f}
three-person household Drei-Personen-Haushalt {m}
three-person householdDreipersonenhaushalt {m}
three-petaled [Am.] dreiblättrig [Blüte]
three-petalled [Br.] dreiblättrig [Blüte]
three-phase dreiphasig
three-phase Dreistufen-
three-phase AC Drehstrom {m}
three-phase AC Dreiphasenwechselstrom {m}
three-phase a.c. motor Drehstrommotor {m}
three-phase alternating currentDrehstrom {m}
three-phase alternating current Dreiphasenwechselstrom {m}
three-phase alternatorDrehstromgenerator {m}
three-phase armature Drehstromanker {m}
three-phase asynchronous generator Drehstromasynchrongenerator {m}
three-phase circuit <3-phase circuit>Dreiphasenschaltung {f} <3-Phasen-Schaltung>
three-phase current Drehstrom {m}
three-phase currentDreiphasenwechselstrom {m}
three-phase current geared motorDrehstromgetriebemotor {m}
three-phase drive <3-phase drive> Drehstromantrieb {m}
three-phase electric power Dreiphasenwechselstrom {m}
three-phase electric powerDrehstrom {m}
three-phase electric powerKraftstrom {m} [ugs.] [Dreiphasenwechselstrom]
three-phase electric powerStarkstrom {m} [ugs.] [Dreiphasenwechselstrom]
three-phase electric power [alternating voltage]Dreiphasenwechselspannung {f}
three-phase four-wire system <3-phase four-wire system, 3-phase 4-wire system> Drehstrom-Vierleitersystem {n} [auch: Drehstromvierleitersystem]
three-phase generatorDrehstromgenerator {m}
three-phase generator <3-phase generator> Dreiphasengenerator {m} <3-Phasen-Generator, 3-Phasengenerator>
three-phase induction machine Drehstrom-Asynchronmaschine {f}
three-phase induction machine <3-phase induction machine> Drehstrom-Induktionsmaschine {f}
three-phase induction machine <3-phase induction machine> Drehstrominduktionsmaschine {f}
three-phase induction motor <3-phase induction motor>Drehstromasynchronmotor {m}
three-phase induction motor <3-phase induction motor> Drehstrom-Asynchronmotor {m}
three-phase installation [system]Drehstromanlage {f}
three-phase machineDrehstrommaschine {f}
three-phase machineDrehfeldmaschine {f}
three-phase machine Dreiphasenmaschine {f}
three-phase motor Drehstrommotor {m}
three-phase networkDrehstromnetz {n}
three-phase plan Dreistufenplan {m}
three-phase pointDreiphasenpunkt {m}
three-phase stator <3-phase stator> Drehstromstator {m}
three-phase symbol <3-phase symbol, ③> Dreiphasensymbol {n} <3-Phasen-Symbol, 3-Phasensymbol, ③>
three-phase system Drehstromsystem {n}
three-phase systemDreiphasensystem {n}
three-phase three-wire system <3-phase three-wire system, 3-phase 3-wire system>Drehstrom-Dreileitersystem {n} [auch: Drehstromdreileitersystem]
three-phase transformer Drehstromtransformator {m}
three-piece [attr.]aus drei Teilen bestehend [attr.]
three-piece [attr.] dreiteilig
three-piece [attr.] [e. g. band, group]dreiköpfig
three-piece hardtop [auto roof]dreiteiliges Hardtop {n} [Fahrzeugdach]
three-piece rim dreiteilige Felge {f}
three-piece set dreiteilige Garnitur {f}
three-piece suitdreiteiliger Anzug {m}
three-piece suit Dreiteiler {m} [Anzug]
three-piece suite Couchgarnitur {f}
three-piece suite Clubgarnitur {f} [dreiteilig]
three-piece suitedreiteilige Sitzgruppe {f}
three-piece suite [Br.]dreiteilige Couchgarnitur {f}
three-piece suite [Br.]Klubgarnitur {f} [mit drei Möbelstücken]
three-piece suite [Br.]dreiteilige Sitzgarnitur {f}
three-piece suite [Br.] dreiteilige Polstergarnitur {f}
three-pin XLR connectordreipoliger XLR-Steckverbinder {m}
three-pin XLR connector <3-pin XLR connector>dreipoliger XLR-Stecker {m} <3-poliger XLR-Stecker>
three-place [attr.] [e.g. decimal number] dreistellig [z. B. Dezimalzahl]
three-ply [attr.] aus drei Schichten [nachgestellt]
three-ply <3-ply> [attr.] [e.g. toilet paper, napkins] dreilagig <3-lagig> [z. B. Toilettenpapier, Servietten]
three-ply built-up roof cladding Dreilagenklebedachdeckung {f}
three-ply built-up roof cladding Dreischichtenspachteldeckung {f}
three-ply parquetDreischichtparkett {n}
three-point bending testDreipunktbiegeversuch {m}
three-point connectionDreipunktschaltung {f}
three-point estimation (technique) <3-point estimation (technique)>Drei-Zeiten-Methode {f}
three-point estimation (technique) <3-point estimation (technique)> Drei-Punkt-Schätzung {f} <3-Punkt-Schätzung>
three-point estimation (technique) <3-point estimation (technique)> Dreipunktschätzung {f} <3-Punkt-Schätzung>
three-point false mallow [Malvastrum coromandelianum, syn.: M. tricuspidatum] Coromandel-Scheinmalve {f}
three-point field goalDreier {m} [Basketball]
three-point field goal Dreipunktewurf {m} [Basketball]
three-point field goal3-Punkte-Wurf {m} [Basketball]
three-point inverterDreipunkt-Wechselrichter {m}
three-point landingDreipunktlandung {f}
three-point lineDreierlinie {f} [Basketball]
three-point line Dreipunktelinie {f} [Basketball]
three-point problem [Snellius-Pothenot problem] Pothenot'sche Aufgabe {f} [Geodäsie]
three-point rule3-Punkte-Regel {f}
three-point seat beltDreipunktgurt {m}
three-point shot Dreier {m}
three-point thermistor <3-point thermistor>Dreipunkt-Thermistor {m} <3-Punkt-Thermistor>
three-pointed dreispitzig
three-pointerDreier {m}
three-pointer <3-pointer> [coll.] [three-point field goal] [basketball] Dreipunktwurf {m} [ugs.] <3-Punkt-Wurf> [Dreipunktewurf] [Basketball]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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