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three-stage rocket Dreistufenrakete {f}
three-stage rocketdreistufige Rakete {f}
three-stage rocket Dreistufen-Rakete {f}
three-stamen rush [Juncus ensifolius, syn.: J. oligocephalus, J. xiphioides var. macranthus, J. xiphioides var. triandrus] Schwertblättrige Binse {f} [selten auch: Schwertblätterige Binse]
three-stamen rush [Juncus ensifolius, syn.: J. oligocephalus, J. xiphioides var. macranthus, J. xiphioides var. triandrus] Schwertblättrige Simse {f}
three-stamen waterwort [Elatine triandra] Dreimänniger Tännel {m}
three-stamen waterwort [Elatine triandra] Stiel-Tännel / Stieltännel {m}
three-stamened rush [Juncus ensifolius, syn.: J. oligocephalus, J. xiphioides var. macranthus, J. xiphioides var. triandrus] Schwertblättrige Binse {f} [selten auch: Schwertblätterige Binse]
three-stamened rush [Juncus ensifolius, syn.: J. oligocephalus, J. xiphioides var. macranthus, J. xiphioides var. triandrus] Schwertblättrige Simse {f}
three-star [also: three star] [attr.]Dreisterne-
three-star chef Drei-Sterne-Koch {m}
three-star general <3-star general>Drei-Sterne-General {m} <3-Sterne-General>
three-star hotel Dreisternehotel {n}
three-state solutionDreistaatenlösung {f} <3-Staaten-Lösung> [auch: Dreistaaten-Lösung, Drei-Staaten-Lösung]
three-stemmed rush [Juncus ensifolius, syn.: J. oligocephalus, J. xiphioides var. macranthus, J. xiphioides var. triandrus]Schwertblättrige Binse {f} [selten auch: Schwertblätterige Binse]
three-stemmed rush [Juncus ensifolius, syn.: J. oligocephalus, J. xiphioides var. macranthus, J. xiphioides var. triandrus]Schwertblättrige Simse {f}
three-step [attr.]Dreistufen-
three-step [attr.]dreistufig
three-storey [attr.] [Br.] dreistöckig
three-storey [attr.] [Br.] dreigeschossig
three-storey [attr.] [Br.]dreietagig
three-storey building dreistöckiges Gebäude {n}
three-story [attr.] [Am.] dreistöckig
three-story [attr.] [Am.]dreigeschossig
three-story [attr.] [Am.]dreietagig
three-story building [Am.] dreistöckiges Gebäude {n}
three-strand [attr.] [wire, rope]dreilitzig [Draht, Seil]
three-stranded scoubidouScoubidou {m} mit drei Bändern
three-streaked bunting [Emberiza cabanisi]Cabanisammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Cabanis-Ammer]
three-streaked tchagra [Tchagra jamesi]Somalitschagra {m}
threestripe / three-stripe corydoras [Corydoras trilineatus] Dreibinden-Panzerwels {m}
threestripe / three-stripe corydoras [Corydoras trilineatus]Dreilinien-Panzerwels {m}
three-stripe damsel [Dascyllus aruanus]Dreibinden-Preußenfisch {m}
three-stripe fusilier [Pterocaesio trilineata] Dreistreifen-Füsilier {m}
threestripe gourami [Am.] [Trichopsis schalleri]Schallers Knurrender Gurami {m}
threestriped / three-striped croaking gourami [Trichopsis schalleri] Schallers Knurrender Gurami {m}
three-striped apisto [Apistogramma trifasciata] Dreistreifenzwergbuntbarsch {m}
three-striped butterflyfish [Chaetodon tricinctus] Dreiband-Falterfisch {m}
three-striped dasyure [Myoictis melas] Streifenbeutelmarder {m}
three-striped flycatcher [Conopias trivirgatus]Dreistreifentyrann {m}
three-striped garter snake [Thamnophis elegans]Westliche Strumpfbandnatter {f}
three-striped garter snake [Thamnophis elegans] Berg-Strumpfbandnatter {f} [auch: Bergstrumpfbandnatter]
three-striped ground snake [Pseudoxyrhopus tritaeniatus] Dreistreifen-Erdnatter {f}
three-striped ground squirrel [Lariscus insignis] Dreistreifenhörnchen {n}
three-striped hemispingus [Hemispingus trifasciatus]Streifenhemispingus / Streifen-Hemispingus {m}
three-striped hemispingus [Hemispingus trifasciatus] Dreistreifentangare {f}
three-striped night monkey [Aotus trivirgatus] Östlicher Graukehl-Nachtaffe {m}
three-striped palm civet [Arctogalidia trivirgata] Streifenroller {m}
three-striped palm squirrel [Funambulus palmarum]Indisches Palmenhörnchen {n}
three-striped poison frog [Ameerega trivittata, syn.: Epipedobates trivittatus] Grüner Riesenbaumsteiger {m}
three-striped roofed turtle [Batagur dhongoka, syn.: Emys dhongoka, E. duvaucelii, Kachuga dhongoka, K. hardwickii] Dreistreifen-Flussschildkröte {f}
three-striped snake-eater [Polemon gabonensis]Gabun-Schlangenfresser {m}
three-striped tanager [Hemispingus trifasciatus]Dreistreifentangare {f}
three-striped tanager [Hemispingus trifasciatus] Streifenhemispingus / Streifen-Hemispingus {m}
three-striped warbler [Basileuterus tristriatus]Dreistreifen-Waldsänger {m}
three-striped whiptail [Pentapodus trivittatus]Dreistreifen-Scheinschnapper {m}
three-stroke engine 3-Takt-Motor {m}
three-stroke engine [Br.] Dreitakter {m} [ugs.] [Dreitaktmotor]
three-surface aircraft <TSA>Drei-Flächen-Flugzeug {n} <3FF> [auch: Dreiflächenflugzeug]
three-syllabled word Wort {n} mit drei Silben
three-tailed porgy [Chaetodipterus faber] Atlantischer Spatenfisch {m}
three-thorned dreistachelig
three-throw switchDoppelweiche {f}
three-tier [attr.] dreigliedrig [dreistufig: System, Struktur etc.]
three-tier architecture <3-tier architecture> Drei-Schichten-Architektur {f} <3-Schichten-Architektur>
three-tier insurance model dreistufiges Versicherungsmodell {n}
three-tier school system dreigliedriges Schulwesen {n}
three-tier wedding cake dreistöckige Hochzeitstorte {f}
three-time [attr.] dreimalig [attr.]
three-time world championdreifacher Weltmeister {m}
three-time world championDreifachweltmeister {m}
three-time world championDreifach-Weltmeister {m}
three-time world champion [female] Dreifach-Weltmeisterin {f}
three-time world champion [female] dreifache Weltmeisterin {f}
three-times great uncle Großgroßgroßonkel {m}
three-tined [fork, pitchfork, etc.] dreizinkig [Gabel, Mistgabel etc.]
three-tined [fork, rake] mit drei Zinken [nachgestellt]
three-toed dreizehig
three-toed amphiuma [Amphiuma tridactylum]Dreizehen-Aalmolch {m}
three-toed box turtle [Terrapene mexicana triunguis, syn.: Terrapene carolina triunguis, Terrapene triunguis] Dreizehen-Dosenschildkröte {f}
three-toed goldenback [Dinopium shorii] Himalaya-Feuerrückenspecht {m}
three-toed goldenback [Dinopium shorii]Braunhalsspecht {m}
three-toed jacamar [Jacamaralcyon tridactyla] Dreizehen-Glanzvogel {m}
three-toed kingfisher [Ceyx erithaca]Dschungelfischer {m}
three-toed kingfisher [Ceyx erithacus, syn.: C. erithaca]Orientalischer Zwergfischer {m}
three-toed parrotbill [Paradoxornis paradoxus]Dreizehen-Papageimeise {f}
three-toed sloth [family: Bradypodidae]Dreifingerfaultier {n}
three-toed sloth [genus Bradypus] Dreifinger-Faultier {n}
three-toed sloths [family Bradypodidae] Dreifinger-Faultiere {pl}
three-toed woodpecker [Picoides dorsalis, syn.: P. americanus, P. tridactylus, Dendrocopos dorsalis]Fichtenspecht {m}
three-to-eleven shift Spätschicht {f} ab 15 Uhr
three-to-one rule <3-to-1 rule>Drei-zu-eins-Regel {f} <3:1-Regel>
three-tooth / threetooth column [Pupilla sonorana] Pupilla sonorana {f} [Landschneckenart]
three-tooth bulin (snail) [Chondrula tridens]Dreizahn-Vielfraßschnecke {f}
three-tooth bulin (snail) [Chondrula tridens] [Chondrula tridens tridens]Dreizahnturmschnecke / Dreizahn-Turmschnecke {f}
three-tooth cavoline [Cavolinia tridentata, syn.: C. natans, Anomia tridentata, Cleodora trifilis] Cavolinia tridentata {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
threetooth puffer [Triodon macropterus] Dreizahn-Kugelfisch {m}
threetooth puffer [Triodon macropterus] Bauchsack-Kugelfisch {m}
three-tooth rake Krail {m} mit drei Zinken
three-tooth rake Kartoffelhacke {f} mit drei Zinken [Krail, dreizinkig]
« threthrethrethrethrethrethrethrethrethrithro »
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