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thrilling experience ganz tolles Erlebnis {n}
thrilling momentsspannende Momente {pl}
thrilling (through)durchbebend [geh.]
thrillsNervenkitzel {pl} [ugs.]
thrills of ecstasy Wonneschauer {pl} [(sexuelle) Ekstase]
thrills of joyWonneschauer {pl}
thrillseekerAbenteuerlustiger {m}
thrillseeker [female] Abenteuerlustige {f}
thrill-seeking erlebnishungrig
thrill-seeking society Erlebnisgesellschaft {f}
thrip Thrips {m}
thrip Blasenfüßer {m}
thrip [order Thysanoptera]Fransenflügler {m}
thripsBlasenfüße {pl} [Insekten]
thripsThysanopteren {pl}
thrips {sg} Blasenfüßer {m}
thrips [any of various small injurious insects]Thrips {m}
thrips [family Thripidae]Thripse {pl}
thrips speciesThysanopterenart {f}
thrips species Fransenflüglerart {f}
thriven gediehen
thrivingblühend [fig.] [florierend, erfolgreich]
thriving [business] erfolgreich
thriving [business] gedeihlich [geh.]
thriving [posttraumatic growth]posttraumatisches Wachstum {n}
thriving [shop, business]gut gehend
thriving [shop, business] gutgehend
thriving business blühendes Geschäft {n}
thriving business florierendes Geschäft {n}
thriving enterprise sich hervorragend entwickelndes Unternehmen {n}
thriving industry blühende Industrie {f}
thriving tradeblühender Handel {m}
throatGurgel {f}
throat Hals {m} [Kehle, Rachen]
throat Kehle {f}
throat Rachen {m}
throat [also: throating] Wassernase {f}
throat [of a furnace, smelter] [ironworking]Gicht {f} [von Schmelzöfen] [Hüttenkunde]
throat cancer [specifically of the larynx]Kehlkopfkrebs {m}
throat compress Halswickel {m}
throat depth Bügeltiefe {f} [beim Bügeln]
throat diseaseHalsleiden {n} [veraltet]
throat diseaseHalskrankheit {f}
throat gap [electric welding] [IEC 60050]Armabstand {m} [Elektroschweißen] [IEC 60050]
throat grooves [of a rorqual] Furchen {pl} [eines Furchenwals]
throat height [Am.] [electric welding] [IEC 60050] Armabstand {m} [Elektroschweißen] [IEC 60050]
throat infectionHalsinfektion {f}
throat injuryRachenverletzung {f}
throat lozengeLutschtablette {f}
throat lozengeHalspastille {f}
throat lozenge Halstablette {f} zum Lutschen
throat lozengeHalsbonbon {m} {n} [österr. nur {n}]
throat microphoneKehlkopfmikrofon {n}
throat microphone Kehlkopfmikrophon {n}
throat mike [coll.]Kehlkopfmikro {n} [Mikrofon]
throat patch Kehlfleck {m}
throat pitHalsgrube {f}
throat plate [sewing machine]Stichplatte {f} [Nähmaschine]
throat pleats [of a rorqual]Furchen {pl} [eines Furchenwals]
throat pouch Kehlsack {m}
throat preparations Hals- und Rachentherapeutika {pl}
throat redness [inflammation of the throat]Rachenrötung {f}
throat rippers [sl.] [rough cigarettes]Rachenputzer {pl} [ugs.] [hum.] [selten für sehr starke Zigaretten]
throat rippers [sl.] [rough cigarettes]Beuschelreißer {pl} [österr.] [ugs.] [sehr starke Zigaretten]
throat sac Kehlsack {m}
throat seamKehlnaht {f}
throat singing Kehlkopfgesang {m} [Kehlgesang]
throat singingHalsgesang {m}
throat singingKehlgesang {m}
throat spray Halsspray {n} [seltener {m}]
throat swabRachenabstrich {m}
throat tabletHalstablette {f}
throat (valve) Ventilbohrungskehle {f}
throat (valve) Ventilkehle {f}
throat-clearing Geräusper {n}
throatier kehliger
throatiest kehligste
throatily kehlig
throatiness Rauhigkeit {f} [alt]
throatiness Rauigkeit {f}
throating Wasserschenkel {m} [Bergtechnik]
throatlash [esp. Br.] Kehlriemen {m}
throatlatch [Am.] Kehlriemen {m}
throats Kehlen {pl}
throats Rachen {pl}
throatsHälse {pl}
throat-smear Rachenabstrich {m}
throat-spine gudgeon [Belobranchus belobranchus] Kehlstachel-Schläfergrundel {f} [auch {m}]
throatwort [Campanula trachelium, syn.: C. athoa, C. mauritanica, C. urticifolia]Nesselblättrige Glockenblume {f}
throaty rau [Stimme]
throaty rauh [alt]
throaty kehlig
throaty [hoarse]heiser
throb Schlag {m} [des Herzens]
« threthrethrethrethrethrithrothrothrothrothro »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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