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thromboelastography <TEG> [TEG ®]Thromboelastographie {f} <TEG> [TEG ®]
thromboelastometry <TEM>Thromboelastometrie {f} <TEM>
thromboelastometry <TEM> [blood clotting, etc. (hematology, hemostasis)] Thrombelastometrie {f} <TEM> [Blutgerinnung, Aufzeichnung der Gerinnselfestigkeit]
thrombo-embolectomyThromboembolektomie {f}
thromboembolectomy Thromboembolektomie {f}
thromboembolic event thromboembolisches Ereignis {n}
thromboembolic stockings Thromboseprophylaxestrümpfe {pl}
thromboembolically thromboembolisch
thromboembolismThrombembolie {f}
thromboembolism Thromboembolie {f}
thrombo-endarterectomy Thrombendarteriektomie {f}
thrombogenic thrombogen
thrombogenicity Thrombogenität {f}
thrombokinase Thrombokinase {f}
thrombolysisThrombolyse {f}
thrombolytic thrombolytisch
thrombolytic agentFibrinolytikum {n}
thrombolytic agentThrombolytikum {n}
thrombolytic therapy Thrombolysetherapie {f}
thrombolytics Thrombolytika {pl}
thrombopathy Thrombopathie {f}
thrombopenia Thrombopenie {f}
thrombopenic thrombopenisch
thrombophilia Thrombophilie {f}
thrombophilia Thromboseneigung {f}
thrombophlebitis <TP> Thrombophlebitis {f} <TP>
thromboplastinThromboplastin {n}
thrombopoiesisThrombopoese {f}
thromboprophylactic stockingThromboseprophylaxestrumpf {m}
thromboprophylaxis Thromboseprophylaxe {f}
thromboseThrombose {f}
thrombosesThrombosen {pl}
thrombosis Thrombose {f}
thrombosis due to stasis Stagnationsthrombose {f}
thrombosis preventionThromboseprophylaxe {f}
thrombosis prophylaxisThrombosevorsorge {f}
thrombosis prophylaxis Thromboseprophylaxe {f}
thrombospondinThrombospondin {n}
thrombotic thrombotisch
thrombotic embolism Thromboembolie {f}
thrombotic risk Thromboserisiko {n}
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura <TTP>thrombotisch-thrombozytopenische Purpura {f} <TTP>
thrombotic thrombopenic purpura <TTP> thrombotisch-thrombopenische Purpura {f} <TTP>
thromboxaneThromboxan {n}
thromboxane synthesis Thromboxansynthese {f}
thrombus Thrombus {m}
thrombus Pfropf {m}
thrombusBlutpfropf {m} [Blutgerinnsel, das in den Gefäßen oder im Herzen entstanden ist]
thrombus formation Thrombusbildung {f}
thrombus materialThrombusmaterial {n}
thrombus scintigraphy Thrombusszintigraphie {f}
throneThron {m}
throne [facetious: toilet] Pott {m} [ugs.]
throne anniversary Thronjubiläum {n}
throne claimant Thronanwärter {m}
throne holder Thronhalter {m} [tibetischer Buddhismus]
throne name Thronname {m}
throne of Charlemagne Karlsthron {m} [Aachen]
throne of grace Gnadenthron {m}
throne roomThronsaal {m}
thrones Throne {pl}
throngGedränge {n}
throng Zulauf {m}
throng Pulk {m} [von Menschen]
throngMenschenmenge {f}
throngSchar {f} [veraltet]
throng Menschengewühl {n}
throng Gewühl {n}
throng of media Pressepulk {m}
thronged gedrängt
thronged with peopledicht von Menschen bevölkert
thronging bedrängend
throngs (of people) Menschenmassen {pl}
throscid beetles [family Throscidae] Hüpfkäfer {pl}
throstleDrossel {f}
throstle [Turdus philomelos] [dialect] Singdrossel {f}
throstles Drosseln {pl}
throttleDrossel {f}
throttle body Drosselklappe {f}
throttle body housing Drosselklappengehäuse {n}
throttle boreDrosselbohrung {f}
throttle check valveDrosselrückschlagventil {n}
throttle controlGashebel {m}
throttle controlGaspedal {n}
throttle controls Gashebel {pl}
throttle discDrosselscheibe {f}
throttle disk [Am.] Drosselscheibe {f}
throttle (lever) Gashebel {m}
throttle linkageGasgestänge {n}
throttle linkageDrosselklappenbetätigung {f}
throttle potentiometer Ansaugklappenwinkel-Geber {m}
throttle return springDrosselklappenrückholfeder {f}
throttle valveDrosselventil {n}
throttle valve Drosselschieber {m}
throttle valve Drosselklappe {f}
throttled abgedrosselt
throttled gedrosselt
« threthrethrethrithrothrothrothrothrothrothru »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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