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English-German Dictionary

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tangyherb [Duft, Parfum]
tangy [spicy] würzig
Tanimbar blue-tongued skink [Tiliqua scincoides chimaera] Tanimbar-Blauzungenskink {m}
Tanimbar bush warbler [Cettia carolinae] Tanimbarbuschsänger {m}
Tanimbar corella [Cacatua goffiniana, formerly: Cacatua goffini] Goffinkakadu {m}
Tanimbar ground thrush [Zoothera schistacea, syn.: Geokichla schistacea] Weißohrdrossel {f} [auch: Weißohr-Drossel]
Tanimbar Islands [Timor Laut]Tanimbar-Inseln {pl}
Tanimbar megapode [Megapodius tenimberensis]Tanimbarhuhn {n}
Tanimbar microeca flycatcher [Microeca hemixantha] Tanimbarschnäpper {m}
Tanimbar monarch [Symposiachrus mundus, syn.: Monarcha mundus]Tanimbarmonarch {m}
Tanimbar python [Simalia nauta, syn.: Morelia nauta, Australiasis nauta]Tanimbar-Python {m} [nicht fachspr. auch {f}]
Tanimbar scrubfowl [Megapodius tenimberensis] Tanimbarhuhn {n}
Tanimbar starling [Aplonis crassa] Tanimbarstar {m}
Tanimbar starling [Aplonis crassa]Tenimberstar {m}
Tanimbar thrush [Zoothera schistacea, syn.: Geokichla schistacea]Weißohrdrossel {f} [auch: Weißohr-Drossel]
Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture Taniyama-Shimura-Vermutung {f}
tank Behälter {m}
tankMetallbecken {n}
tankPanzer {m}
tank Wasserbecken {n}
tank [Am.] [coll.] [prison, jail]Knast {m} [ugs.]
tank [container] Tank {m}
tank [fish tank] Aquarium {n} [Behälter]
Tank [Marvin J. Chomsky] Der Tank
tank [short for: tank top]Tanktop {n} [ärmelloses T-Shirt]
tank ace Panzerass {n} [auch: Panzer-Ass]
tank agitatorTankrührwerk {n}
tank ammunition Panzermunition {f}
tank arm [tank branch]Panzerwaffe {f}
tank assaultPanzerangriff {m}
tank attack Panzerangriff {m}
tank bag Tankrucksack {m}
tank barge Tankschleppkahn {m}
tank barrierPanzersperre {f}
tank battalion Panzerbataillon {n}
tank battlePanzergefecht {n}
tank battle Panzerschlacht {f}
tank battlePanzerkampf {m} [Panzergefecht]
tank bromeliadsTrichterbromelien {pl}
tank buster Panzerknacker {m}
tank capacity Tankinhalt {m}
tank capacity Tankkapazität {f}
tank capacity table Tankinhaltstabelle {f}
tank car Bassinwagen {m}
tank car [Am.]Kesselwagen {m}
tank car [Am.] Tankwagen {m}
tank chocolate [nickname of Pervitin®, a methamphetamine brand used by German soldiers during World War II] Panzerschokolade {f} [ugs.] [Pervitin®]
tank circuit Tankkreis {m}
tank cleaner Tankreiniger {m} [Arbeiter oder Chemikalie]
tank cleaning Tankreinigung {f}
tank column Panzerkolonne {f}
tank combat Panzerkampf {m} [Panzergefecht]
tank commander Panzerkommandant {m}
tank company Panzerkompanie {f}
tank compressor Tankkompressor {m}
tank container with liningausgekleideter Tankcontainer {m}
tank convoy Panzerkolonne {f}
tank corps [treated as sg.] Panzerkorps {n}
tank crew Panzerbesatzung {f}
tank cupola Panzerkuppel {f}
tank deal Panzerdeal {m} [ugs.]
tank deliveries Panzerlieferungen {pl}
tank destroyer Panzerzerstörer {m}
tank destroyer Jagdpanzer {m}
tank destroyer Panzerjäger {m}
tank destroyer [equipped with anti-tank guided missiles] Raketenjagdpanzer {m} <RakJPz>
tank destruction badge [for individual destruction of enemy armored fighting vehicle at close range with hand-held weaponry] [WW II German Armed Forces] Sonderabzeichen {n} für das Niederkämpfen von Panzerkampfwagen durch Einzelkämpfer [dt. Wehrmacht]
Tank Destruction Badge [WW II German Armed Forces] Panzervernichtungsabzeichen {n} [dt. Wehrmacht]
tank division Panzerdivision {f}
tank dolly [for gas cylinders] Gasflaschenwagen {m}
tank driverPanzerfahrer {m}
tank engagement Panzerkampf {m} [Panzergefecht]
tank engine Tenderlok {f}
tank engine Tenderlokomotive {f}
tank farmTanklager {n}
tank fermentationTankgärung {f}
tank fire Panzerfeuer {n}
tank fire-fighting vehicle Tanklöschfahrzeug {n} <TLF>
tank fluidBehälterflüssigkeit {f}
tank forcePanzerwaffe {f}
tank force Panzertruppe {f}
tank forces Panzertruppen {pl}
tank garage [Am.] Panzergarage {f}
tank goby [Glossogobius giuris] Flachkopfgrundel {f} [auch {m}]
tank graveyardPanzerfriedhof {m} [Ansammlung zerschossener Panzer]
tank gunPanzerkanone {f}
tank gun Panzergeschütz {n}
tank gunner [lowest enlisted rank in German amored forces designated as Panzerschütze] Panzerschütze {m}
tank howitzer Panzerhaubitze {f}
tank landing ship [WW II, esp. Am.] <LST> Panzerlandungsschiff {n}
tank level Tankfüllstand {m}
tank locoTenderlok {f}
tank locomotiveTenderlokomotive {f}
tank lorries Tankfahrzeuge {pl}
tank lorry [Br.]Tankwagen {m}
tank lorry [Br.] Kesselwagen {m}
tank materialTankmaterial {n}
tank material [container material]Behältermaterial {n}
tank material [container material] Behälterwerkstoff {m}
tank of the fire truck [Am.]Löschwagentank {m}
« tamaTamitanstangtangtangtanktanntantTanztapa »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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