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tibicos {pl} [water kefir] Wasserkefir {m}
tibiofibular joint [Articulatio tibiofibularis]Tibiofibulargelenk {n}
tibiotalar / tibio-talar articulation [Articulatio talocruralis] [true ankle joint] Tibiotalargelenk {n}
tibiotalar / tibio-talar joint [Articulatio talocruralis] [true ankle joint]Tibiotalargelenk {n}
tibiotarsus Tibiotarsus {m}
Tibullus [Albius Tibullus] Tibull {m}
Tiburon banded racer [Ialtris parishi]Gebänderte Tiburon-Zornnatter {f}
Tiburon night snake [Hypsiglena chlorophaea tiburonensis] [Unterart der Wüsten-Nachtnatter (Hypsiglena chlorophaea)]
Tiburon Peninsula blindsnake [Typhlops hectus] Tiburon-Blindschlange {f}
ticSpleen {m}
ticTick {m}
tic Muskelzucken {n}
ticTic {m}
tic bean [Vicia faba]Ackerbohne {f}
tic bean [Vicia faba] Saubohne {f}
tic bean [Vicia faba] Schweinsbohne {f}
tic bean [Vicia faba] Favabohne {f}
tic bean [Vicia faba] Dicke Bohne {f}
tic bean [Vicia faba] Große Bohne {f}
tic bean [Vicia faba] Pferdebohne {f}
tic bean [Vicia faba] Viehbohne {f}
tic bean [Vicia faba] Faberbohne {f}
tic bean [Vicia faba] Puffbohne {f}
tic disorder Tic-Störung {f}
tic douloureux [trigeminal neuralgia] Tic douloureux {m} [Trigeminusneuralgie]
tic tac package [tic tac ®] [also Tic Tac package] Tic-Tac-Verpackung {f}
tical Tical {m}
ticarcillin [C15H16N2O6S2]Ticarcillin {n}
tichy [Br.] [coll.]klitzeklein [ugs.]
tichy [Br.] [coll.] winzig
tichy [Br.] [coll.] [spv.]knirpsig [ugs.]
Ticinese Tessiner {m}
Ticino (River)Tessin {m}
tick Augenblick {m}
tick Ticken {n}
tick Vermerkzeichen {n}
tickKontrollzeichen {n}
tick minimale Kursänderung {f}
tick Zeck {m} [südd.] [österr.]
tick Vermerkhäkchen {n}
tick Tick {m} [Notierungssprung]
tick [Br.] Häkchen {n} [Zeichen]
tick [Br.] Haken {m}
tick [esp. Br.] [coll.] [moment] Sekunde {f} [fig.] [Moment]
tick [mark, dash] Zeichen {n} [Häkchen etc.]
tick [mattress cover] Matratzenüberzug {m}
tick [of a mattress] Matratzenbezug {m}
tick [order Ixodida]Zecke {f}
tick [small mark, e.g., on a map, to indicate sth.] Passermarke {f}
Tick and fill in as appropriate. [Br.] [form] Zutreffendes ankreuzen und ausfüllen. [Formular]
tick biteZeckenbiss {m} [nicht fachspr.] [Zeckenstich]
tick bite Zeckenstich {m}
tick book [Br.] [coll.] [dated] Schuldbuch {n} [eines Kaufmanns etc.]
tick box Auswahlkästchen {n}
tick boxKontrollkästchen {n}
tick clover [genus Desmodium]Wandelklee {m} [Gattung der Schmetterlingsblütler]
tick collarZeckenhalsband {n}
tick extractionZeckenextraktion {f}
tick fever Zeckenfieber {n}
tick forceps {pl} [one pair] Zeckenpinzette {f}
tick hookZeckenhaken {m} [eine Art Zeckenzange]
tick infestationZeckenbefall {m}
tick mark Hochkomma {n}
tick markSkalenstrich {m}
tick mark Teilstrich {m}
tick markHäkchen {n}
tick paralysisZeckenlähmung {f}
tick removal Zeckenentfernung {f}
tick remover Zeckenentferner {m} [Pinzette, Zange]
tick seasonZeckensaison {f}
tick size <ts, TS> Tickgröße {f}
tick size <ts, TS>Notierungssprung {m}
tick tong Zeckenzange {f}
tick tweezers {pl} [one pair]Zeckenpinzette {f}
tick twisterZeckenhaken {m} [eine Art Zeckenzange]
tick typhus [Rocky Mountain spotted fever] Zeckentyphus {m} [Rocky-Mountain-Fleckfieber]
tick value <tv> Tickwert {m}
tick warningZeckenwarnung {f}
tick-borne disease durch Zecken übertragene Krankheit {f}
tick-borne encephalitis Zeckenenzephalitis {f}
tick-borne encephalitis <TBE> Frühsommer-Meningo-Enzephalitis {f} <FSME>
tick-borne encephalitis <TBE> Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis {f} <FSME>
tick-borne encephalitis <TBE>Frühsommermeningoenzephalitis {f} <FSME>
tick-borne relapsing fever durch Zecken übertragenes Rückfallfieber {n}
tick-borne relapsing fever <TBRF> Zeckenrückfallfieber {n}
ticked getickt
ticked [spotted]getickt [Fell]
ticked [coll.] [annoyed] verärgert
ticked off angekreuzt
Tickell's babbler [Pellorneum tickelli, syn.: Trichastoma tickelli]Rotbrust-Maustimalie {f}
Tickell's babbler [Pellorneum tickelli, syn.: Trichastoma tickelli]Rostbrust-Erdtimalie {f}
Tickell's blue flycatcher [Cyornis tickelliae]Tickellblauschnäpper {m}
Tickell's blue-flycatcher [Cyornis tickelliae, syn.: Niltava tickelliae]Tickellblauschnäpper {m}
Tickell's blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis tickelliae, syn.: Niltava tickelliae]Braunbrust-Blauschnäpper {m}
Tickell's brown babbler [Pellorneum tickelli, syn.: Trichastoma tickelli] Rotbrust-Maustimalie {f}
Tickell's brown babbler [Pellorneum tickelli, syn.: Trichastoma tickelli] Rostbrust-Erdtimalie {f}
Tickell's brown hornbill / brown-hornbill [Anorrhinus tickelli, syn.: Buceros tickelli, Ptilolaemus tickelli] Rostbauch-Hornvogel {m}
Tickell's brown hornbill / brown-hornbill [Anorrhinus tickelli, syn.: Buceros tickelli, Ptilolaemus tickelli] Tickellhornvogel {m}
Tickell's flowerpecker [Dicaeum erythrorhynchos]Lachsschnabel-Mistelfresser {m}
Tickell's hornbill [Anorrhinus tickelli, syn.: Buceros tickelli, Ptilolaemus tickelli]Tickellhornvogel {m}
« thunThurthymthyrTibetibiTicktickticktidatidy »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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