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tightest knappeste [seltener] [knappste]
tightfisted knauserig [ugs.] [pej.]
tight-fistedknauserig [ugs.] [pej.]
tight-fitting genau eingepasst
tight-fitting eng anliegend
tight-fitting eng sitzend
tight-fitting thigh-high bootenganliegender Schaftstiefel {m}
tight-head drum Spundgebinde {n} [z. B. Fass]
tighthead prop [rugby] rechter Pfeiler {m}
tight-knit eng verbunden
tight-kniteng verwoben
tight-knit family enger Familienverband {m}
tight-knit networkengmaschiges Netz {n} [fig.]
tight-laced eng geschnürt
tight-lipped [also fig.]schmallippig [auch fig.]
tight-lipped [fig.]schweigsam
tight-lipped [fig.] verschwiegen
tight-lipped [fig.] zugeknöpft [fig.]
tight-lipped [fig.] verschlossen [schweigsam, zugeknöpft]
tightly fest [kräftig]
tightly straff
tightlystramm [schnüren]
tightly dicht
tightly [narrowly, closely] eng
tightly closed dicht verschlossen
tightly closedfest verschlossen
tightly constructed book straff gegliedertes Buch {n}
tightly contested electionheiß umkämpfte Wahl {f}
tightly controlledstreng überwacht
tightly controlled streng kontrolliert
tightly fitting eng anliegend
tightly knit [wine] dicht verwoben [Wein]
tightly laced enggeschnürt
tightly organised [Br.] straff organisiert
tightly organizedstraff organisiert
tightly packed dicht an dicht
tightly packed dicht bepackt
tightly packed dicht gepackt
tightly packed dicht auf dicht
tightly packed vollgepfercht
tightly packed molecules dicht gepackte Moleküle {pl}
tightly pricedmit scharf gerechneten Preisen
tightly pricedscharf kalkuliert
tightly wound verspannt
tight-mouthed [reticent] verschwiegen
tightness Festigkeit {f}
tightness Straffheit {f}
tightness Anspannung {f}
tightnessEnge {f}
tightness Anzugskraft {f}
tightnessKnappheit {f}
tightnessDichtigkeit {f} [Undurchlässigkeit]
tightness [coll.] Anzugsdrehmoment {n}
tightness [information, example and guidance] Dichtheit {f} [Information, Beispiel und Anleitung]
tightness checkDichtheitskontrolle {f}
tightness coordination chart Gasdichtheits-Koordinationsdiagramm {n}
tightness of money Geldknappheit {f}
tightness of the capital market Knappheit {f} auf dem Kapitalmarkt
tightness of the labour market [Br.] Enge {f} des Arbeitsmarktes
tightness of the market Enge {f} des Marktes
tightness of the money market Enge {f} des Geldmarktes
tightness test Dichtheitsprüfung {f}
tightrope Drahtseil {n} [Zirkus]
tightrope Seil {n} [für Seiltänzer]
Tightrope [Richard Tuggle] Der Wolf hetzt die Meute
tightrope actHochseilakt {m}
tightrope act [also fig.] Drahtseilakt {m} [auch fig.]
tightrope artistDrahtseilkünstler {m}
tightrope artist Hochseilartist {m}
tightrope artist [female] Drahtseilkünstlerin {f}
tightrope artisteHochseilartist {m}
tightrope walk Hochseilakt {m}
tightrope walk [fig.]Gratwanderung {f} [fig.]
tightrope walker Seiltänzer {m}
tight-rope walkerSeiltänzer {m}
tightrope walker [female]Seiltänzerin {f}
tightrope walkersSeiltänzer {pl}
tightrope walker's gait Seiltänzergang {m}
tightrope walking Seiltanz {m}
tightropes Seile {pl}
tights {pl} Strumpfhose {f}
tights [more than one pair]Strumpfhosen {pl}
tightwad [Am.] [coll.] Geizkragen {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
tightwad [Am.] [coll.]Geizhals {m} [pej.]
Tiglath-Pileser [Tukulti-apil-Ešarra: name of three kings of Assyria] Tiglat-Pileser {m}
tiglic acid [C5H8O2] Tiglinsäure {f}
tiglon [also tigon] [offspring of a male tiger and a female lion] Töwe {m} [Kreuzungsprodukt aus einem Tiger und einer Löwin]
tigon [also tiglon]Töwe {m}
Tigre [also: Tigray] [Ethiopia] Tigray {n} [Region in Nordäthiopien]
Tigre [Argentina]Tigre {n} [die Stadt und das Partido (Landkreis) in Argentinien]
Tigre (language) [Tigré, Tigrē] Tigre {n} [Sprache in Eritrea und im Sudan]
tigre (snake) [Spilotes pullatus]Hühnerfresser {m} [Schlange]
tigress Tigerin {f}
tigressTigerweibchen {n}
tigresses Tigerinnen {pl}
tigrillo [Leopardus tigrinus]Tigerkatze {f}
tigrillo [Leopardus tigrinus]Ozelotkatze {f}
Tigrinya (language) [often written as: Tigrigna]Tigrinisch {n}
« tidytiedtie-tigetightighTigrtiletilltilttimb »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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