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timing synchronizationZeitsynchronisation {f}
timing track Zeitgeberspur {f}
timingsZeiteinteilungen {pl}
Timișoara Temeswar {n} [auch: Temeschwar, Temeschburg]
Timneh African gray parrot [Am.] [Psittacus erithacus timneh] Timneh-Graupapagei {m}
Timneh African grey parrot [Br.] [Psittacus erithacus timneh, syn.: Psittacus timneh] Timneh-Graupapagei {m}
Timneh parrot [Psittacus erithacus timneh, syn.: Psittacus timneh]Timneh-Graupapagei {m}
timocracy Timokratie {f}
Timok [river]Timok {m} [Fluss]
timologyTimologie {f}
timololTimolol {n}
Timon of Athens [William Shakespeare] Timon von Athen
TimorTimor {n}
Timor black pigeon [Turacoena modesta](Schwarze) Timortaube {f}
Timor blue flycatcher [Cyornis hyacinthinus] Hyazinthenblauschnäpper {m}
Timor blue flycatcher [Ficedula timorensis]Brustband-Grundschnäpper {m}
Timor blue-flycatcher [Cyornis hyacinthinus, syn.: Niltava hyacinthina, N. hyacinthinus]Hyazinthenblauschnäpper {m}
Timor bush warbler / bush-warbler [Bradypterus timorensis, syn.: B. timoriensis, Locustella timorensis]Mayrbuschsänger {m}
Timor bushchat [Saxicola gutturalis] Timorschmätzer {m}
Timor (dusky) sparrow [Padda fuscata]Timorreisfink {m}
Timor figbird [Sphecotheres viridis] Feigenpirol {m}
Timor filariasis Timor-Filariose {f}
Timor flowerpecker [Dicaeum maugei] Macklot-Mistelfresser {m}
Timor flowerpecker [Dicaeum maugei] Blauwangen-Mistelfresser {m}
Timor flycatcher [Ficedula timorensis]Brustband-Grundschnäpper {m}
Timor (forest) rat [Rattus timorensis]Timorratte {f}
Timor (forest) rat [Rattus timorensis] Timor-Waldratte {f}
Timor friarbird [Philemon inornatus] Timorlederkopf {m}
Timor green pigeon [Treron psittaceus]Timorgrüntaube {f}
Timor green pigeon [Treron psittaceus] Grüne Timortaube {f}
Timor ground-thrush / ground thrush [Zoothera peronii, syn.: Geokichla peronii] Timordrossel {f}
Timor honeyeater [Lichmera flavicans]Timorhonigfresser {m}
Timor imperial pigeon [Ducula cineracea] Schieferrücken-Fruchttaube {f}
Timor imperial pigeon [Ducula cineracea] Timor-Fruchttaube {f}
Timor kingfisher [Todiramphus australasia] Timorliest {m}
Timor leaf warbler [Phylloscopus presbytes] Timorlaubsänger {m}
Timor monitor [Varanus timorensis] Timor-Waran {m}
Timor python [Malayopython timoriensis, syn.: Liasis amethystinus var. timoriensis, Python timoriensis, Broghammerus timoriensis]Timor-Python {m} [nicht fachspr. auch {f}]
Timor python [Malayopython timoriensis, syn.: Liasis amethystinus var. timoriensis, Python timoriensis, Broghammerus timoriensis] Timorpython {m} [nicht fachspr. auch {f}]
Timor red-winged parrot [Aprosmictus jonquillaceus]Timorsittich {m}
Timor reef snake [Aipysurus fuscus] Riff-Seeschlange {f}
Timor reef snake [Aipysurus fuscus] Timor-Riffschlange {f}
Timor reef snake [Aipysurus fuscus]Braune Seeschlange {f}
Timor SeaTimorsee {f}
Timor shrew [Crocidura tenuis] Timorspitzmaus {f}
Timor shrew [Crocidura tenuis] Dünnspitzmaus {f}
Timor stubtail [Urosphena subulata]Timorstutzschwanz {m}
Timor sulphur-crested cockatoo [Cacatua sulphurea parvula]Timor-Gelbwangenkakadu {m}
Timor sunbird [Nectarinia solaris]Sonnennektarvogel {m}
Timor thrush [Zoothera peronii, syn.: Geokichla peronii] Timordrossel {f}
Timor white-eye [Heleia muelleri] Fleckenbrust-Brillenvogel {m}
Timor wrasse [Halichoeres timorensis] Timor-Junker {m}
Timor zebra dove [Geopelia maugei]Zebratäubchen {n}
Timor zebra finch [Taeniopygia guttata guttata] Timor-Zebrafink {m}
(Timor) helmeted friarbird [Philemon buceroides]Helmlederkopf {m}
Timorese timoresisch
Timor-Leste [East-Timor] Osttimor {n}
timorous ängstlich [schüchtern]
timorously furchtsam
timorousnessFurchtsamkeit {f}
timorousnessZagheit {f} [geh.]
Timoshenko / Timoshenko's beam theory Timoschenko-Balken-Theorie {f}
TimothyTimotheus {m}
timothy [Phleum pratense]Wiesenlieschgras {n}
timothy (grass) [Phleum pratense, syn.: P. pratense f. bracteatum, Achnodonton bulbosum, Plantinia pratensis, Stelephuros pratensis] Timotheegras {n} [Wiesen-Lieschgras]
timothy (grass) [Phleum pratense] Timotheusgras {n} [Wiesenlieschgras]
timothy (grass) [Phleum pratense] [also: Timothy-grass]Wiesen-Lieschgras {n}
Timothy Mouse [Dumbo] [Disney]Timotheus
Timothy tortrix [Aphelia paleana] [moth]Timotheewickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Timothy tortrix [Aphelia paleana] [moth] Lieschgraswickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
timpana [Maltese lasagna] Timpana {f} [maltesische Lasagne]
timpaniKesselpauken {pl}
timpani Timpani {pl}
timpani {sg} Pauke {f}
timpani [kettle drums]Pauken {pl}
timpani mallets Paukenschlägel {pl}
timpani roll Paukenwirbel {m}
timpanist Paukist {m}
timpanist Timpanist {m}
timpanist [female] Paukistin {f}
timpanists Paukisten {pl}
timpano Kesselpauke {f}
timpano [rare] Pauke {f}
timpano [singular for the more common plural, timpani] Timpano {m}
timpleTimple {f}
timroseite [Pb2Cu5(TeO6)2(OH)2] Timroseit {m}
Tim's burrowing snake [Achalinus timi]Son-La-Wühlnatter {f}
Timur [Mongolian military leader, founder of the Timurid Empire]Timur {m} [mongolischer Militärführer, Begründer des Timuriden-Reichs]
Timurid timuridisch
Timurid dynastyDynastie {f} der Timuriden
Timurid Empire [also: Timurid empire]Timuridenreich {n}
Timurid periodTimuridenzeit {f}
Timurid prince [as a title: Timurid Prince]Timuridenprinz {m} [auch: Timuriden-Prinz]
Timurids Timuriden {pl}
tin Konserve {f}
tin Zinnblechbüchse {f}
tin {sg} [Br.] [coll.] [dated] [money]Moneten {pl} [ugs.] [Geld]
tin [attr.] blechern [aus Blech]
tin [attr.] [e.g. ore, content, mining, glaze]Zinn- [z. B. Erz, Gehalt, Abbau, Glasur]
« timetimetimetimetimetimitin[tinstingtinkTins »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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