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English-German Dictionary

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tin cup Blechnapf {m}
tin cupZinnbecher {m}
tin deposit Zinnlagerstätte {f}
tin deposit Zinnvorkommen {n}
tin dibromide [SnBr2] Zinndibromid {n}
tin dichloride [SnCl2] [E-512] Zinndichlorid {n}
tin dioxide [SnO2]Zinndioxid {n}
tin disulfide [Am.] [SnS2]Zinndisulfid {n}
tin drum Blechtrommel {f}
tin ear Taubheit {f} [gegenüber einer Sache]
tin fish [sl.] [torpedo] Aal {m} [ugs.] [Torpedo]
tin fluoride [SnF2] Zinnfluorid {n}
tin foil Stanniol {n} [Zinnfolie]
tin foil [coll. for: aluminum foil]Alufolie {f} [ugs.]
tin foil hat [also: tinfoil hat] [also fig.] Aluhut {m} [auch: Aluminiumhut, Stanniolhut] [auch fig.]
tin glaze Zinnglasur {f}
tin god Abgott {m}
tin god Götze {m}
tin godsGötzen {pl}
tin hat [Br.] [coll.] Helm {m}
tin hat [sl.]Stahlhelm {m}
tin industry Zinnindustrie {f}
tin ingotZinnbarren {m}
tin isotope Zinnisotop {n} [auch: Zinn-Isotop]
tin layerZinnschicht {f}
tin lid [Aus.] [NZ] [rhyming sl.] [kid] Kind {n}
tin lizzyBlechkiste {f}
tin lizzy [coll.]Blechliesel {f} [ugs.] [Modell T von Ford]
tin loaf Kastenbrot {n}
tin loaves Kastenbrote {pl}
tin man [tinsmith] Spengler {m} [österr.] [schweiz.] [südd.: ugs.]
tin medal [esp. Can.] [fourth place] Ledermedaille {f} [auch: Leder-Medaille] [bes. schweiz.] [pej.] [vierter Platz]
tin medal [esp. Can.] [hum.] [fourth place] Blechmedaille {f} [hum.] [vierter Platz]
Tin Men [Barry Levinson] Tin Men [alternativ: Tin Men - Zwei haarsträubende Rivalen]
tin mineZinnmine {f}
tin mining Zinnabbau {m}
tin monosulfide [Am.] [SnS]Zinnmonosulfid {n}
tin monoxide [SnO]Zinnmonoxid {n}
tin of cookies [Am.] Dose {f} (mit) Gebäck
tin of sardines in oil Büchse {f} Ölsardinen
tin of sweets [Br.]Bonbondose {f}
tin opener [Br.] Büchsenöffner {m}
tin opener [Br.] Dosenöffner {m}
tin openers [Br.] Dosenöffner {pl}
tin ore Zinnerz {n}
tin oxide [SnO2] [stannic oxide] Zinndioxid {n}
tin panBlechpfanne {f}
Tin Pan AlleyTin Pan Alley {f} [Zentrum der Musikverlage Ende 19./Anf. 20. Jh.]
Tin Pan Alley Schlagerindustrie {f}
tin peddler [Am.]Rorenschieber {m}
tin pest Zinnpest {f}
tin plate Weißblech {n}
tin plateBlechteller {m}
tin plateZinnblech {n}
tin plating Verzinnen {n}
tin platingVerzinnung {f}
tin platingZinnplattierung {f}
tin poisoningZinnvergiftung {f}
tin potBlechtopf {m}
tin recovery Zinnrückgewinnung {f}
tin roofBlechdach {n}
tin shack Blechhütte {f}
tin snips {pl} Blechschere {f}
tin solder Lötzinn {n}
tin soldier Zinnsoldat {m}
tin soldier Bleisoldat {m}
tin soldier army Zinnsoldatenarmee {f}
tin soldier collectionZinnsoldatensammlung {f}
tin soldier mold [Am.] Gussform {f} für Zinnsoldaten
tin soldier mould [Br.]Gussform {f} für Zinnsoldaten
tin telluride [SnTe]Zinntellurid {n}
tin tetrabromide [SnBr4] Zinntetrabromid {n}
tin tetrachloride [SnCl4]Zinntetrachlorid {n}
tin tetrafluoride [SnF4] Zinntetrafluorid {n}
tin tetraiodide [SnI4] Zinntetraiodid {n}
tin tie Clipband {n}
tin toy Blechspielzeug {n} [einzelnes Spielzeug]
tin toysBlechspielsachen {pl}
tin toysBlechspielwaren {pl}
tin toys {pl} Blechspielzeug {n} [Gattung]
tin trade Zinnhandel {m}
tin (wedding) anniversary zinnerne Hochzeit {f}
tin whistle Tin Whistle {f}
tin whistleBlechflöte {f}
tin whistle Zinnpfeife {f}
tin wind-up toys {pl} mechanisches Blechspielzeug {n} [zum Aufziehen]
Tin Woodman [The Wonderful Wizard of Oz]Blechmann {m} [Der Zauberer von Oz]
TINA choice [TINA = There is no alternative] TINA-Entscheidung {f}
TINA principle [TINA = There is no alternative] TINA-Prinzip {n}
tinaksite [K2Na(Ca,Fe,Mn,Mg)2(Ti,Fe)Si7O19(OH)]Tinaksit {m}
tinamou [family Tinamidae] Steißhuhn {n}
tinamous [family Tinamidae] Steißhühner {pl}
tin-bearing zinnhaltig
tincalconite [Na6 [B4O5(OH)4]3·8H2O] Tincalconit {m}
tin-coated zinnbeschichtet
tinctFärbung {f}
tinctorial Farb-
tinctorial Färbe- [selten auch: Färb-]
tincture Tinktur {f}
« timetimetimetimiTimotinctinctingtinntinttiny »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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