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tincture Farbton {m}
tincture Tingierung {f} [Farbgebung]
tincture of gentian Enziantinktur {f}
tincture of ginger Ingwertinktur {f}
tincture of iodineJodtinktur {f}
tincture of opium Opiumtinktur {f}
tinctures Tinkturen {pl}
tinder [also fig.] Zunder {m} [auch fig.]
tinder box [fig.] Pulverfass {n} [fig.]
tinder bracket [Fomes fomentarius, formerly: Ungulina fomentaria or Polyporus fomentarius] Feuerschwamm {m}
tinder bracket [Fomes fomentarius, formerly: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius] (Echter) Zunderschwamm {m}
tinder bracket [Fomes fomentarius, formerly: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius] Echter Zunderpilz {m}
tinder bracket [Fomes fomentarius, syn.: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius] Zunderpilz {m}
tinder conk [Fomes fomentarius, formerly: Ungulina fomentaria or Polyporus fomentarius]Feuerschwamm {m}
tinder conk [Fomes fomentarius, formerly: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius](Echter) Zunderschwamm {m}
tinder conk [Fomes fomentarius, syn.: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius]Zunderpilz {m}
tinder fungus [Fomes fomentarius, formerly: Ungulina fomentaria or Polyporus fomentarius] Feuerschwamm {m}
tinder fungus [Fomes fomentarius, formerly: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius] Echter Zunderschwamm {m}
tinder fungus [Fomes fomentarius, syn.: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius]Zunderschwamm {m}
tinder fungus [Fomes fomentarius, syn.: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius] Zunderpilz {m}
tinder polypore [Fomes fomentarius, formerly: Ungulina fomentaria or Polyporus fomentarius]Feuerschwamm {m}
tinder polypore [Fomes fomentarius, formerly: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius](Echter) Zunderschwamm {m}
tinder polypore [Fomes fomentarius, formerly: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius]Echter Zunderpilz {m}
tinder polypore [Fomes fomentarius, syn.: Ungulina fomentaria, Polyporus fomentarius] Zunderpilz {m}
Tinder® (app) [online dating app]Tinder® {n} [kommerzielle Dating-App]
tinderbox Zunderbüchse {f}
tinderbox [coll.] Pulverfass {n} [fig.]
tinderboxes Zunderbüchsen {pl}
tinder-dry so trocken wie Asche
tinder-dry (trocken) wie Zunder [nachgestellt]
tin-doped indium oxide Indiumzinnoxid {n}
tineZacke {f}
tine Zinke {f} [Gabel, Stimmgabel usw.]
tine [of antler] Sprosse {f} [Geweihsprosse]
tine [of antler] Ende {n} [Geweih]
tine barZinkenbalken {m} [einer Egge]
tine rake Fächerbesen {m}
tine test Tinetest {m} [auch: Tine-Test]
tine testTine-Stempeltest {m} [Tinetest]
tinea barbae Bartflechte {f}
tinea capitisKopfhautflechte {f}
Tinea faciei [fungal infection of the face] Hautpilzinfektion {f} im Gesicht
tinea tonsurans Tonsurflechte {f}
tinea versicolor [Dermatomycosis furfuracea, Pityriasis versicolor, Tinea flava] Pityriasis versicolor {f}
tinea versicolor [Dermatomycosis furfuracea, Pityriasis versicolor, Tinea flava]Kleienflechte {f}
tinea versicolor [Dermatomycosis furfuracea, Pityriasis versicolor, Tinea flava] Kleienpilzflechte {f}
tined [chiefly in comb.] gezackt
tined weeder Hackstriegel {m} [landwirtschaftliches Gerät]
tineid moths [family Tineidae] Echte Motten {pl}
tineid moths [family Tineidae]Tineiden {pl}
tineids [family Tineidae] Echte Motten {pl}
tineids [family Tineidae] Tineiden {pl}
Tinel's sign Tinel-Zeichen {n} [Hoffmann-Tinel-Zeichen]
Tinfield's rock rat [Aethomys stannarius]Zinnfeld-Buschratte {f}
tinfoilStanniol {n}
tinfoilStanniolpapier {n}
tinfoil Alufolie {f} [ugs.]
tinfoil Zinnfolie {f}
tinfoil [popular misnomer] Aluminiumfolie {f}
tinfoil barb [Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, syn.: Barbus pentazona schwanefeldi] Brassenbarbe {f}
tinfoil hat theory [coll.] [also: tinfoilhat theory, tin foil hat theory] Verschwörungstheorie {f}
tinfoil phonographZinnfolienphonograph {m}
tinfoil sheetStanniolblatt {n}
tinfoil-hat wearer [fig.] [pej.] [conspiracy theorist] Aluhutträger {m} [fig.] [pej.] [Verschwörungstheoretiker]
ting-a-lingKlingling {n}
tinge Stich {m} [Farb-]
tingeTönung {f}
tinge Färbung {f}
tinge [touch]Hauch {m} [Anflug]
tinge [touch]Anflug {m}
tinge [touch] Spur {f} [Anflug, Hauch]
tinge of an accentleichter Akzent {m}
tinge of greenGrünstich {m}
tinge of red(leichter) Rotstich {m}
tinged gefärbt
tingedmit einem Stich (ins ...)
tinged tingiert
tinged farbstichig [z. B. Videobilder]
tinged [metal etc.] angelaufen [Metall etc.]
tinged [with just a hint of colour] überlaufen [mit einem Hauch Farbe]
tinged with blue [postpos.] [bluish]ins Blaue spielend [bläulich]
tinged with sth. [postpos.] [e.g. yellow tinged with green] in etw. [Akk.] spielend [z. B. ein ins Grünliche spielendes Gelb]
tinges Tönungen {pl}
tingible anfärbbar
tinging färbend
tinging tönend
tin-glazed earthenware Fayence {f}
tingle Kribbeln {n}
tinglePrickeln {n}
tingle tongue [Zanthoxylum clava-herculis] [toothache tree] Herkuleskeule {f}
tingle-tangle Tingeltangel {n}
tingling klingend
tingling kribbelnd
tingling Kribbeln {n}
« timetimetimiTimotinctinctingtinntinttinytipp »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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