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tiny hairHärchen {n}
tiny hawk [Accipiter superciliosus, syn.: Hieraspiza superciliosa] Däumlingssperber {m}
tiny herald snail [Carychium minimum] Bauchige Zwerghornschnecke {f}
tiny herald snail [Carychium minimum] Bauchige Zwergschnecke {f}
tiny holewinziges Loch {n}
tiny house movement Tiny-House-Bewegung {f}
tiny lacuna [Lacuna parva, syn.: L. puteolus] Kleine Grübchenschnecke {f}
tiny little winzig klein
tiny littlekleinwinzig [ugs.]
tiny little thing Winzling {m}
tiny little town sehr kleines Städtchen {n}
tiny manakin [Tyranneutes virescens] Zwergpipra / Zwerg-Pipra {f}
tiny mice cuphea [Cuphea llavea, syn.: Cuphea miniata] Fledermausgesicht / Fledermaus-Gesicht {n}
tiny nation Zwergstaat {m}
tiny night snake [Ithycyphus miniatus] Zwerg-Nachtnatter {f}
tiny paw Tätzchen {n}
tiny peaclam / pea clam [Pisidium insigne] Pisidium insigne {f} [Süßwassermuschelart]
tiny quantity Kleinstmenge {f} [kleine bis sehr kleine Menge]
tiny room winziger Raum {m}
tiny sliver [splinter]Spänchen {n}
tiny sparrow hawk [Accipiter superciliosus]Däumlingssperber {m}
tiny sparrowhawk [Accipiter superciliosis]Däumlingssperber {m}
tiny sunbird [Nectarinia minulla] Zwergnektarvogel {m}
tiny tear Tränchen {n}
tiny totHosenmatz {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
tiny tot kleiner Matz {m}
tiny tot winziger Kerl {m}
tiny tot kleiner Knirps {m}
tiny tot [coll.]Dreikäsehoch {m} [ugs.]
tiny totskleine Kinder {pl}
tiny tyranneutes [Tyranneutes virescens]Zwergpipra / Zwerg-Pipra {f}
tiny tyranneutes [Tyranneutes virescens] Nördliche Zwergpipra {f}
tiny tyrant [Tyranneutes virescens]Zwergpipra / Zwerg-Pipra {f}
tiny tyrant [Tyranneutes virescens]Nördliche Zwergpipra {f}
tiny vetch [Vicia hirsuta] Rauhaarige Wicke {f}
tiny vetch [Vicia hirsuta]Behaarte Wicke {f}
tiny vetch [Vicia hirsuta] Zitter-Wicke {f}
tiny vetch [Vicia hirsuta] Zitterlinse {f}
tiny vetch [Vicia hirsuta] Ervenlinse {f}
tiny whorl snail [Truncatellina claustralis]Schlanke Zylinderwindelschnecke {f}
tiny whorl snail [Truncatellina claustralis]Kleine Zylinderwindelschnecke {f}
tiny winter blacks [coll.] [family Nemouridae] Nemouridae {pl} [artenreichste Familie der Steinfliegen, Plecoptera]
(tiny) mousetail / mouse-tail [Myosurus minimus, syn.: M. clavicaulis, M. lepturus]Kleiner Mäuseschwanz {m}
(tiny) mousetail / mouse-tail [Myosurus minimus, syn.: M. clavicaulis, M. lepturus]Mäuseschwänzchen {n}
(tiny) mousetail / mouse-tail [Myosurus minimus, syn.: M. clavicaulis, M. lepturus] Zwergmäuseschwanz {m}
(tiny) mousetail / mouse-tail [Myosurus minimus, syn.: M. clavicaulis, M. lepturus]Zwerg-Mäuseschwänzchen / Zwergmäuseschwänzchen {n}
tiny-tyrant manakin [Tyranneutes virescens] Zwergpipra / Zwerg-Pipra {f}
tiny-tyrant manakin [Tyranneutes virescens] Nördliche Zwergpipra {f}
tinzenite [(Ca,Mn,Fe)3Al2BO3Si4O12(OH)] Tinzenit {m}
tioconazole Tioconazol {n}
tioguanineTioguanin {n}
Tioman ringneck [Liopeltis tiomanica] Tioman-Nackenstreifennatter {f}
tiopronin [C5H9NO3S] Tiopronin {n}
tiotropium [short for: tiotropium bromide] Tiotropium {n} [kurz für: Tiotropiumbromid]
tiotropium bromideTiotropiumbromid {n}
tipTrinkgeld {n}
tip Zipfel {m}
tip Zündkerzenelektrode {f}
tip [advice, suggestion] Hinweis {m}
tip [advice] Tip {m} [alt]
tip [advice] Tipp {m}
tip [advice] Ratschlag {m}
tip [Br.]Halde {f}
tip [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] Saustall {m} [fig.] [pej.]
tip [Br.] [rubbish tip]Müllhalde {f}
tip [cigarette]Zigarettenspitze {f} [Mundstück]
tip [cue stick] Pomeranze {f} [am Billardstock]
tip [dump]Schuttplatz {m}
tip [gratuity]Service {n} [schweiz.] [Trinkgeld]
tip [gratuity] Servicegeld {n} [schweiz.] [seltener] [Trinkgeld]
tip [hint, lead]Zund {m} [österr.] [bes. Wienerisch]
tip [in public toilet] Toilettengroschen {m}
tip [money]Schmattes {m} [ostösterr.] [aus dem Jiddischen]
tip [of a blowtorch] Düse {f} [Schneidbrenner]
tip [of a cigarette]Kippe {f} [ugs.] [Zigarettenstummel]
tip [of a hair] Haarspitze {f}
tip [summit] Kuppe {f}
tip [top of sth.] Spitze {f} [spitzes Ende]
tip diameter [gear] Kopfkreisdurchmesser {m} [Zahnrad]
tip droughtSpitzendürre {f}
tip for a gift Geschenktipp {m}
tip for observing sth.Beobachtungstipp {m} für etw.
tip from a reader Lesertipp {m}
tip jarTrinkgelddose {f}
tip jar Trinkgeldbüchse {f}
tip of a boot Stiefelspitze {f} [Spitze eines Stiefels]
tip of (a) bill Schnabelspitze {f}
tip of an island Inseleck {n} [selten]
tip of one's nose Nasenspitze {f}
tip of snoutSchnauzenspitze {f}
tip of the billSchnabelspitze {f}
tip of the boot Stiefelspitze {f} [Spitze des Stiefels]
tip of the fingerFingerspitze {f}
tip of the hat [Am.] [coll.] Kompliment {n}
tip of the noseNasenspitze {f}
tip of the papillaPapillenspitze {f}
tip of the snoutSchnauzenspitze {f}
tip of the spear [also fig.] Speerspitze {f} [auch fig.]
tip of the tailSchwanzspitze {f}
tip of the toe Zehenspitze {f}
« Tim'tinptinetinktinstinytipotipstiretiritiss »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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