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tawny wave [Scopula rubiginata, syn.: Acidalia rubiginata] [moth]Weinroter Triftenflurspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
tawny wave [Scopula rubiginata, syn.: Acidalia rubiginata] [moth] Rostspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
tawny wave [Scopula rubiginata, syn.: Acidalia rubiginata] [moth]Violetter Kleinspanner {m} [selten] [Nachtfalterspezies]
tawny wave [Scopula rubiginata, syn.: Acidalia rubiginata] [moth](Weinroter) Triftgrasflur-Kleinspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
tawny-backed fantail [Rhipidura superflua]Burufächerschwanz {m}
tawny-backed fantail [Rhipidura superflua] Burufächerschwanz {m}kuckuck
tawny-barred angle [Macaria liturata] Veilgrauer Kiefernspanner {m} [Falter]
tawny-barred angle [Macaria liturata] Violettgrauer Eckflügelspanner {m}
tawny-barred angle (moth) [Macaria liturata]Weißgrauer Kiefernspanner {m} [Falter]
tawny-barred angle (moth) [Macaria liturata]Kiefern-Eckflügelspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
tawny-bellied babbler [Dumetia hyperythra] Rotbauchtimalie {f}
tawny-bellied euphonia [Euphonia imitans]Stirnfleckenorganist {m} [auch: Stirnflecken-Organist]
tawny-bellied hermit [Phaethornis syrmatophorus] Braunbaucheremit {m}
tawny-bellied hermit [Phaethornis syrmatophorus] Orangebauch-Schattenkolibri {m}
tawny-bellied screech owl [Megascops watsonii] Watsoneule {f}
tawny-bellied seedeater [Sporophila hypoxantha] Ockerbrustpfäffchen {n}
tawny-breasted flycatcher [Myiobius villosus]Borstentyrann {m}
tawny-breasted honeyeater [Xanthotis flaviventer]Ockerbrust-Honigfresser {m}
tawny-breasted tinamou [Nothocercus julius] Gelbbrusttinamu {m}
tawny-breasted wren-babbler [Spelaeornis longicaudatus]Khasi-Zaunkönigstimalie / Kashi Zaunkönigs-Timalie {f}
tawny-breasted wren-babbler [Spelaeornis longicaudatus] Khasizwergtimalie {f}
tawny-browed owl [Pulsatrix koeniswaldiana] Gelbbrauenkauz {m}
tawny-browed owl [Pulsatrix koeniswaldiana] Weißkehl-Brillenkauz {m}
tawny-browed owl [Pulsatrix koeniswaldiana] Koeniswald-Kauz {m}
tawny-capped euphonia [Euphonia anneae] Braunscheitelorganist {m}
tawny-chested flycatcher [Aphanotriccus capitalis] Salvintyrann {m}
tawny-collared nightjar [Antrostomus salvini, syn.: Caprimulgus salvini]Salvinnachtschwalbe {f}
tawny-crested tanager [Tachyphonus delatrii] Schwarzachseltangare {f}
tawny-crowned euphonia [Euphonia anneae]Braunscheitelorganist {m} [Braunscheitel-Organist]
tawny-crowned greenlet [Hylophilus ochraceiceps] Fuchsscheitelvireo {m}
tawny-crowned greenlet [Hylophilus ochraceiceps] Braunkopf-Hylophilus {m}
tawny-crowned honeyeater [Phylidonyris melanops] Goldscheitel-Honigfresser {m}
tawny-crowned pygmy tyrant [Euscarthmus meloryphus] Weißbauch-Todityrann {m}
tawny-faced gnatwren [Microbates cinereiventris]Graubauch-Degenschnäbler {m}
tawny-faced quail [Rhynchortyx cinctus] Langbeinwachtel {f}
tawny-faced quail [Rhynchortyx cinctus] Langbeinzahnwachtel {f}
tawny-flanked prinia [Prinia subflava] Rahmbrustprinie {f}
tawny-headed mountain finch / mountain-finch [Leucosticte sillemi]Sillemschneegimpel {m} [auch: Sillem-Schneegimpel]
tawny-headed swallow [Alopochelidon fucata]Fuchsschwalbe {f}
tawny-rumped tyrannulet [Phyllomyias uropygialis]Goldbürzel-Fliegenstecher {m}
tawny-shouldered blackbird [Agelaius humeralis] Braunschulterstärling {m}
tawny-throated dotterel [Oreopholus ruficollis] Orangekehl-Regenpfeifer {m}
tawny-throated leafscraper [Sclerurus mexicanus] Rostkehl-Laubwender {m}
tawny-throated leaftosser [Sclerurus mexicanus]Rostkehl-Laubwender {m}
tawny-tufted toucanet [Selenidera nattereri]Nattererarassari {m}
tawny-veined wainscot [Simyra nervosa] [moth]Schrägflügel-Striemeneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
tawny-veined wainscot [Simyra nervosa] [moth] Weißgraue Schrägflügeleule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
tawny-winged woodcreeper [Dendrocincla anabatina] Lohschwingen-Baumsteiger {m}
tawsAusgangslinien {pl}
tawse [Scot.]Riemen {m} [zur Züchtigung von Kindern in der Schule]
tax Abgabe {f}
tax Gebühr {f}
taxSteuer {f}
taxZins {m} [Abgabe]
tax [advantages, benefits, etc.] steuerlich
tax [esp. small, local one]Taxe {f}
tax abatementSteuererleichterung {f}
tax abatement erlassene Steuer {f}
tax abatement Steuererlass {m}
tax abatementSteuersenkung {f}
tax abatements for dependent childrenKinderfreibetrag {m}
tax accountancy Steuerberatung {f}
tax accountant Steuerberater {m}
tax accountant [female] Steuerberaterin {f}
tax accountingSteuerbuchhaltung {f}
tax accounting lawBilanzsteuerrecht {n}
tax accrual and deferralSteuerabgrenzung {f}
tax adaptationSteueranpassung {f}
tax adjustmentSteueranpassung {f}
tax administration Steuerverwaltung {f}
Tax Administration Act Finanzverwaltungsgesetz {n} <FVG>
tax administrator Steuerverwalter {m}
tax advantage Steuervorteil {m}
tax advantagesteuerlicher Vorteil {m}
tax advantagesSteuervorteile {pl}
tax advice Steuerberatung {f}
tax advice firmSteuerberatungsgesellschaft {f}
tax advice when inheriting Steuerberatung {f} für eine Erbschaft
tax adviserSteuerberater {m}
tax adviser [female] Steuerberaterin {f}
tax advisor Steuerberater {m}
tax advisor [female]Steuerberaterin {f}
tax affair Steuerskandal {m}
tax affair Steueraffäre {f}
tax agreementSteuerabkommen {n}
tax allowance Steuerermäßigung {f}
tax allowance Steuernachlass {m}
tax allowance Steuerfreibetrag {m}
tax allowance Absetzbetrag {m} [österr.] [Freibetrag]
tax allowance steuerlicher Freibetrag {m}
Tax Amendment Act Steueränderungsgesetz {n}
tax amnesty Steueramnestie {f}
tax and contribution ratio Abgabenquote {f}
tax appraisal Steuerschätzung {f}
tax arrears Steuerrückstände {pl}
tax assessment Steuerbescheid {m}
tax assessment Steuerveranlagung {f}
tax assessmentSteuerfeststellung {f}
tax assessmentSteuerrechnung {f} [schweiz.] [Steuerbescheid]
tax assessment noticeSteuerbescheid {m}
« tastTATAtatttauptavetawntaxataxdtaxhtaxotaxs »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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