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taxonomist [female] Taxonomin {f}
taxonomy Taxonomie {f}
taxonomy Klassifizierungslehre {f}
taxonomy of virusesVirustaxonomie {f}
taxon-specific taxonspezifisch / taxon-spezifisch
taxonymTaxonym {n}
taxpayer Steuerzahler {m}
taxpayerSteuerpflichtiger {m}
taxpayer [female] Steuerzahlerin {f}
taxpayer funds Steuergelder {pl}
taxpayer money {sg} Steuergelder {pl}
taxpayer-funded steuerfinanziert
taxpayersSteuerzahler {pl}
TaxPayers' Alliance [UK]Steuerzahlerbund {m} [UK]
taxpayer's ID <TIN> Steuernummer {f}
taxpayers' money {sg}Steuergelder {pl}
taxpaying Entrichtung {f} von Steuer
tax-privileged investment steuerbegünstigte Anlage {f}
tax-reducing steuermindernd
tax-refund claimSteuerrückerstattungsforderung {f}
tax-related offence [Br.] Steuerdelikt {n}
tax-related offence [Br.]Steuervergehen {n}
tax-related offence [Br.] Steuerstraftat {f}
tax-riddenschwer mit Steuer belastet
tax-sheltered vor Steuer geschützt
tax-spared securities steuerfreie Wertpapiere {pl}
tax-supported steuerlich begünstigt
taxus ballTaxuskugel {f}
taxus ball Eibenkugel {f}
taxying [spv.] rollend
Tay Bridge disaster [Eisenbahnunfall auf der Firth-of-Tay-Brücke]
Tay Rail Bridge [across the Firth of Tay] Firth-of-Tay-Brücke {f} [Eisenbahnbrücke]
Tay (River) [also: River Tay]Tay {m}
Tây Sơn dynasty Tây-Sơn-Dynastie {f}
Tay syndrome Tay-Syndrom {n}
Tayabas Bay Bucht {f} von Tayabas
tayberry Taybeere {f}
Tayibe Tayyibe {n}
Taylor expansionTaylorentwicklung {f}
Taylor GlacierTaylor-Gletscher {m}
Taylor number <Ta> Taylor-Zahl {f} <Ta>
Taylor polynomialTaylorpolynom {n}
Taylor polynomial [also: Taylor's polynomial] Taylor-Polynom {n}
Taylor series Taylorreihe {f}
Taylor Valley Taylor Valley {n}
Taylor-Couette flowTaylor-Couette-Strömung {f}
TaylorismTaylorismus {m}
Taylor's black-striped snake [Coniophanes taylori]Guerrero-Schwarzstreifennatter {f}
Taylor's cantil [Agkistrodon taylori, syn.: A. bilineatus taylori] Taylors Mokassinotter {f}
Taylor's cantil [Agkistrodon taylori, syn.: A. bilineatus taylori] Taylors Mokassinotter {f}jipijeh
Taylor's cedar looper [Eupithecia intricata, formerly: Tephroclystia isogrammaria] [moth] (Großer) Wacholder-Blütenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Taylor's coral snake [Hemibungarus mcclungi]Polillo-Korallenotter {f}
Taylor's fat-tail gecko [Hemitheconyx taylori]Taylors Fettschwanzgecko {m}
Taylor's fat-tail gecko [Hemitheconyx taylori]Ostafrikanischer Fettschwanzgecko {m}
Taylor's formulaTaylor-Formel {f}
Taylor's garden eel [Heteroconger taylori] Taylors Röhrenaal {m}
taylor's miter [Am.] [Vexillum taeniatum, syn.: V. (Vexillum) taeniatumMitra crocea, M. taeniata]Vexillum taeniatum {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
taylor's mitre [Br.] [Vexillum taeniatum, syn.: V. (Vexillum) taeniatumMitra crocea, M. taeniata] Vexillum taeniatum {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
Taylor's moccasin [Agkistrodon taylori, syn.: A. bilineatus taylori] Taylors Mokassinotter {f}
Taylor's Peru blind snake [Anomalepis aspinosus] Taylors Peru-Blindschlange {f}
Taylor's salamander [Ambystoma taylori] Brackwasser-Querzahnmolch {m}
Taylor's spire snail [Marstoniopsis scholtzi, also M. insubrica] Schöngesichtige Zwergdeckelschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
Taylor's spire snail [Marstoniopsis scholtzi, syn.: M. insubrica] Schöne Zwergdeckelschnecke {f}
Taylor's theorem Taylor'scher Satz {m}
Taylor's theorem [also: theorem of Taylor]Satz {m} von Taylor
Taymyr GulfTaimyrgolf {m}
Taymyr PeninsulaTaimyrhalbinsel {f}
tayra [Eira barbara] Tayra {f} {m} [Marderart]
tayra [Eira barbara]Hyrare {f}
Tayra's centipede snake [Tantilla tayrae] Tacaná-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Tay-Sachs disease <TSD>Tay-Sachs-Syndrom {n}
tazetta narcissus [Narcissus tazetta] Bukett-Narzisse {f}
tazetta narcissus [Narcissus tazetta]Strauß-Narzisse {f}
tazetta narcissus [Narcissus tazetta]Tazette {f}
tazetta narcissus [Narcissus tazetta] Mehrblütige Narzisse {f}
tazheranite [(Zr,Ti,Ca)O2] Tazheranit {m}
tazieffite [Pb10Cd(As,Bi)11S25Cl5] Tazieffit {m}
tazobactamTazobactam {n}
tazzoliite [Ba4-xNaxTi2Nb3SiO17 [PO2(OH)2]x(OH)(1-2x) (0≤x≤0.5)] Tazzoliit {m}
Tazzy tiger [coll.] [Thylacinus cynocephalus] [extinct]Tasmanischer Tiger {m} [ausgestorben]
TB or Not TB [House season 2] Mehr Sein als Schein
TBA [to be announced]wird noch angekündigt
T-barT-Träger {m}
T-bar [Am.]Schlepplift {m}
T-bar [piece of equipment]T-Stange {f}
T-bar corridor [skiing] Skilifttrassee {n} [schweiz.]
T-bar corridor [skiing] Schlepplifttrassee {n} [schweiz.]
T-bar (lift) [ski lift] Bügellift {m} [schweiz.]
T-bar pump T-Steg-Pumps {m}
T-bar tracks {pl} [skiing] Skilifttrassee {n} [schweiz.]
T-bar tracks {pl} [skiing] Skiliftspur {f}
T-bar tracks {pl} [skiing]Schleppliftspur {f}
t-barb [Puntius lateristriga]Schwarzbandbarbe {f}
tbc [to be confirmed](noch) zu bestätigen
tbc [to be confirmed] unbestätigt
t-beam Plattenbalken {m}
T-beam T-Träger {m}
Tbilisi Tiflis {n}
Tbilisian [from Tbilisi (Georgia)] aus Tiflis [nachgestellt]
« taxgtaxotaxrtaxataxitaxoTbilteagteawteacteac »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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