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to buzz [Am.] [coll.] [to telephone]anrufen
to buzz [brass instrument] buzzen [ugs.] [Anglizismus]
to buzz [bumble-bee, etc.] brummen [Hummel, große Fliege etc.]
to buzz [buzzer] buzzern [ugs.] [Anglizismus]
to buzz [fig.] [telephone lines, wires, etc.] heiß laufen [Telefonleitungen, -drähte usw.]
to buzz around geschäftig sein
to buzz around sb./sth. jdn./etw. umschwirren
to buzz around (sb./sth.) [fly, bee etc.](um jdn./etw.) herumbrummen [Fliege, Biene usw.]
to buzz around (sb./sth.) [fly, bee etc.](um jdn./etw.) herumsummen [Fliege, Biene usw.]
to buzz off [chiefly Br.] [coll.] [to leave]davonschwirren
to buzz off [coll.] abbrausen [ugs.]
to buzz off [coll.] einen Abgang machen [ugs.] [abhauen]
to buzz off [coll.] einen Abflug machen [ugs.] [abhauen / verschwinden]
to buzz off [coll.] abzischen [ugs.]
to buzz off [coll.] abschwirren [ugs.; auch fig.]
to buzz (shrilly) [alarm clock, telephone etc.]schnarren
to buzz sth. [coll.] [to fly low over sth.] etw. [Akk.] niedrig überfliegen [in niedriger Flughöhe über etw.]
to by-pass überbrücken
to bypass überbrücken
to bypass [fig.] [to skip]übergehen [überspringen]
to bypass official channels Instanzen überspringen
to bypass sb./sth. jdn./etw. umgehen
to bypass sth. [town, village] etw. [Akk.] umfahren [auf einer Umgehungsstraße]
to bypass the question an der Fragestellung vorbeigehen
to bypass the question an der Sache vorbeigehen
to bypass the wholesalerden Großhändler übergehen
to cab [coll.] [to travel in a taxicab]mit dem Taxi fahren [als Fahrgast]
to cabalintrigieren
to cabalRänke schmieden [geh.] [veraltend]
to cabbage [Br.] [sl.] [be idle]herumhängen [ugs.] [Personen]
to cabbage [steal] stehlen
to cabin sth. [restrain]etw. [Akk.] beschränken
to cabinet sth.etw. [Akk.] einschließen
to cablekabeln
to cable telegrafieren
to cable verkabeln
to cabletelegrafisch durchgeben
to cable funken
to cable sth. [to telegraph] etw. drahten [veraltend] [telegraphieren]
to cablecast Hochseekabel legen
to cache puffern
to cache verstecken
to cachezwischenspeichern
to cache cachen
to cache sth. etw. in den Cachespeicher aufnehmen
to cack up [esp. Aus.] [sl.] [crack up with laughter]laut loslachen
to cackle gackern [auch fig.]
to cackleschnattern [auch fig.]
to cackleplappern [ugs.]
to cackle kichern
to cackle gackernd lachen
to cackle kakeln [nordd.] [gackern]
to cackle at sb.jdn. anschnattern
to cackle like a gooseschnattern wie eine Gans
to cacuminate [archaic]schärfen
to caddie for sb.für jdn. als Caddie arbeiten [Golfsport]
to cadge [Br.] [coll.] schnorren [ugs.]
to cadge from sb. [Br.] [coll.]jdn. anpumpen [ugs.]
to cadge money [Br.] [coll.]um Geld anpumpen [ugs.]
to cadge sth. (off / from sb.) [Br.] [coll.] etw. (bei / von jdm.) schnorren [ugs.]
to cadmium-plate sth. etw. verkadmen [selten] [kadmieren]
to cadmium-plate sth. etw. [Akk.] kadmieren
to cageeinsperren
to cage a bird einen Vogel einsperren
to cage sb.jdn. in einen Käfig sperren
to cage upin einen Käfig sperren
to cage upeinsperren
to cajole [schmeichelnd] betteln
to cajole drängen
to cajole sb. jdn. beschwatzen [ugs.]
to cajole sb. jdm. schmeicheln [um zu überreden]
to cake sintern
to cakezusammenbacken
to cake festbacken
to cake Klumpen bilden
to cake (sich) verkrusten
to cake on to sth. an etw. anbacken [regional] [sich an etw. festsetzen]
to cake sth. etw. verkrusten
to cakewalk einen Cakewalk tanzen
to calcify verkalken
to calcifykalzifizieren
to calcify calcifizieren [Rsv., jedoch nur fachbezogen]
to calcimine sth.etw. kalken
to calcimine sth. [whitewash with kalsomine]etw. kalken [mit Kalkfarbe streichen]
to calcinatekalzinieren
to calcine ausglühen
to calcine brennen [Kalk]
to calcine glühen
to calcine kalzinieren
to calcinerösten
to calcinecalcinieren
to calcitrate [archaic] [kick against, rebel]aufbegehren
to calculaterechnen
to calculate ausarbeiten
to calculate ausrechnen
to calculateermitteln [berechnen]
to calculateerrechnen
to calculate [also fig.]berechnen [auch fig.]
to calculate againnachrechnen
to calculate anewneu berechnen
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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