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Tbilisi-born in Tiflis geboren
T-boltT-Nutenschraube {f}
T-bone steakT-Bone-Steak {n}
T-break T-Bruch {m}
TBT agreementTBT-Abkommen {n}
Tc99m sestamibi [technetium (99mTc) sestamibi] Tc99m-Sestamibi {n}
T-cell precursorT-Vorläuferzelle {f}
T-cell receptors T-Zell-Rezeptoren {pl}
T-cell recruitmentT-Zell-Rekrutierung {f}
tcha tja [ugs.]
Tchebysheff's inequalityTschebyschow-Ungleichung {f}
Tchebysheff's inequality [also: Chebyshev's inequality] Tschebyscheff'sche Ungleichung {f}
Tcheremissian [spv.]tscheremissisch
Tchiowa [local name for Cabinda (city), capital city of Cabinda Province] Cabinda {n} [Hauptstadt der Provinz Cabinda]
tchotchke [Yidd.]Schnickschnack {m} [Kinkerlitzchen]
tchotchkes {pl} [coll.] [esp. Am.] [from Yiddish] [also: tchatchkes, tsatskes]Nippes {m}
tchoukball [indoor team sport] Tchoukball {m} [Sportart]
TCP connectionTCP-Verbindung {f}
T-dot <T.O.> [coll.] [Can.] [nickname for Toronto][Spitzname für Toronto, Kanada]
Te Deum (laudamus) Ambrosianischer Lobgesang {m}
TE speech TE-Stimme {f}
tea Tee {m}
tea [Aus.] [NZ] [N. Engl.] [Scot.] [evening meal] Essen {n} [Hauptmahlzeit am Abend]
tea [Br.] [evening meal] Abendessen {n}
tea [esp. Br.] Vesper {n} [bes. südd.; auch {f}] [Zwischenmahlzeit am Nachmittag]
tea [esp. Br.]Zabig {m} {n} [schweiz.] [Zwischenmahlzeit am Nachmittag]
tea [esp. Br.] [light afternoon meal] Zvieri {m} {n} [schweiz.]
tea [meal, esp. Br.] Jause {f} [österr.]
tea [sl.] [dated] Marihuana {n}
(tea / coffee) urn Kessel {m}
tea addictpassionierter Teetrinker {m}
tea addict [female] passionierte Teetrinkerin {f}
tea addiction Teesucht {f}
tea and sympathy Trost und Rat
tea aphid [Toxoptera aurantii, syn.: T. aurantiae, T. coffeae thomensis, T. theobromae, Aphis aurantii, A. camelliae, A. coffeae, Ceylonia theaecola] Schwarze Zitrusblattlaus {f}
tea aphid [Toxoptera aurantii, syn.: T. aurantiae, T. coffeae thomensis, T. theobromae, Aphis camelliae, A. coffeae, Ceylonia theaecola] Teeblattlaus {f}
tea aphid [Toxoptera aurantii, syn.: T. aurantiae, T. coffeae thomensis, T. theobromae, Aphis camelliae, A. coffeae, Ceylonia theaecola]Kaffeeblattlaus / Kaffee-Blattlaus {f}
tea assortmentTeeassortiment {n}
tea bag Teebeutel {m}
tea bag Aufgussbeutel {m} [Teebeutel]
tea bag paper Teebeutelpapier {n}
tea bag tagPapieretikett {n} am Teebeutel
tea bagsTeebeutel {pl}
tea ballTeekugel {f}
tea ball [Am.]Tee-Ei {n}
tea ball [Am.] Teeei {n}
tea balls [Am.] Tee-Eier {pl}
tea biscuit Teegebäck {n}
tea biscuits {pl} [Br.] Teebäckerei {f} [österr.] [Teegebäck]
tea (black) scale [Parlatoria theae] Citruslöffelschildlaus {f}
tea (black) scale [Parlatoria theae] Zitruslöffelschildlaus {f}
tea blendTeemischung {f}
tea boom Teeboom {m}
tea break Pause {f}
tea breakTeepause {f}
tea break [Br.]Brotzeit {f} [südd.] [Arbeitspause]
tea brick [Br.] Teeziegel {m}
tea bush Teestrauch {m}
tea bush Teebusch {m}
tea caddiesTeebüchsen {pl}
tea caddy Teebüchse {f}
tea caddy Teedose {f}
tea cake Rosinenbrötchen {n}
tea cakes {pl} Teegebäck {n}
tea candle Teelicht {n}
tea candy Teebonbon {m} {n} [österr. nur {n}]
tea canister Teedose {f}
tea cart Servierwagen {m}
tea ceremony Teezeremonie {f}
tea chest Teekiste {f}
tea chest [Br.] Umzugskarton {m}
tea clipper Teeklipper {m}
tea cloth kleine Tischdecke {f}
tea cloth [Br.] Geschirrtuch {n}
tea cosiesTeewärmer {pl}
tea cosy [Br.] Teewärmer {m} [Teehaube]
tea cosy [Br.] Teehaube {f}
tea cosy [Br.] Wärmehaube {f} [für Teekanne]
tea cozy [Am.]Teewärmer {m} [Teehaube]
tea cozy [Am.]Teehaube {f}
tea crabapple [Malus hupehensis, syn.: Malus theifera] Tee-Apfel {m}
tea culture Teekultur {f}
tea cup Teetasse {f}
tea cup Teeschale {f} [Teetasse]
tea danceTanztee {m}
tea dealer Teehändler {m}
tea drinker Teetrinker {m}
tea drinker [female]Teetrinkerin {f}
tea eggTeeei {n} [marmoriertes Ei]
tea egg Tee-Ei {n}
tea egg [chiefly Br.: egg-shaped tea infuser]Teeei {n}
tea eggsTee-Eier {pl}
tea extractTeeextrakt {m} [auch {n}]
tea extract Tee-Extrakt {m} [auch {n}]
tea extract powder Teeextraktpulver {n}
tea factory Teefabrik {f}
tea family {sg} [family Theaceae] Teestrauchgewächse {pl}
tea filterTeefilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
tea fungus [Medusomyces gisevii]Teepilz {m} [Kombucha-Pilz]
tea garden Teegarten {m}
« taxotaxrtaxataxitaxoTbilteagteawteacteacteac »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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