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English-German Dictionary

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teachers Lehrende {pl}
teachersLehrpersonen {pl}
teachers {pl} [collectively] Lehrerschaft {f}
Teachers [Arthur Hiller] Die Aufsässigen
teachers [female] Lehrerinnen {pl}
teacher's aid Hilfskraft {f} eines Lehrers
teacher's aide [USA] <TA>Schulbegleiter {m}
teachers' associationLehrerverband {m}
teacher's bladder [coll.] Lehrerinnenblase {f} [ugs.] [auch: Lehrerinnen-Blase]
teacher's certificate Lehrerpatent {n} [schweiz.]
teachers college [also: teacher's college, teachers' college] pädagogische Hochschule {f}
teacher's desk Lehrerpult {n}
teacher's desk Katheder {m} {n} [veraltet] [Lehrerpult]
teacher's deskPult {n} [Lehrerpult]
teacher's desk Lehrerschreibtisch {m}
teacher's desk Lehrertisch {m}
teacher's glasses {pl} Lehrerbrille {f}
teacher's glasses {pl} [of female teacher] Lehrerinnenbrille {f}
teachers' houses Lehrerhäuser {pl}
teachers' judgementLehrerurteil {n} [allgemein]
teacher's judgement Lehrerurteil {n} [eines einzelnen Lehrers]
teachers' lounge [Am.] Lehrerzimmer {n}
teacher's manualLehrerhandbuch {n}
teacher's nodes [Noduli vocales] [ICD-10] Lehrerknötchen {pl} [ICD-10]
teachers' nodules [Noduli vocales] Lehrerknötchen {pl}
teachers of languages Sprachlehrer {pl}
Teacher's Pet Disneys Klassenhund
teacher's pet Streber {m} [Lehrers Liebling]
teacher's pet [female] [often pej.]Streberin {f} [pej.] [Lehrers Liebling]
teacher's pet [female] [often pej.] Lieblingsschülerin {f} [oft pej.]
Teacher's Pet [George Seaton]Reporter der Liebe
teacher's pet [often pej.]Lieblingsschüler {m} [oft pej.]
Teacher's Pet [Timothy Björklund] Disneys Klassenhund: Der Film
teacher's recommendation Lehrerempfehlung {f}
teacher's responsibility Lehrerverantwortung {f}
teacher's role Lehrerrolle {f}
teachers' roomLehrerzimmer {n}
teachers' roomKonferenzzimmer {n} [österr.] [Lehrerzimmer]
teachers' seminary Lehrerseminar {n}
teacher's specs {pl} [coll.] Lehrerbrille {f}
teacher's specs {pl} [coll.] [of female teacher] Lehrerinnenbrille {f}
teacher's spectacles {pl} Lehrerbrille {f}
teacher's spectacles {pl} [of female teacher]Lehrerinnenbrille {f}
teachers' (training) college Lehrerseminar {n}
teachers' union Lehrergewerkschaft {f}
(teacher's) consultation room Sprechzimmer {n} [für Eltern]
(teacher's) consultation room Elternsprechzimmer {n}
teach-inTeach-in {n} [ugs.] [Zusammenkunft zur politischen Diskussion über Missstände o. Ä.]
teaching lehrend
teachingUnterricht {m} [planmäßiges Lehren, Lehrbetrieb]
teaching Lehrtätigkeit {f}
teachingLehre {f}
teachingLehrbetrieb {m}
teachingUnterrichten {n}
teaching [attr.] [e.g. activity, collection, content, material] Lehr- [z. B. Tätigkeit, Sammlung, Inhalt, Material]
teaching [attr.] [e.g. certificate, couple, position, profession] Lehrer- [z. B. Diplom, Paar, Stelle, Beruf]
teaching activities Lehrmeistertätigkeit {f}
teaching activity Lehrtätigkeit {f}
teaching aidLehrhilfe {f}
teaching aid Unterrichtshilfe {f}
teaching aidUnterrichtsmittel {n}
teaching aidLernhilfe {f}
teaching aids Lehrmittel {pl}
teaching aim Lehrziel {n}
teaching and learning aids Lehr- und Lernmittel {pl}
teaching and learning content {sg} Lehr- und Lerninhalte {pl}
teaching and learning contents Lehr- und Lerninhalte {pl}
teaching as one's profession Lehrberuf {m}
teaching assignment Lehrauftrag {m}
teaching assistant <TA>Lehrassistent {m}
teaching assistant <TA> Lehrerassistent {m}
teaching assistant <TA> Schulbegleiter {m}
teaching assistant <TA> [female] Lehrassistentin {f}
teaching assistant <TA> [female] Lehrerassistentin {f}
teaching authority [of the church]Lehrautorität {f}
teaching auxiliaryAushilfslehrer {m}
teaching auxiliaryHilfslehrkraft {f}
teaching book Lehrbuch {n}
teaching capacityLehrkapazität {f}
teaching careerLaufbahn {f} als Lehrer
teaching certificateLehrerdiplom {n}
teaching clinic Lehrklinik {f}
teaching collection Lehrsammlung {f}
teaching computer Lerncomputer {m}
teaching concept Unterrichtskonzept {n}
teaching congregation Schulkongregation {f}
teaching content [content of teaching]Lehrinhalt {m}
teaching context Unterrichtskontext {m} [Lehrkontext]
teaching coupleLehrerpaar {n}
teaching culture Lehrkultur {f}
teaching culture Unterrichtskultur {f}
teaching diplomaLehrdiplom {n}
teaching duties {pl}Lehrverpflichtung {f}
teaching English as a foreign language <TEFL> Unterrichten {n} von Englisch als Fremdsprache
teaching example Unterrichtsbeispiel {n}
teaching experience Lehrerfahrung {f}
teaching experience Unterrichtserfahrung {f}
teaching experiment Unterrichtsexperiment {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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