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to chime in with sb./sth. mit jdm./etw. harmonieren
to chime in with sb./sth. mit jdm./etw. übereinstimmen
to chime the bellsdie Glocken spielen
to chime the bells die Glocken läuten
to chime together harmonieren
to chime with sb./sth. mit jdm./etw. übereinstimmen
to chimney [climb in a rock crevice] in einem Kamin klettern [in einer „Kamin“ genannten Felsspalte; beim Kaminklettern]
to chin [coll.] [chatter]plaudern
to chin oneself (up) einen Klimmzug machen
to chin the bar einen Klimmzug machen
to chinkklimpern
to chinkklirren
to chink klingen
to chink glasses anstoßen [mit Gläsern]
to chin-wag [Br.] [coll.]klatschen [ugs.] [plaudern]
to chin-wag [Br.] [coll.]plaudern
to chin-wag [Br.] [coll.] plauschen [ugs.]
to chin-wag [Br.] [coll.] tratschen [ugs.]
to chinwag [Br.] [coll.] plauschen
to chinwag [Br.] [coll.]plaudern
to chinwag [Br.] [coll.] klatschen [ugs.] [plaudern]
to chinwag [Br.] [coll.]tratschen [ugs.] [schwatzen, plaudern]
to chinwag [Br.] [coll.]schwatzen
to chipabschlagen
to chip abschnitzeln
to chip behauen
to chiphacken
to chipschnitzen
to chipschlenzen [Fußball]
to chip (leicht) abbrechen
to chip (ein Stück) ausbrechen
to chip abplatzen
to chip [Br.] [coll.] [leave, run away] abhauen [ugs.]
to chip [golf]chippen
to chip [with a grater] abraspeln
to chip a glassetwas von einem Glas abschlagen
to chip a piece off sth. ein Stück wegschlagen
to chip away at sb.'s imagejds. Image ankratzen
to chip away at sb.'s image jdn. demontieren [fig.]
to chip away at sth. an etw. [Dat.] nagen [auch fig.]
to chip away at sth. an etw. [Dat.] herummeißeln
to chip away at sth. [e. g. self-confidence]an etw. [Dat.] kratzen [z. B. Selbstvertrauen]
to chip away at sth. [fig.] etw. reduzieren
to chip away at sth. [fig.]etw. verringern
to chip away at sth. [fig.] [a system, sb.'s authority] etw. [Akk.] unterminieren [fig.] [ein System, jds. Autorität]
to chip in [Br.] [coll.] [interject, interrupt] sich einmischen
to chip in [coll.] [chiefly Br.] [make an interjection] dazwischenfahren
to chip in [coll.] [chiefly Br.] [make an interjection] dazwischenreden
to chip in [esp. financially] zubuttern [ugs.]
to chip in (for sth.) [pool money](für etw. [Akk.]) zusammenlegen [gemeinsam die erforderliche Geldsumme aufbringen]
to chip in sth. etw. beisteuern
to chip in sth. etw. [Akk.] einwerfen [bemerken, beisteuern]
to chip off abbrechen
to chip off abhauen [abhacken]
to chip off abschlagen
to chip offabstoßen
to chip offabstemmen [mit Meißel]
to chip off abblättern
to chip offabsplittern
to chip sb./sth. [implant a microchip] jdn./etw. chippen
to chip sth.etw. [Akk.] abbrechen
to chip sth. [a cup etc.] etw. anschlagen [eine Tasse etc.]
to chip sth. [cut into small pieces] etw. [Akk.] klein schneiden
to chip the ball into the net den Ball ins Tor schlenzen [Fußball]
to chip the edgedie Kante abschlagen
to chip the edgekanten
to chip the edge of sth.die Kante brechen
to chip wood Holz klein machen [zerspanen]
to chipper zwitschern
to chirk zwitschern
to chirp piepsen
to chirpzirpen
to chirpzwitschern
to chirp piepen
to chirptschilpen
to chirp schilpen
to chirp sb. [Am.] [coll.] jdn. auf dem Handy anrufen
to chirrzirpen
to chirrup zirpen
to chirrupzwitschern
to chirrup [with tongue] schnalzen [mit der Zunge]
to chisel meißeln
to chisel metzen [schweiz.] [sonst veraltet]
to chisel [coll.] schummeln [ugs.]
to chisel [sl.] mogeln [ugs.]
to chisel a statueeine Statue meißeln
to chisel open sth.etw. [Akk.] aufmeißeln
to chisel out ausmeißeln
to chisel out ausstemmen
to chisel (out) [a channel or access to a leak in brick or concrete]aufspitzen [schweiz.] [österr.] [südd.] [aufmeißeln; mit einem Meißel eine Beton- oder Backsteinwand zwecks Installationen aufstemmen]
to chisel sb. [coll.] jdn. bemogeln [ugs.] [hum.]
to chisel sth. etw. [Akk.] beißeln [meißeln]
to chisel sth. awayetw. [Akk.] wegmeißeln
to chisel sth. offetw. [Akk.] abmeißeln
to chisel sth. offetw. abschroten
to chisel sth. off etw. [Akk.] wegmeißeln
to chisel sth. out of sth.etw. [Akk.] aus etw. [Dat.] herausmeißeln
to chisel (sth.)(etw. [Akk.]) stemmen [meißeln]
to chit [sprout]spitzen [keimen]
to chitchatplauschen
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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