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English-German Dictionary

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to come into an inheritance ein Erbe antreten
to come into an inheritanceeine Erbschaft antreten / machen
to come into being entstehen
to come into being ins Dasein kommen
to come into beingzustande kommen
to come into being [idiom] [ideas etc.] ins Leben treten [Redewendung] [Ideen etc.]
to come into bloom zur Blüte kommen
to come into blossom zur Blüte kommen
to come into collision zusammenstoßen
to come into conflictaufeinander treffen [alt]
to come into conflict aufeinandertreffen [in Konflikt geraten]
to come into conflict with in Konflikt kommen mit
to come into conflict with sb. mit jdm. in Streit geraten
to come into conflict with sb. in Zwiespalt mit jdm. geraten
to come into conflict with sb./sth. mit jdm./etw. in Konflikt geraten
to come into conflict with sb./sth. mit jdm./etw. in Konflikt kommen
to come into conflict with the law mit dem Gesetz in Konflikt kommen
to come into consideration in Betracht kommen
to come into contactin Kontakt kommen
to come into contact with in Berührung kommen mit
to come into contact with sb. [to meet by chance] jdm. begegnen
to come into contact with sb./sth.mit jdm./etw. in Kontakt kommen
to come into contact with the lawmit dem Gesetz in Kontakt kommen
to come into effect zur Wirkung kommen
to come into effect gültig werden
to come into effect [idiom] zum Tragen kommen [Redewendung] [wirksam werden]
to come into effect [law] in Kraft treten
to come into existence entstehen
to come into existence ins Dasein kommen
to come into existence zustande kommen
to come into fashion Mode werden
to come into fashionin Mode kommen
to come into favour [Br.] geschätzt werden
to come into favour again [Br.] wieder begünstigt werden
to come into flower zur Blüte kommen
to come into focus ins Blickfeld rücken
to come into focus ins Blickfeld geraten
to come into forcein Kraft treten
to come into force rechtskräftig werden [Gesetz]
to come into force zur Durchführung gelangen [Papierdeutsch]
to come into force wirksam werden [in Kraft treten]
to come into force zur Durchführung kommen [Papierdeutsch]
to come into force durchgeführt werden
to come into force anew erneut in Kraft treten
to come into general use in Gebrauch kommen
to come into general usezu allgemeiner Verwendung kommen
to come into leaf Blätter bekommen
to come into leafgrün werden [Bäume]
to come into leafausschlagen [Bäume]
to come into life [e.g. new states] entstehen [z. B. neue Staaten]
to come into line auf eine Linie kommen
to come into mindeinfallen [Gedanke, Erinnerung]
to come into money [idiom]zu Geld kommen [Redewendung] [reich werden]
to come into office ein / das Amt übernehmen
to come into one's inheritanceerben
to come into one's inheritancesein Erbe antreten
to come into one's moneysein Erbe antreten
to come into one's own zu seinem Recht kommen
to come into one's own [idiom]zeigen, was man wirklich draufhat [ugs.]
to come into one's own [idiom] voll zur Geltung kommen [Redewendung]
to come into one's own [idiom] seine volle Leistungskraft erreichen
to come into one's own [idiom] [find one's calling] seine Berufung finden
to come into one's own [to inherit property] sein Erbe antreten
to come into operation angewandt werden
to come into operation in Betrieb genommen werden
to come into operation in Kraft treten
to come into operationwirksam werden
to come into operation zur Wirkung kommen
to come into operationin Tätigkeit treten
to come into operationin Funktion treten
to come into play [idiom]ins Spiel kommen [Redewendung]
to come into play [idiom] eine Rolle spielen [Redewendung]
to come into play [idiom] [have an effect]zum Tragen kommen [Redewendung] [Wirkung zeigen]
to come into port in den Hafen einlaufen
to come into power zur Macht kommen
to come into power [idiom] ans Ruder kommen [Redewendung]
to come into property zu Besitz kommen
to come into question in Betracht kommen
to come into questioninfrage kommen
to come into question [idiom]in Frage kommen [Redewendung] [in Betracht kommen]
to come into rangein Reichweite kommen
to come into sb.'s handsin jds. Hände kommen
to come into sb.'s handsjdm. zuhandenkommen [selten]
to come into sb.'s head jdm. einfallen
to come into sb.'s mind jdm. einfallen
to come into sb.'s mind [idiom]jdm. in den Sinn kommen [Redewendung] [einfallen]
to come into sharper relief klarer werden
to come into sight erscheinen [sichtbar werden, in Sicht geraten]
to come into sight in Sicht kommen
to come into sth.etw. [Akk.] betreten
to come into the firing line [fig.] in die Schusslinie geraten [fig.]
to come into the firing line of sb. [idiom] in jds. Fadenkreuz geraten [Redewendung]
to come into the housein das Haus kommen
to come into the limelight [also fig.] in das Rampenlicht treten [auch fig.]
to come into the market auf den Markt kommen
to come into the open [idiom] [be revealed]ans Tageslicht kommen [Redewendung]
to come into the picture sichtbar werden
to come into the picture [idiom]mitspielen [fig.] [ins Spiel kommen]
to come into the picture [idiom] in Erscheinung treten [Redewendung]
to come into the picture [idiom] ins Spiel kommen [Redewendung]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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