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English-German Dictionary

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teaser rate Lockzinsangebot {n}
teaser trailer Teaser {m} [kurzer Trailer]
teaset Teeservice {n} [Geschirr]
teaset Teegeschirr {n}
teasing reizend [neckend]
teasing Stichelei {f}
teasing neckisch [scherzhaft]
teasing Frotzelei {f}
teasing stichelnd [neckend]
teasingfrotzelnd [ugs.]
teasing spöttisch [neckend]
teasing foppend
teasing hänselnd
teasing Witzelei {f}
teasingHänselei {f}
teasingAnpflaumerei {f} [ugs.]
teasingNeckerei {f}
teasing bra Reiz-BH {m} [besonders aufreizend]
Teasing is a sign of affection. Was sich neckt, das liebt sich.
teasing lingerieReizwäsche {f} [besonders aufreizend]
teasing of overweight children Hänselei {f} dicker Kinder
teasing underwearReizwäsche {f} [besonders aufreizend]
teasingly aufziehend
teasingly [playfully] neckend
teasingly [provocatively]herausfordernd
teasingly [sexually]verführerisch
teasingly [playfully] hänselnd [neckend]
teasingly [sexually] betörend [geh.]
teasmade [Br.] [generic term for any automatic teamaking appliance] [Teasmade ®]Teebereiter {m} [Teemaschine, Teeautomat]
teasmade [Br.] [generic term for any automatic teamaking appliance] [Teasmade ®] Teekocher {m}
Teasmade ® [Br.] [also teasmade as a generic term for any automatic teamaking appliance] Teemaschine {f}
teaspoon <tsp., t.>Teelöffel {m} <TL>
teaspoonfulTeelöffelvoll {m} [alt]
teaspoonsLöffel {pl} [Teelöffel]
teaspoonsTeelöffel {pl}
teatBrustwarze {f}
teat Zitze {f}
teat Dutte {f} [österr.] [ugs.] [Zitze]
teat Sauger {m} [auf Babyflaschen]
teat [Br.] [on a baby's bottle] Nuckel {m} [regional] [ugs.] [Sauger auf Fläschchen]
teat careZitzenpflege {f}
teat cleaning Zitzenreinigung {f}
teat disorder Zitzenerkrankung {f}
teat necrosis Zitzennekrose {f}
teat sealants Zitzenversiegler {pl}
teatcupZitzenbecher {m}
teat-ended [condom] [Br.] mit Reservoir [nachgestellt] [Kondom]
teatimeTeestunde {f}
teatowel Geschirrtuch {n}
teatsBrustwarzen {pl}
teats Zitzen {pl}
teats Dutten {pl} [regional] [Zitzen]
teats {pl} Gesäuge {n}
teats [Br.] [rubber nipple for baby bottles] Flaschensauger {pl}
Tebbe reaction Tebbe-Reaktion {f}
tebibyte <TiB> Tebibyte {n} <TiB>
tec [coll.] [dated] Kriminalpolizist {m}
tec [coll.] [dated] [detective novel]Krimi {m} [ugs.] [Kriminalroman]
tech [geek]Technikfreak {m}
tech billionaireTech-Milliardär {m}
tech companies [coll.] [technology companies]Techkonzerne {pl} [kurz für: Technologiekonzerne]
tech extraction back pressure turbineEntnahmegegendruckturbine {f}
tech news [coll.] [heading of a newspaper section] Neues {n} aus der Technik [Überschrift einer Zeitungsrubrik]
tech news [treated as sg.] [coll.]technische Neuigkeiten {pl}
tech support [short for: technical support] technische Unterstützung {f}
techie [coll.] Technikfreak {m} [ugs.]
techie [coll.] Techniknarr {m} [ugs.]
Techirghiol stickleback [Gasterosteus crenobiontus] [extinct] Techirghiol-Stichling {m} [ausgestorben]
technetium <Tc> Technetium {n} <Tc>
technetium atom Technetiumatom {n}
technetium cow [coll.] [technetium-99m generator] Technetium-Kuh {f} [ugs.]
technetium dioxide [TcO2]Technetiumdioxid {n}
technetium hexafluoride [TcF6] Technetiumhexafluorid {n}
technetium isotopeTechnetiumisotop {n} [auch: Technetium-Isotop]
technetium oxide Technetiumoxid {n}
technetium tetrachloride [TcCl4] Technetiumtetrachlorid {n}
technetium-99m generator Technetium-99m-Generator {m}
technetium(IV) chloride [TcCl4]Technetium(IV)-chlorid {n}
technetium(IV) oxide [TcO2]Technetium(IV)-oxid {n}
technetium(VI) fluoride [TcF6] Technetium(VI)-fluorid {n}
technetium(VII) oxide [Tc2O7]Technetium(VII)-oxid {n}
technic technisch
technic sample Technikmuster {n}
technical handwerklich
technical fachsprachlich <fachspr.>
technical Fach-
technical fachwissenschaftlich
technical [problems, vocabulary] fachspezifisch
technical ability [football]technisches Können {n}
technical accountversicherungstechnische Rechnung {f}
technical acoustics [treated as sg.] technische Akustik {f}
technical advances technische Fortschritte {pl}
technical advances technologische Fortschritte {pl}
technical advicetechnische Beratung {f}
technical adviser Fachberater {m}
technical advisor technischer Berater {m}
technical advisory committee <TAC> technischer Beirat {m} <TB>
« teacteamteamteartearteastechtechtechtechtech »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers